Lucas-Kohorst / Python-Stock

Predicting stock prices from Yahoo stock screener using scikit-learn and sending the predicitons via smtplib to a phone number.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Predicting stock prices from Yahoo stock screener using scikit-learn and sending the predicitons via smtplib to a phone number. Time series analysis (Linear Regression) is used, sciki-learn, to predict the future prices from the stock tickers.

Imports needed:

  1. numpy
  2. datetime
  3. smtplib
  4. time
  5. selenium
  6. sklearn
  7. iexfinance

You will also need to download the chromedriver so selenium can work properly. It can be downloaded here and then place the path to the driver in the code:

driver = webdriver.Chrome('PATH TO CHROME DRIVER')

In order to send the SMS message of the prediction you will need to enter your email username and password along with the number you wish to send the predictions to. Here are some popular domain's for phone carriers:

A full list of domains for phone carriers can be found here


Predicting stock prices from Yahoo stock screener using scikit-learn and sending the predicitons via smtplib to a phone number.


Language:Python 21.4%Language:Python 19.7%Language:Python 19.7%Language:Python 19.7%Language:Python 19.7%