LuSntgo / Boardcamp-API

Boardcamp is a management system of a board game rental company, where it is possible to register games, separate them by category, enter customers and manage rents.

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Boardcamp 🎲  

🎲 About

Boardcamp is a management system of a board game store!

This is an web application where it is possible to register games, separate them by category, enter customers and manage rents.

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πŸ”¨ Features

β˜‘οΈ Categories - GET all games categories and insert a new game catogory.

β˜‘οΈ Games - GET all games registered in the store, insert a new game.

β˜‘οΈ Customers - GET all clients, GET a client by it's ID, insert a new client and update a client data.

β˜‘οΈ Rentals - GET all game rentals, insert a rental, conclude a rental and delete a non concluded rental.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Technologies

πŸŽ‰ How to run

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Clone the front-end repository at and follow the instructions to run
  2. Create a Database using the dump.sql file inside the database folder by following these steps:
    • 4.1 Open your terminal. Important: the terminal must be opened in the same path as the dump.sql file is located.
    • 4.2 Access PostgreSQL using the command sudo su postgres and enter your password when prompted.
    • 4.3 Next, type psql postgres and hit enter.
    • 4.4 Create a database by typing CREATE DATABASE boardcamp; and hitting enter.
    • 4.5 Type \c boardcamp and hit enter.
    • 4.6 Finally, type psql boardcamp < dump.sql and hit enter. Your database should be ready after this step.
  3. Set the environment variables by following these steps:
    • 5.1 Create a .env file in the folder root
    • 5.2 Copy the content of the .env.example into it
    • 5.3 Set the data
  4. In your terminal, go back to the root folder and install the dependencies
npm i
  1. Also in the root folder, run the back-end with
npm start
  1. Your server should be running now.

  2. In your terminal, go to the root folder and run the tests with:

npm run test

✨ Author

Luiza Santiago


Boardcamp is a management system of a board game rental company, where it is possible to register games, separate them by category, enter customers and manage rents.


Language:JavaScript 91.0%Language:Shell 9.0%