Lostefra / SmartTraining

Java application to empower communication between personal trainers and customers

Repository from Github https://github.comLostefra/SmartTrainingRepository from Github https://github.comLostefra/SmartTraining


SmartTraining is a Java based desktop application that provides useful interfaces to improve communication between personal trainers and customers.

We provide an extensive documentation of the project and a brief introductory presentation as well.

This project was developed as part of the Software Engineering university course (Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna).


Use cases

Customers can access several interfaces from their home page, for example they can:

  • Make requests to personal trainers
  • See their own training schedule
  • Buy gym's product

Personal trainers have access to all existing training schedule and are can respond to customers' requests.

The application natively support login mechanism, email notification for each relevant action and logging.

View examples

Customer Home Page

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Customer Request Page

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Customer Training Schedule Page

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Personal Training Schedule Page

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Java application to empower communication between personal trainers and customers

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 99.5%Language:CSS 0.5%