LtPeriwinkle / mist

minimal, improved speedrun timer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Development of mist has left GitHub. It is still mirrored here, but issues and the like will be ignored. (In the future, the mirror may stop as well.)

You can now find mist on codeberg instead.

Any use of mist's code by GitHub Copilot, past or present, is done without our permission. We do not consent to GitHub's use of mist's code in Copilot.

Lines of code

a minimal, improved speedrun timer


Latest Release

Planned features

Once all planned features are complete, I will likely stop developing this and only squash bugs etc. More might still be added to this list.

  • Cross platform
    • Linux
    • Windows
    • MacOS (builds, at least)
  • Human-readable split file (using ron)
  • LiveSplit split file transposing (split tool)
  • (limited) customizability
    • custom fonts/font sizes
    • custom colors
    • keybinds
    • timer backgrounds
    • panels (sum of best etc)
    • time rounding (30/60/off)
    • inline splits or use two rows
  • split file creation tool
    • edit existing msf
    • convert lss to msf
    • create new splits
    • actually good and usable (hardest part)
  • fps-based time conversion (so that the timer always ends on a time that corresponds to a possible frame time)
  • dynamic colors
  • different run comparisons
    • sum of best
    • pb
    • none
    • average
  • hot reloading
    • split file reloading
    • config reloading
  • plugins
    • autoloading from plugins directory (probably run as some kind of child process thing? or wasm?)
    • communicate with plugins through ipc (i.e. unix socket, windows named pipe)
    • plugins that are shipped with this repo (a discord presence, some kind of notes plugin, maybe more)
  • search for config/assets in standard os-specific dirs rather than hard-coded one (allows for packaging, installation, etc)
  • better way to find fonts than paths in config file
  • skip splits (because somehow i missed this all along)

Unplanned features

These features will not be implemented, in the spirit of minimalism (and maybe because I don't want to).

  • Autosplitters
  • Horizontal timer layout
  • Ingame time
  • Internet time sync
  • SRC/SRL/ integration
  • GIFs
  • Split icons


Compiling from source

Probably the best way to try this out is to compile it from source. To do this you need rust installed, and an installation guide for that can be found here.


This package provides two features, bg and icon. icon sets the icon of the application when it is running, and requires sdl2_image. bg allows for configuration of a background image, and requires both sdl2_image and sdl2_gfx. To use only icon (removing gfx requirement), append

--no-default-features --features=icon

to the cargo commands below. For only bg, do the same except replace icon with bg. Finally, to remove both, remove the --features altogether.


Requirements are SDL2, SDL2_Image and SDL2_TTF shared libraries, as well as development libraries. On ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0.0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0.0 libsdl2-image-2.0.0 libsdl2-gfx-2.0.0 libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-gfx-dev

On arch:

sudo pacman -S sdl2 sdl2_ttf sdl2_image sdl2_gfx

Clone this repo (git clone, enter the directory, and run cargo build --release. The resulting binary will be located at ./target/release/mist


Follow this guide to set up your SDL dependencies. You will have to follow this process for SDL2, SDL_Image and SDL2_TTF, whose development stuff is available here and here. I had to use vcpkg to get sdl_gfx and then copy the .lib file to the folder specified by in the guide.

Compile with cargo build --release then move the exe as well as the sdl related dlls into the same folder to run.


Install sdl2, sdl2 image, sdl2 gfx and sdl2 ttf. Using homebrew:

brew install sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf sdl2_gfx

Then you should be able to run cargo build --release.


The default keybinds are:

  • F1: Open new split file
  • F2: Open a new config file
  • Space: Start/split/stop
  • Enter: Pause/unpause
  • R: Reset
  • : Previous comparison
  • : Next comparison
  • Mousewheel: Scroll splits up/down (if there are more than fit in the window)


mist reads its configuration from the user configuration directory, specific to each operating system:

  • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mist/mist.cfg or $HOME/.config/mist/mist.cfg
  • Windows: \Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\mist\mist.cfg
  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/mist/mist.cfg


Thanks to Xeryph and Komali for testing, bug reports, and help on things.


Like Rust itself, mist is licensed under MIT or Apache 2.0, at your option. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


minimal, improved speedrun timer

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%