LuaxY / elrond-sdk

Elrond - Command Line Tools and Python SDK for interacting with the Elrond Network (in general) and Smart Contracts (in particular).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

erdpy overview and installation steps are on

Development is in progress. See CHANGELOG.

For tutorials, go to wiki. For Python SDK examples, see examples.

Command-line interface

List project templates

Display the list of project templates (smart contracts templates):

$ erdpy templates
$ erdpy templates --json

These templates are downloaded from different sources, as configured in and are written in rust, C or Solidity.

Create new project

The following command creates a sample project called hello based on the template ultimate-answer (written in C):

$ erdpy new --template ultimate-answer --directory ./examples hello
$ erdpy new --template adder --directory ./examples myadder

Build a project

In order to build a project you only have to specify its directory. Let's build the projects under /example:

erdpy build ./examples/hello
erdpy build ./examples/myadder

The first one is written in C, while the second in rust. As you can see, the commands are similar.

Run smart contract unit tests

In order to run JSON unit tests, add the unit tests in the project of the smart contract, in a folder named test. Then run the following command:

erdpy --verbose test ./examples/hello --wildcard="*"

Deploy contract on testnet

Deploy a smart contract on the testnet (make sure the contract is built in advance):

erdpy --verbose deploy ./examples/contracts/hello --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --proxy=""

Query contract values on testnet

Inspect values stored in the smart contract by performing a call to a pure, getter function:

erdpy --verbose query erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqde8eqjywyu6zlxjxuxqfg5kgtmn3setxh40qen8egy --function="getUltimateAnswer" --proxy=""

Call contract functions on testnet

Call a function of an existing smart contract:

erdpy --verbose call erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqde8eqjywyu6zlxjxuxqfg5kgtmn3setxh40qen8egy --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --function="increment" --proxy=""

Issue regular transactions against the testnet

Prepare, then send transactions:

erdpy --verbose tx-prepare ./myplayground --tag="foobar" --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --nonce=42 --receiver=erd188nydpkagtpwvfklkl2tn0w6g40zdxkwfgwpjqc2a2m2n7ne9g8q2t22sr --value=100000

erdpy --verbose tx-send ./myplayground/tx-foobar.json --proxy=

erdpy --verbose tx-prepare-and-send --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --receiver=erd188nydpkagtpwvfklkl2tn0w6g40zdxkwfgwpjqc2a2m2n7ne9g8q2t22sr --value=100000 --proxy=

Validators features

Features: Stake, UnStake, UnBound, UnJail, ChangeRewardAddress

erdpy --verbose stake-prepare ./myplayground --tag="foobar" --nonce=100 --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --number-of-nodes=1 --nodes-public-keys="blsKey1" --value="2500000000000000000000000" --proxy= --reward-address="bech32address--is-optional"
erdpy --verbose stake --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --number-of-nodes=1 --nodes-public-keys="blsKey1" --value="2500000000000000000000000" --proxy= --reward-address="bech32address--is-optional" --gas-limit=5000000 (optional if use --estimate-gas)  --estimate-gas (optional)
erdpy --verbose unstake --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --nodes-public-keys="blsKey1" --proxy= --gas-limit=5000000 (optional if use --estimate-gas)  --estimate-gas (optional)
erdpy --verbose unbond --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --nodes-public-keys="blsKey1" --proxy= --gas-limit=5000000 (optional if use --estimate-gas)  --estimate-gas (optional)
erdpy --verbose unjail --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --value=2500000000000000000000 --nodes-public-keys="blsKey1" --proxy= --gas-limit=5000000 (optional if use --estimate-gas)  --estimate-gas (optional)
erdpy --verbose change-reward-address --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --reward-address="newbech32address" --proxy= --gas-limit=5000000 (optional if use --estimate-gas)  --estimate-gas (optional)
erdpy --verbose claim --pem="./examples/keys/alice.pem" --proxy= --gas-limit=5000000 (optional if use --estimate-gas)  --estimate-gas (optional)

Miscellaneous features

Get information such as the number of shards, the gas price, the chain ID and so on:

erdpy network num-shards --proxy=""
erdpy network chain-id --proxy=""
erdpy network last-block-nonce --shard-id="1" --proxy=""

Get details about a specific account (address on the blockchain):

erdpy account get --address="erd188nydpkagtpwvfklkl2tn0w6g40zdxkwfgwpjqc2a2m2n7ne9g8q2t22sr" --proxy=""
erdpy account get --nonce --address="erd188nydpkagtpwvfklkl2tn0w6g40zdxkwfgwpjqc2a2m2n7ne9g8q2t22sr" --proxy=""
erdpy account get --balance --address="erd188nydpkagtpwvfklkl2tn0w6g40zdxkwfgwpjqc2a2m2n7ne9g8q2t22sr" --proxy=""

Get estimated costs for transactions, in gas units. Note that there are 3 types of transactions:

  • move-balance
  • sc-deploy
  • sc-call
erdpy cost gas-price --proxy=""
erdpy cost transaction move-balance --data="foobar" --proxy=""
erdpy cost transaction sc-deploy --sc-path="./examples/hello" --proxy=""
erdpy cost transaction sc-call --sc-address="erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqde8eqjywyu6zlxjxuxqfg5kgtmn3setxh40qen8egy" --function="increment" --proxy=""

Wallet features

erdpy wallet generate ./myaccount.pem
erdpy wallet generate ./myaccount.pem --mnemonic="foo bar ..."
erdpy wallet bech32 --encode 000000000000000005006e4f90488e27342f9a46e1809452c85ee7186566bd5e
erdpy wallet bech32 --decode erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgqde8eqjywyu6zlxjxuxqfg5kgtmn3setxh40qen8egy


One can contribute by creating pull requests, or by opening issues for discovered bugs or desired features.


Elrond - Command Line Tools and Python SDK for interacting with the Elrond Network (in general) and Smart Contracts (in particular).

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 39.1%Language:Python 16.7%Language:CSS 16.1%Language:LLVM 13.2%Language:TypeScript 9.1%Language:HTML 3.6%Language:Makefile 1.1%Language:C 1.1%