LtPeriwinkle / mist

minimal, improved speedrun timer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

panic on empty pb_times or gold_times

savage13 opened this issue · comments

Opening an empty msf file (created from mist-split-tool) results in:

panicked at index out of bounds: the len is 0 but the index is 0, src/

Adding the following before at around src/, sets the length of gold and pb times to be the same length as the splits name.

       let n =;

       let mut v =;
       v.resize_with(n, Default::default);;
       let mut v =;
       v.resize_with(n, Default::default);;

This probably belongs in mist-core instead of the mist app.

Thanks for the report! Adding a sanity check to core's MsfParser before it returns a parsed run and before it writes a run to fix this. I will say though that currently might be easier just to manually edit the text of the msf files than to use split-tool at this point, because it's pretty bad.