LuaLS / vscode-lua-webvue

Addon manager Vue webapp for displaying in a WebView by the Lua extension in VS Code

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comLuaLS/vscode-lua-webvueRepository from Github https://github.comLuaLS/vscode-lua-webvue


A Vue web application that is used by Sumneko's Lua VS Code extension. The extension allows users to open a webview that contains this webapp. This webapp gives users a reactive and first-party looking UI to manage their addons.


This webapp is not intended to be run outside of VS Code, as it depends on the VS Code API in order to perform filesystem actions and commands specific to VS Code.

For using with Sumneko's VS Code extension, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository

  2. npm i in the root to install dependencies

  3. npm run build to have Vite build the app into the build/ directory

  4. The build/ directory can be copied to client/webvue/ in the Lua VS Code extension.

After following those steps, the build folder should now be found at client/webvue/build/ in the vscode-lua directory.

After launching VS Code, the extension will be enabled and the Lua: Open Addon Manager( command will be registered. Running this command in VS Code will open this webapp.


Because this webapp depends on the VS Code API, it has a bit of an odd development/testing method.

In order to not have to build the webapp and reload VS Code every time a small change is made, the VS Code extension will instead load the Vite development server in an iframe. This allows changes to the webapp to immediately show in VS Code, but also has some drawbacks.

Because the webapp is being displayed in an iframe… in an iframe, the messages that are exchanged between VS Code and the webview have to be relayed by the webview to the inner development iframe. This means that popups/target="_blank" will not function (setting the sandbox attribute allows popups, but ends up breaking everything else).


  • VS Code
  • NodeJS & NPM


First, we will have to set up the VS Code extension.

  1. Extension setup
    1. Run git clone --recurse-submodules $REPO, where $REPO is your preferred clone URL from vscode-lua.

    2. Download a language server binary from lua-language-server for your machine.

    3. Unzip the compressed file and copy its contents to your vscode-lua clone under the server/ directory.

    4. In the client/ folder, run npm i to install dependencies for the client.

    5. Run tsc --watch in the client/ folder. This will compile all TypeScript changes to the client as they happen.

Note You will want to open another terminal window to run the following steps in.

  1. WebVue setup

    1. Move to client/webuve
    2. Run npm i to install dependencies in client/webvue.
    3. Run npm run dev to start a Vite local server.
  2. Testing in VS Code

    1. You can now edit the files in client/ to modify the VS Code extension, and the files in client/webvue/ to edit this webapp.
    2. Open your vscode-lua clone in VS Code, go to the Run and Debug menu, and run the Launch Client option. This will open an extension development window of VS Code where you can test your changes.


Addon manager Vue webapp for displaying in a WebView by the Lua extension in VS Code

License:MIT License


Language:Vue 50.9%Language:TypeScript 40.4%Language:SCSS 7.6%Language:HTML 1.1%