LucaAngioloni / ArduinoTimeLapse

Use Arduino as a camera remote to create time lapses. For Nikon cameras

Repository from Github https://github.comLucaAngioloni/ArduinoTimeLapseRepository from Github https://github.comLucaAngioloni/ArduinoTimeLapse


Use Arduino as a camera remote to create time lapses.
This code is for Nikon cameras only.


You can set the time between photos changing the LapseTime value which is expressed in milliseconds. Default is set to 5 seconds.

Arduino Setup

The final setup looks like this:


Arduino has a normal LED connected to pin 5 (you can change it throug LEDPin) with a small resistance, and an IR LED connected to pin 3 (you can change it throug IRPin) also with a small resistance.

The IR LED should be directed to the IR sensor of the camera. The colored LED signals to the user the moment the IR signal is sent.

This is the setup:

Final Setup


Use Arduino as a camera remote to create time lapses. For Nikon cameras

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 100.0%