Lorp / colr-gradients-spec

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Gradients for COLR/CPAL Fonts

December 2019


Table of Contents


The Introduction section is expected be converted into specific OFF section edits later in the specification process

We propose an extension of the COLR table to allow gradient fills in addition to the existing solid color fills. The current version number of COLR table is 0. We propose this as COLR table format version 1.

It is our understanding that this brings the capabilities of COLR/CPAL to match those of SVG Native for vector graphics. SVG Native allows embedding PNG and JPEG images while this proposal does not. We like to explore in the future, how COLR/CPAL can be mixed with sbix to address that limitation as well.

High-level Design

The COLR table is extended to expose a new vector of layers per glyph. If a glyph is not found in the new vector, the client will try finding it in the COLR v0 glyph vector and fall back to no-color if the glyph is not found there either.

A glyph using the new extension is mapped to a list of layers. Each layer in this vector of layers is formed by a directed acyclic graph of paints. The glyph rendering is defined by executing and combining the paint operations as described by this graph.

Note: Each paint reflects typical operations found in 2D graphics libraries.

Several different types of paint are defined:

  1. Glyph fills the shape of a non-COLR glyph with subsequent paints
  2. Solid color and gradient paints
    1. Solid paints a solid color
    2. Linear gradient paints a linear gradient
    3. Radial gradient paints a radial gradient
  3. Transformation reuses another paint, applying an affine transformation
  4. Composition reuses two other paints, applying a compositing rule to combine them
  5. COLR Glyph reuses a COLR v1 glyph at a new position in the graph
  6. COLR Layers paint one or more layers

We have added an "alpha" (transparency) scalar to each invocation of a palette color. This allows for the expression of translucent versions of palette entries, as well as foreground, which we find useful. Without this, various translucent shades of the same color would need to be encoded separately in the color palette, which is undesirable since color palette entries are designed to be exposed to end-users.

All values expressed are variable by way of OFF Font Variations.

Backwards Compatibility

The proposed design allows full backwards compatibility. This means, that a font designed for COLR format v1 specification, can contain sufficient information to be readable by a layout and rasterization engine that understands the v0 format. This is possible because the format version of the COLR table is a short format, as such considered a "minor", not a “major” version number.

If table format v1 is chosen, additional data will be read which specifies the additional information for gradients.

Graphical Primitives / Paints


A glyph paint PaintGlyph fills the region within the glyph shape identified by gid with downstream paint operations specified by paint.

Note: An implementation may chose to implement this as clipping the drawing region to the shape specified by gid, then opening a temporary layer and recurse to the subsequent paint opperations specified by paint, after which the temporary layer is merged.

Solid Color and Gradient Paints

The main graphical primitives that are added in this proposal are linear and radial gradients, transformations and compositions. Solid fills, which are also defined, are similar to COLR v0. Gradients are defined by the help of Color Lines and color stops, explained in the sections further below.


A solid paint fills the drawing region with a solid color specified by ColorIndex. ColorIndex references color paletteIndex from the CPAL palette, and applies alpha value alpha when drawing.

COLR Glyph

PaintColrGlyph is a special paint which allows reuse of a COLR glyph of this proposed exension as a paint. Painting a PaintColrGlyph means executing the paint operations that are described by the BaseGlyphV1Record matching the glyph id gid specified in PaintColrGlyph. See section Reusable Parts.

COLR Layers

PaintColrLayers points to a sequence of Paint pointers and specifies how many to consume. The mechanism can be used to share layers or sequences of layers between multiple COLR glyphs.

Example: Suppose glyph A has 10 layers, 3 of which are a common backdrop that glyph B also uses. Glyph B can define a PaintColrLayers record that points to the same layers as A for the common parts.

See section Reusable Parts.

OFF Changes

NOTE: Content within the doc is in process of being reorganized. For clarity a new section for the proposed OFF changes is created at the end of the doc: Annex A: Proposed changes to ISO/IEC 14496-22

OFF 5.7.11 COLR – Color Table

The current header should be noted as COLR version 0 header.

A new section for COLR version 1 header should be added, along with a set of related records and tables.

COLR v1 data structures

This section describes new and modified tables and records for COLR v1.

Offsets are always relative to the start of the containing struct.

Header, glyphs, layers

V1 Header
Type Field name Description
uint16 version Table version number—set to 1.
uint16 numBaseGlyphRecords May be 0 in a version 1 table.
Offset32 baseGlyphRecordsOffset Offset to baseGlyphRecords array (may be NULL).
Offset32 layerRecordsOffset Offset to layerRecords array (may be NULL).
uint16 numLayerRecords May be 0 in a version 1 table.
Offset32 baseGlyphV1ListOffset Offset to BaseGlyphV1List table.
Offset32 layersV1Offset Offset to LayerV1List table.
Offset32 itemVariationStoreOffset Offset to ItemVariationStore (may be NULL).
BaseGlyphV1List table
Type Name Description
uint32 numBaseGlyphV1Records
BaseGlyphV1Record baseGlyphV1Records[numBaseGlyphV1Records]

Entries shall be sorted in ascending order of the glyphID field of the BaseGlyphV1Records.

Note: The sorted order allows implementations to perform binary search to find a matching BaseGlyphV1Record for a specific glyphID.

Type Name Description
uint16 glyphID Glyph ID of the base glyph.
Offset32 paintOffset Offset to Paint, typically a PaintColrLayers

Note: The glyph ID is not limited to the numGlyphs value in the 'maxp' table.

LayerV1List table
Type Field name Description
uint32 numLayers
Offset32 paintOffsets[numLayers] Offsets to Paint tables.

Only layers referenced by PaintColrLayers (format 1) records need to be encoded here.

Variation structures

The following records are defined to facilitate COLR v1 font variation support.

To indicate no variation, set varOuterIndex and varInnerIndex to 0xFFFF.

VarFWord record
Type Name Description
FWORD coordinate
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex
VarUFWord record
Type Name Description
UFWORD distance
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex
VarFixed record
Type Name Description
Fixed value
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex

Note: In order to combine deltas with Fixed values, the ItemVariationStore format is extended to allow for int32 deltas. When combining a Fixed value with 32-bit deltas, the Fixed value is treated as though it were int32.

VarF2Dot14 record
Type Name Description
F2Dot14 value
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex

Values are inherently limited to [-2., 2). In some contexts, limited to the [-1., 1.] or [0., 1.].

Note: When combining an F2Dot14 with 16-bit deltas, the F2Dot14 is treated as though it were int16.

Color structures

Extend enumeration
Value Name Description
0 EXTEND_PAD Use nearest color stop.
1 EXTEND_REPEAT Repeat from farthest color stop.
2 EXTEND_REFLECT Mirror color line from nearest end.

If a ColorLine.extend value is not recognized, use EXTEND_PAD.

ColorIndex record
Type Name Description
uint16 paletteIndex Index for a CPAL palette entry.
VarF2Dot14 alpha Variable alpha value.

Values for alpha outside [0.,1.] are reserved.

The ColorIndex alpha is multiplied into the alpha of the CPAL entry (converted to float -- divide by 255) to produce a final alpha.

ColorStop record
Type Name Description
VarF2Dot14 stopOffset Proportional distance on a color line; variable.
ColorIndex color
ColorLine table
Type Name Description
uint8 extend An Extend enum value.
uint16 numStops Number of ColorStop records.
ColorStop colorStops[numStops]

Paint structures

PaintColrLayers table (format 1)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 1.
uint8 numLayers Number of offsets to Paint to read from layers.
uint32 firstLayerIndex Index into the LayerV1List.

Each layer is composited on top of previous with mode COMPOSITE_SRC_OVER.

Note: uint8 size saves bytes in most cases. Large layer counts can be achieved by way of PaintComposite or a tree of PaintColrLayers.

PaintSolid table (format 2)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 2.
ColorIndex color Solid color fill.
PaintLinearGradient table (format 3)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 3.
Offset24 colorLineOffset Offset to ColorLine, from start of PaintLinearGradient table.
VarFWord x0 Start point x coordinate.
VarFWord y0 Start point y coordinate.
VarFWord x1 End point x coordinate.
VarFWord y1 End point y coordinate.
VarFWord x2 Rotation vector end point x coordinate.
VarFWord y2 Rotation vector end point y coordinate.

For linear gradient without skew, set x2,y2 to x1,y1.

PaintRadialGradient table (format 4)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format set to 4.
Offset24 colorLineOffset offset from start of PaintRadialGradient table
VarFWord x0 start circle center x coordinate
VarFWord y0 start circle center y coordinate
VarUFWord radius0 start circle radius
VarFWord x1 end circle center x coordinate
VarFWord y1 end circle center y coordinate
VarUFWord radius1 end circle radius
PaintGlyph table (format 5)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 5.
Offset24 paintOffset Offset to a Paint table, from start of PaintGlyph table.
uint16 glyphID Glyph ID for the source outline.

Glyph outline is used as clip mask for the content in the Paint subtable. Glyph ID shall be less than the numGlyphs value in the 'maxp' table.

PaintColrGlyph table (format 6)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 6.
uint16 glyphID Virtual glyph ID for a BaseGlyphV1List base glyph.

Glyph ID shall be in the BaseGlyphV1List; may be greater than maxp.numGlyphs.

Note: The PaintColrGlyph and PaintColrLayers tables are similar in that they provide a way to reference a graph of paint tables as a sub-component within a color glyph description. (The PaintColrGlyph does this indirectly via a base glyph ID.) They may be handled differently in implementations, however. In particular, an implementation can process and cache the result of the color glyph description for a given base glyph ID. In that case, subsequent references to that base glyph ID using a PaintColrGlyph table would not require the corresponding graph of paint tables to be re-processed. As a result, using a PaintColrGlyph for re-used graphic components could provide performance benefits.

PaintTransformed table (format 7)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 7.
Offset24 paintOffset Offset to a Paint subtable, from start of PaintTransformed table.
Affine2x3 transform An Affine2x3 record (inline).

PaintRotate table (format 8)

Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 8.
Offset24 paintOffset Offset to a Paint subtable, from start of PaintRotate table.
VarFixed angle Rotation angle, in counter-clockwise degrees.
VarFixed centerX x coordinate for the center of rotation.
VarFixed centerY y coordinate for the center of rotation.

Note: Rotation can also be represented using the PaintTransformed table. The important difference is in allowing an angle to be specified directly in degrees, which is more amenable to smooth variation.

PaintSkew table (format 9)

Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 9.
Offset24 paintOffset Offset to a Paint subtable, from start of PaintSkew table.
VarFixed xSkewAngle Angle of skew in the direction of the x-axis, in counter-clockwise degrees.
VarFixed ySkewAngle Angle of skew in the direction of the y-axis, in counter-clockwise degrees.
VarFixed centerX x coordinate for the center of skew.
VarFixed centerY y coordinate for the center of skew.

Note: Skews can also be represented using the PaintTransformed table. The important difference is in being able to specify skew as an angle rather than as changes to basis vectors. Also, when varying angles, a representation directly in degrees is more amenable to smooth variation.

PaintComposite table (format 10)
Type Field name Description
uint8 format Set to 10.
Offset24 sourcePaintOffset Offset to a source Paint table, from start of PaintComposite table.
uint8 compositeMode A CompositeMode enumeration value.
Offset24 backdropPaintOffset Offset to a backdrop Paint table, from start of PaintComposite table.

If compositeMode value is not recognized, COMPOSITE_CLEAR is used.

Composite modes

Supported composition modes are taken from the W3C Compositing and Blending Level 1 specification.

CompositeMode enumeration
Value Name Description
Porter-Duff modes
2 COMPOSITE_DEST See Destination
4 COMPOSITE_DEST_OVER See Destination Over
6 COMPOSITE_DEST_IN See Destination In
8 COMPOSITE_DEST_OUT See Destination Out
10 COMPOSITE_DEST_ATOP See Destination Atop
Separable color blend modes:
12 COMPOSITE_SCREEN See screen blend mode
13 COMPOSITE_OVERLAY See overlay blend mode
14 COMPOSITE_DARKEN See darken blend mode
15 COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN See lighten blend mode
16 COMPOSITE_COLOR_DODGE See color-dodge blend mode
17 COMPOSITE_COLOR_BURN See color-burn blend mode
18 COMPOSITE_HARD_LIGHT See hard-light blend mode
19 COMPOSITE_SOFT_LIGHT See soft-light blend mode
20 COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE See difference blend mode
21 COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION See exclusion blend mode
22 COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY See multiply blend mode
Non-separable color blend modes:
23 COMPOSITE_HSL_HUE See hue blend mode
24 COMPOSITE_HSL_SATURATION See saturation blend mode
25 COMPOSITE_HSL_COLOR See color blend mode
26 COMPOSITE_HSL_LUMINOSITY See luminosity blend mode


Affine2x3 record
Type Name Description
VarFixed xx x-component of transformed x-basis vector
VarFixed yx y-component of transformed x-basis vector
VarFixed xy x-component of transformed y-basis vector
VarFixed yy y-component of transformed y-basis vector
VarFixed dx Translation in x direction.
VarFixed dy Translation in y direction.

The Affine2x3 record is a 2x3 matrix for 2D affine transformations, so that for a transformation matrix M and an extended starting vector v = (x, y, 1) the mapped vector v′ is calculated as v′ = M * v. That is:

v′x = xx * x + xy * y + dx
v′y = yx * x + yy * y + dy

Note: It is helpful to understand linear transformations by their effect on x- and y-basis vectors î = (1, 0) and ĵ = (0, 1). The transform described by the Affine2x3 record maps the basis vectors to î′ = (xx, yx) and ĵ′ = (xy, yy), and translates the origin to (dx, dy).


Constraints on the data structures making up a COLR version 1 should be noted.

Acyclic Graphs Only

PaintColrGlyph and PaintColrLayers allow recursive composition of COLR glyphs. This is desirable for reusable parts but introduces the possibility of a cyclic graph. Implementations should fail if a cycle is detected.

Note: Cycle detection can be achieved by keeping a set of addresses of visited paints. Before processing a paint check if it's address is in the set, if it is we have a cycle and should fail. Once done processing a given paint, including children, take it's address out of the set. This allows the same paint to be reached repeatedly as long as no cycle is formed. Pseudocode:

# called initially with the base glyph paint and an empty set
function paintIsAcyclic(paint, active_paints)
  if paint in active_paints
    fail: we have a cycle
  add paint to active_paints

  process paint, calling paintIsAcyclic() recursively for referenced paints

  remove paint from active_paints
Bounded Layers Only

The BaseGlyphV1Record paint must define a bounded region. That is, is must paint within an area for which a finite bounding box could be defined. Implementations must confirm this invariant. A BaseGlyphV1Record with an unbounded paint must not render.

The following paints are always bounded:

  • PaintGlyph
  • PaintColrGlyph

The following paints are always unbounded:

  • PaintSolid
  • PaintLinearGradient
  • PaintRadialGradient

The following paints may be bounded:

  • PaintTransformed is bounded IFF the source is bounded
  • PaintComposite boundedness varies by mode:
    • Always bounded
    • Bounded IFF src is bounded
    • Bounded IFF backdrop is bounded
    • Bounded IFF src OR backdrop is bounded
    • Bounded IFF src AND backdrop are bounded
      • all other modes
  • PaintColrLayers is bounded IFF all referenced layers are bounded
Bounding Box

The bounding box of the base (non-COLR) glyph referenced from the BaseGlyphV1Record (by BaseGlyphV1Record::gid) should be taken to describe the bounding box for the COLR v1 glyph.

Note: A glyf entry with two points at the diagonal extrema would suffice.

Note: This can be used to allocate a drawing surface without traversing the COLR v1 glyph structure.

Understanding COLR v1

Addition of explanatory content explaining how COLR version 1 functions should be added.


The alpha channel for a layer can be populated using PaintComposite:

  • PaintSolid can be used to set a blanket alpha
  • PaindLinearGradient and PaintRadialGradient can be used to set gradient alpha
  • Mode Source In can be used to mask


This section is NOT meant for ISO submissions

C++ Structures

The following provides a C++ implementation of the structures defined above.

// Base template types

template <typename T, typename Length=uint16>
struct ArrayOf
  Length count;
  T      array[/*count*/];

typedef uint32 VarIdx;

template <typename T>
struct Variable
  T      value;
  VarIdx varIdx; // Use 0xFFFFFFFF to indicate no variation.

// Variation structures

typedef Variable<FWORD> VarFWORD;

typedef Variable<UFWORD> VarUFWORD;

typedef Variable<Fixed> VarFixed;

typedef Variable<F2DOT14> VarF2DOT14;

// Color structures

// The ColorIndex alpha is multiplied into the alpha of the CPAL entry
// (converted to float -- divide by 255) looked up using paletteIndex to
// produce a final alpha.
struct ColorIndex
  uint16     paletteIndex;
  VarF2DOT14 alpha; // Default 1.0. Values outside [0.,1.] reserved.

struct ColorStop
  VarF2DOT14 stopOffset;
  ColorIndex color;

enum Extend : uint8
  EXTEND_PAD     = 0,

struct ColorLine
  Extend             extend;
  ArrayOf<ColorStop> stops;

// Composition modes

// Compositing modes are taken from https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/
// NOTE: a brief audit of major implementations suggests most support most
// or all of the specified modes.
enum CompositeMode : uint8
  // Porter-Duff modes
  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators
  COMPOSITE_CLEAR          =  0,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_clear
  COMPOSITE_SRC            =  1,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_src
  COMPOSITE_DEST           =  2,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_dst
  COMPOSITE_SRC_OVER       =  3,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_srcover
  COMPOSITE_DEST_OVER      =  4,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_dstover
  COMPOSITE_SRC_IN         =  5,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_srcin
  COMPOSITE_DEST_IN        =  6,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_dstin
  COMPOSITE_SRC_OUT        =  7,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_srcout
  COMPOSITE_DEST_OUT       =  8,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_dstout
  COMPOSITE_SRC_ATOP       =  9,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_srcatop
  COMPOSITE_DEST_ATOP      = 10,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_dstatop
  COMPOSITE_XOR            = 11,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#porterduffcompositingoperators_xor

  // Blend modes
  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blending
  COMPOSITE_SCREEN         = 12,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingscreen
  COMPOSITE_OVERLAY        = 13,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingoverlay
  COMPOSITE_DARKEN         = 14,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingdarken
  COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN        = 15,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendinglighten
  COMPOSITE_COLOR_DODGE    = 16,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingcolordodge
  COMPOSITE_COLOR_BURN     = 17,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingcolorburn
  COMPOSITE_HARD_LIGHT     = 18,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendinghardlight
  COMPOSITE_SOFT_LIGHT     = 19,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingsoftlight
  COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE     = 20,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingdifference
  COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION      = 21,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingexclusion
  COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY       = 22,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingmultiply

  // Modes that, uniquely, do not operate on components
  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingnonseparable
  COMPOSITE_HSL_HUE        = 23,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendinghue
  COMPOSITE_HSL_SATURATION = 24,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingsaturation
  COMPOSITE_HSL_COLOR      = 25,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingcolor
  COMPOSITE_HSL_LUMINOSITY = 26,  // https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/#blendingluminosity

// Affine 2D transformations

// This is a standard 2x3 matrix for 2D affine transformation.
struct Affine2x3
  VarFixed xx;
  VarFixed yx;
  VarFixed xy;
  VarFixed yy;
  VarFixed dx;
  VarFixed dy;

// Paint tables

// Each layer is composited on top of previous with mode COMPOSITE_SRC_OVER.
// NOTE: uint8 size saves bytes in most cases and does not
// preclude use of large layer counts via PaintComposite or a tree
// of PaintColrLayers.
struct PaintColrLayers
  uint8               format; // = 1
  uint8               numLayers;
  uint32              firstLayerIndex;  // index into COLRv1::layersV1

struct PaintSolid
  uint8      format; // = 2
  ColorIndex color;

struct PaintLinearGradient
  uint8               format; // = 3
  Offset24<ColorLine> colorLine;
  VarFWORD            x0;
  VarFWORD            y0;
  VarFWORD            x1;
  VarFWORD            y1;
  VarFWORD            x2; // Normal; Equal to (x1,y1) in simple cases.
  VarFWORD            y2;

struct PaintRadialGradient
  uint8               format; // = 4
  Offset24<ColorLine> colorLine;
  VarFWORD            x0;
  VarFWORD            y0;
  VarUFWORD           radius0;
  VarFWORD            x1;
  VarFWORD            y1;
  VarUFWORD           radius1;

// Paint a non-COLR glyph, filled as indicated by paint.
struct PaintGlyph
  uint8               format; // = 5
  Offset24<Paint>     paint;
  uint16              gid;    // not a COLR-only gid
                              // shall be less than maxp.numGlyphs

struct PaintColrGlyph
  uint8               format; // = 6
  uint16              gid;    // shall be a COLR gid

struct PaintTransformed
  uint8               format; // = 7
  Offset24<Paint>     src;
  Affine2x3           transform;

struct PaintRotate
  uint8               format; // = 8
  Offset24<Paint>     src;
  VarFixed            angle
  VarFixed            centerX
  VarFixed            centerY

struct PaintSkew
  uint8               format; // = 9
  Offset24<Paint>     src;
  VarFixed            xSkewAngle
  VarFixed            ySkewAngle
  VarFixed            centerX
  VarFixed            centerY

struct PaintComposite
  uint8               format; // = 10
  Offset24<Paint>     src;
  CompositeMode       mode;   // If mode is unrecognized use COMPOSITE_CLEAR
  Offset24<Paint>     backdrop;

struct BaseGlyphV1Record
  uint16                gid;
  Offset32<Paint>       paint;  // Typically PaintColrLayers

// Entries shall be sorted in ascending order of the `glyphID` field of the `BaseGlyphV1Record`s.
typedef ArrayOf<BaseGlyphV1Record, uint32> BaseGlyphV1List;

// Only layers accessed via PaintColrLayers (format 1) need be encoded here.
typedef ArrayOf<Offset32<Paint>, uint32> LayerV1List;

struct COLRv1
  // Version-0 fields
  uint16                                            version;
  uint16                                            numBaseGlyphsV0;
  Offset32<SortedUnsizedArrayOf<BaseGlyphRecordV0>> baseGlyphsV0;
  Offset32<UnsizedArrayOf<LayerRecordV0>>           layersV0;
  uint16                                            numLayersV0;
  // Version-1 additions
  Offset32<BaseGlyphV1List>                         baseGlyphsV1;
  Offset32<LayerV1List>                             layersV1;
  Offset32<ItemVariationStore>                      varStore;

Font Tooling

Cosimo (@anthrotype) and Rod (@rsheeter) have implemented nanoemoji to compile a set of SVGs into color font formats, including COLR v1.

color-fonts has a collection of sample color fonts.



Allocate a bitmap for the glyph according to glyf table entry extents for gid
0) Start at base glyph paint.
 a) Paint a paint, switch:
    1) PaintColrLayers
         Paint each referenced layer by performing a)
    2) PaintSolid
          SkCanvas::drawColor with color configured
    3) PaintLinearGradient
          SkCanvas::drawPaint with liner gradient configured
          (expected to be bounded by parent composite mode or clipped by current clip, check bounds?)
    4) PaintRadialGradient
          SkCanvas::drawPaint with radial gradient configured
          (expected to be bounded by parent composite mode or clipped by current clip, check bounds?)
    5) PaintGlyph
         gid must not COLRv1
         setClipPath to gid path
           recurse to a)
    6) PaintColrGlyph
         gid must be from
         if gid on recursion blacklist, do nothing
         recurse to 0) with different gid
    7) PaintTransformed
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    8) PaintRotate
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    9) PaintSkew
          apply transform
          call a) for paint
    10) PaintComposite
          paint Paint for backdrop, call a)
          saveLayer() with setting composite mode, on SkPaint
          paint Paint for src, call a)
          restore with save composite mode


FreeType API extensions needed for a) rasterisation b ) as well as API exposing all the details of the gradients so clients can render them as they wish, by encoding as gradients in PDF output for example.


Prototype an implementation inside Skia's FreeType based COLR/CPAL implementation extending solid color fills with gradient fills, after extracting gradient fill implementation from FreeType. See SkFonstHost_FreeType_common.cpp


HarfBuzz implementation will follow later. No major client relies on HarfBuzz for color fonts currently, but we certainly want to implement later as there are clients who like to remove FreeType dependency completely.



This section is NOT meant for inclusion in ISO submissions

Thanks to Benjamin Wagner (@bungeman), Dave Crossland (@davelab6), and Roderick Sheeter (@rsheeter) for review and detailed feedback on earlier proposal.

Annex A: Proposed changes to ISO/IEC 14496-22

Changes to the following sections of ISO/IEC 14496-22:2019 Open Font Format (OFF) are proposed:

  • 4.3 Data types
  • 5.7.11 COLR – Color Table
  • 7.2.3 Item variation stores
  • Bibliography

A.1 Changes to OFF 4.3 Data types

Replace the table defining data types with the following (added row for Offset24):

Data Types Description
uint8 8-bit unsigned integer.
int8 8-bit signed integer.
uint16 16-bit unsigned integer.
int16 16-bit signed integer.
uint24 24-bit unsigned integer.
uint32 32-bit unsigned integer.
int32 32-bit signed integer.
Fixed 32-bit signed fixed-point number (16.16)
FWORD int16 that describes a quantity in font design units.
UFWORD uint16 that describes a quantity in font design units.
F2DOT14 16-bit signed fixed number with the low 14 bits of fraction (2.14).
LONGDATETIME Date and time represented in number of seconds since 12:00 midnight, January 1, 1904. The value is represented as a signed 64-bit integer.
Tag Array of four uint8s (length = 32 bits) used to identify a table, design-variation axis, script, language system, feature, or baseline
Offset16 Short offset to a table, same as uint16, NULL offset = 0x0000
Offset24 24-bit offset to a table, same as uint24, NULL offset = 0x000000
Offset32 Long offset to a table, same as uint32, NULL offset = 0x00000000

A.2 Changes to OFF 5.7.11 - Color Table

Replace the content of clause 5.7.11 with the following:

The COLR table adds support for multi-colored glyphs in a manner that integrates with the rasterizers of existing text engines and that is designed to be easy to support with current OpenType font files.

The COLR table defines color presentations for glyphs. The color presentation of a glyph is specified as a graphic composition using other glyphs, such as a layered arrangement of glyphs, each with a different color. The term “color glyph” is used informally to refer to such a graphic composition defined in the COLR table; and the term “base glyph” is used to refer to a glyph for which a color glyph is provided. Processing of the COLR table is done on glyph sequences after text layout processing is completed and prior to final presentation of glyphs. Typically, a base glyph is a glyph that may occur in a sequence that results from the text layout process. In some cases, a base glyph may be a virtual glyph defined within this table as a re-usable color composition.

For example, the Unicode character U+1F600 is the grinning face emoji. Suppose in an emoji font the 'cmap' table maps U+1F600 to glyph ID 718. Assuming no glyph substitutions, glyph ID 718 would be considered the base glyph. Suppose the COLR table has data describing a color presentation for this using a layered arrangement of other glyphs with different colors assigned: that description and its presentation result would be considered the corresponding color glyph.

Two versions of the COLR table are defined.

Version 0 allows for a simple composition of colored elements: a linear sequence of glyphs that are stacked vertically as layers in bottom-up z-order. Each layer combines a glyph outline from the 'glyf', CFF or CFF2 table (referenced by glyph ID) with a solid color fill. These capabilities are sufficient to define color glyphs such as those illustrated in figure 5.6.

Three emoji glyphs that use layered shapes with solid color fills.

Figure 5.6 Examples of the graphic capabilities of COLR version 0

Version 1 supports additional graphic capabilities. In addition to solid colors, gradient fills can be used, as well as more complex fills using other graphic operations, including affine transformations and various blending modes. Version 1 capabilities allow for color glyphs such as those illustrated in figure 5.7:

Three emoji glyphs that use gradient fills and other effects.

Figure 5.7 Examples of the graphic capabilities of COLR version 1

Version 1 also extends capabilities in variable fonts. A COLR version 0 table can be used in variable fonts with glyph outlines being variable, but no other aspect of the color composition being variable. In version 1, all of the new constructs for which it could be relevant have been designed to be variable; for example, the placement of color stops in a gradient, or the alpha values applied to colors. The graphic capabilities supported in version 0 and in version 1 are described in more detail below.

The COLR table is used in combination with the CPAL table (5.7.12): all color values are specified as entries in color palettes defined in the CPAL table. If the COLR table is present in a font but no CPAL table exists, then the COLR table is ignored. Graphic Compositions

The graphic compositions in a color glyph definition use a set of 2D graphic concepts and constructs:

  • Shapes (or geometries)
  • Fills (or shadings)
  • Layering—a z-order—of elements
  • Composition and blending modes—different ways that the content of a layer is combined with the content of layers above or below it
  • Affine transformations

For both version 0 and version 1, shapes are obtained from glyph outlines in the 'glyf', 'CFF ' or CFF2 table, referenced by glyph ID. Colors used in fills are obtained from the CPAL table.

The simplest color glyphs use just a few of the concepts above: shapes, solid color fills, and layering. This is the set of capabilities provided by version 0 of the COLR table. In version 0, a base glyph record specifies the color glyph for a given base glyph as a sequence of layers. Each layer is specified in a layer record and has a shape (a glyph ID) and a solid color fill (a CPAL palette entry). The filled shapes in the layer stack are composed using only alpha blending.

Figure 5.8 illustrates the version 0 capabilities: three shapes are in a layered stack: a blue square in the bottom layer, an opaque green circle in the next layer, and a red triangle with some transparency in the top layer.

Blue square, partially overlapped by an opaque green circle, both partially overlapped by a translucent red triangle.

Figure 5.8 Basic graphic capabilities of COLR version 0

The basic concepts also apply to color glyphs defined using the version 1 formats: shapes are arranged in layers and have fills. But the additional formats of version 1 support much richer capabilities. In a version 1 color glyph, graphic constructs and capabilities are represented primarily in Paint tables, which are linked together in a directed, acyclic graph. Several different Paint formats are defined, each describing a particular type of graphic operation:

  • A PaintColrLayers table provides a layering structure used for creating a color glyph from layered elements. A PaintColrLayers table can be used at the root of the graph, providing a base layering structure for the entire color glyph definition. A PaintColrLayers table can also be nested within the graph, providing a set of layers to define some graphic sub-component within the color glyph.

  • The PaintSolid, PaintLinearGradient, and PaintRadialGradient tables provide basic fills, using color entries from the CPAL table.

  • The PaintGlyph table provides glyph outlines as the basic shapes.

  • The PaintTransformed table is used to apply an affine transformation matrix to a sub-graph of paint tables, and the graphic operations they represent. The PaintRotate and PaintSkew tables support specific transformations specified as angles.

  • The PaintComposite table supports alternate compositing and blending modes for two sub-graphs.

  • The PaintColrGlyph table allows a color glyph definition, referenced by a base glyph ID, to be re-used as a sub-graph within multiple color glyphs.

In a simple color glyph description, a PaintGlyph table might be linked to a PaintSolid table, for example, representing a glyph outline filled using a basic solid color fill. But the PaintGlyph table could instead be linked to a much more complex sub-graph of Paint tables, representing a shape that gets filled using the more-complex set of operations described by the sub-graph of Paint tables.

The graphic capabilities are described in more detail in – The formats used for each are specified Colors and solid color fills

All colors are specified as a base zero index into CPAL (5.7.12) palette entries. A font can define alternate palettes in its CPAL table; it is up to the application to determine which palette is used. A palette entry index value of 0xFFFF is a special case indicating that the text foreground color (defined by the application) should be used, and shall not be treated as an actual index into the CPAL ColorRecord array.

The CPAL color data includes alpha information, as well as RGB values. In the COLR version 0 formats, a color reference is made in LayerRecord as a palette entry index alone. In the formats added for COLR version 1, a color reference is made in a ColorIndex record, which includes a palette entry index and a separate alpha value. Separation of alpha from palette entries in version 1 allows use of transparency in a color glyph definition independent of the choice of palette. The alpha value in the ColorIndex record is multiplied into the alpha value given in the CPAL color entry.

In version 1, a solid color fill is specified using a PaintSolid table. See for details on how a PaintSolid fill is applied to a shape. Gradients

COLR version 1 supports two types of gradients: linear gradients, and radial gradients. Both types of gradient are defined using a color line. Color Lines

A color line is a function that maps real numbers to a color value to define a 1-dimensional gradient, to be used and referenced from Linear Gradients and Radial Gradients. Colors of the gradient are defined by color stops.

Color stops are defined at color stop positions. Color stop position 0 maps to the start point of a linear gradient or the center of the first circle of a radial gradient. Color stop position 1 maps to the end point of a linear gradient or the center of the second circle of a radial gradient. In the interval [0, 1] the color line must contain at least one color stop, but may contain multiple color stops that define the gradient.

Outside the defined interval, the gradient pattern in between the outer defined positions is repeated according to the color line extend mode.

If there are multiple color stops defined for the same coordinate, the first one is used for computing the color value for values below the coordinate, the last one is used for computing the color value for values above. All other color stops for this coordinate are ignored.

Limiting the specified interval to a sub-range of [0, 1] allows for looping through colors repeatedly along the mapped distance, without having to encode them multiple times. In that sense, our color line is similar to CSS repeating-linear-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient() functions.

In order to achieve:

  • one gradient along the gradient positions (linear, or radial) and padded colors outside this range, color stops at 0 and 1 must be defined, and color line extend mode pad must be used. This achieves similarly behavior as defined in CSS linear-gradient() and radial-gradient() functions.

  • a repeated gradient along the gradient positions (linear or radial): divide 1 by the number of desired repetitions and use the result as your maximum color stop, then use color line extend mode repeat to have it continue outside the defined interval.

  • a mirrored / color-circle gradient: divide 1 by two times the number of desired full color stripes, and define the color stops between the 0 and the result of this division, then use color line extend mode reflect to have it continue mirrored.

Repeating linear gradient Repeating radial gradient

Figure 1: Repeating linear and radial gradients (source)

Extend Mode

We propose three extend modes to control the behavior of the gradient outside its specified endpoints:

Extend Pad

For numbers outside the defined interval the color line continues to map to the outer color values, i.e. for values less than the leftmost defined color stop, it maps to the leftmost color stop value; for values greater than the rightmost defined color stop value, it maps to the rightmost defined color value.

Extend Repeat

For numbers outside the interval, the color line continues to map as if the defined interval was repeated.

Extend Reflect

For numbers outside the defined interval, the color continues to map as if the interval would continue mirrored from the previous interval. This allows defining stripes in rotating colors. Linear gradients

We propose definitions of linear gradients with two color line points P0 and P1 between which a gradient is interpolated. A point P₂ is defined to rotate the gradient angle / orientation separately from the color line endpoints.

If the dot-product (P₁ - P₀) . (P₂ - P₀) is zero (or near-zero for an implementation-defined definition) then gradient is ill-formed and nothing must be rendered.

Defining points for linear gradients

Figure 2: Examples of linear gradients and their defining points with extend modes pad, repeat and reflect (top to bottom) with color stops for blue at 0, yellow at 0.5 and red at 1. (Illustration generated from images/radial_gradients.svg, requires glMatrix.js to work) Radial gradients

Radial gradients in this proposal are defined based on circles. If subject to a transform (via PaintTransformed) those circles may become ellipses.

A radial gradient in this proposal is a gradient between two—optionally transformed—circles, namely with center c₀ and radius r₀, and center c₁ and radius r₁ and a specified color line. The circle c₀, r₀ will be drawn with the color at color line position 0. The circle c₁, r₁ will be drawn with the color at color line colorLine position 1.

The drawing algorithm radial gradients follows the HTML WHATWG Canvas spec for createRadialGradient(). Quoting and adapting from there. With circle center points c₀ and c₁ defined as c₀ = (x₀, y₀) and c₁ = (x₁, y₁):

Radial gradients must be rendered by following these steps:

  1. If c₀ = c₁ and r₀ = r₁ then the radial gradient must paint nothing. Return.
  2. Let x(ω) = (x₁-x₀)ω + x₀
    Let y(ω) = (y₁-y₀)ω + y₀
    Let r(ω) = (r₁-r₀)ω + r₀
    Let the color at ω be the color at that position on the gradient color line (with the colors coming from the interpolation and extrapolation described above).
  3. For all values of ω where r(ω) > 0, starting with the value of ω nearest to positive infinity and ending with the value of ω nearest to negative infinity, draw the circumference of the ellipse resulting from translating circle with radius r(ω) by affine transform at position (x(ω), y(ω)), with the color at ω, but only painting on the parts of the bitmap that have not yet been painted on by earlier circles in this step for this rendering of the gradient.

Example radial gradient rendering

Figure 3: Example of a radial gradient rendering with extend modes pad, repeat and reflect (top to bottom) with color stops for blue at 0, yellow at 0.5 and red at 1. (Illustration generated from images/radial_gradients.svg.)

Because the rendering algorithm progresses ω in a particular direction, from positive infinity to negative infinity, and because pixels are not re-painted as ω progresses, the appearance will be affected by which circle is considered circle 0 and which is circle 1.

This is illustrated in the figure 4, in which three radial gradients are shown. The first is the same as the first gradient shown in figure 3, using the pad extend mode. In this gradient, circle 0 is the small circle, on the left. In the second gradient of figure 4, the start and end circles are reversed: circle 0 is the large circle, on the right. The color line is kept the same, and so the red end starts at circle 0, now on the right. In the third gradient, the order of stops in the color line is also reversed to put red on the left.

The key difference to notice between the gradients in figure 4 is the way colors are painted in the interior: when the two circles are not overlapping, the arc of color always bends towards circle 0. This difference does not exist if one circle is wholly contained within the other, however: in that case, the individual colors are complete, concentric circles.

Radial gradients with start and end circles swapped

Figure 4: Radial gradients with start and end circles swapped. (Illustration generated from images/radial_gradient_direction.svg

Note: It follows from the algorithm that: a) When both radii are 0, r₀ = r₁ = 0, then r(ω) is always 0 and nothing is painted. b) If the centers of the circles are distinct, one has a zero radius and lies outside the radius of the other, the other has a non-zero radius, the resulting shape resembles a cone that is open to one side, see Figure 3 below. c) If the circles centers are identical, one has a zero radius, one has a non-zero radius, then the gradient is well-defined and is painted according to the algorithm.

If either circle is contained within the other, the gradient is well-defined and will be drawn by the algorithm. This applies regardless of whether the centers are identical or different, or whether the inner circle has a zero or non-zero radius, Colors inside the inner circle and outside the outer circle will be determined by the extend mode. The extension of the gradient beyond the outer circle will fill the entire surface. This is illustrated in the following figure for the three extend modes.

Radial gradients with one circle contained within the other

Figure 5: Radial gradients with one circle contained within the other. (Illustration generated from images/radial_gradients_circle_within_circle.svg.)

Note: When a radial gradient is nested below a transformation which flattens the circles so that they resemble lines, a radial gradient may appear as a strip or a cone filled with a linear gradient. Filling shapes Layers Transformations

A transformation as defined by a PaintTransformed applies a matrix transformation transform to the current drawing region. The transformation is to be applied for subsequent nested paints, as defined by the paint referenced in src. The transformation affects all nested drawing operations. It affects how nested solid paints and gradients are drawn, as well as how nested clip operations or nested COLR glyph reuse operations are performed. Compositing and blending

A composition is a graphical primitive that allows combining two paints given a blending rule for each pixel. A composition as defined by a PaintComposite references two nested paints, backdrop and src. First, the paint operations for backdrop are executed, then the drawing operations for src are executed and combined with backdrop given the blending rule specified in mode. Compositing modes are taken from Compositing modes are taken from the W3C Compositing specification. Re-usable components

Use PaintTransformed to reuse parts in different positions or sizes.

Use PaintColrGlyph to reuse entire COLR glyphs.

Use PaintColrLayers to reuse parts of COLR glyphs. For example, a common backdrop made up of several layers.

For example, consider the Noto clock emoji (hand colored for emphasis):

Noto 1pm Noto 2pm

The entire backdrop (outline, gradient-circle, 4 dots, the minute hand) is reusable for all versions of the clock:

Noto 2pm

The hour hand is reusable as a transformed glyph.

Another example might be emoji faces: many have the same backdrop with different eyes, noses, tears, etc drawn on top. COLR table formats

[under construction—more to come]

A.3 Changes to OFF 7.2.3 Item variation stores

Delete the fourth paragraph, "Variation data is comprised...".

Add a new sub-clause after the third paragraph ("The item variation store formats..."), with text as follows: Associating target items to variation data

Variation data is comprised of delta adjustment values that apply to particular target items. Some mechanism is needed to associate delta values with target items. In the item variation store, a block of delta values has an implicit delta-set index, and separate data outside the item variation store is provided that indicates the delta-set index associated with a given target item. Depending on the parent table in which an item variation store is used, different means are used to provide these associations:

  • In the MVAR table, an array of records identifies target data items in various other tables, along with the delta-set index for each respective item.
  • In the HVAR and VVAR tables, the target data items are glyph metric arrays in the 'hmtx' and 'vmtx' tables. Subtables in the HVAR and VVAR tables provide the mapping between the target data items and delta-set indices.
  • For the BASE, GDEF, GPOS, and JSTF tables, a target data item is associated with a delta-set index using a related VariationIndex table (see 6.2.8) within the same subtable that contains the target item.
  • In the COLR table, target data items are specified in structures that combine a basic data type, such FWORD, with a delta-set index.

The structures used in the COLR table currently are used only in that table but may be used in other tables in future versions, and so are defined here as common formats. Structures are defined to wrap the FWORD, UFWORD, F2DOT14 and Fixed basic types.

Note: as described below, each delta-set index is represented as two index components, an outer index and an inner index, corresponding to a two-level organizational hierarchy. This is described in detail below.


The FWORD type is used to represent coordinates in the glyph design grid. The VarFWord record is used to represent a coordinate that can be variable.

Type Name Description
FWORD coordinate
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex


The UFWord type is used to represent distances in the glyph design grid. The VarUFWord record is used to represent a distance that can be variable.

Type Name Description
UFWORD distance
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex


The F2DOT14 type is typically used to represent values that are inherently limited to a range of [-1, 1], or a range of [0, 1]. The VarF2Dot14 record is used to represent such a value that can be variable.

Type Name Description
F2Dot14 value
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex

In general, variation deltas are (logically) signed 16-bit integers, and in most cases, they are applied to signed 16-bit values (FWORDs) or unsigned 16-bit values (UFWORDs). When scaled deltas are applied to F2DOT14 values, the F2DOT14 value is treated like a 16-bit integer. (In this sense, the delta and the F2DOT14 value can be viewed as integer values in units of 1/16384ths.)

If the context in which the VarF2Dot14 is used contrains the valid range for the default value, then any variations by applying deltas are clipped to that range.


The Fixed type is intended for floating values, such as variation-space coordinates. The VarFixed record is used to represent such a value that can be variable.

Type Name Description
Fixed value
uint16 varOuterIndex
uint16 varInnerIndex

While in most cases deltas are applied to 16-bit types, Fixed is a 32-bit (16.16) type and requires 32-bit deltas. The DeltaSet record used in the ItemVariationData subtable format can accommodate deltas that are, logically, either 16-bit or 32-bit. See the description of the ItemVariationData subtable, below, for details.

When scaled deltas are applied to Fixed values, the Fixed value is treated like a 32-bit integer. (In this sense, the delta and the Fixed value can be viewed as integer values in units of 1/65536ths.)

Insert a sub-clause heading, " Variation data", after the newly-inserted text above, and before the paragraph beginning, "The ItemVariationStore table includes a variation region list..." Re-number subsequent sub-clauses accordingly.

In the fifth paragraph that follows the figure in (now), delete the first sentence, "A complete delta set index... within that subtable." Before that pragraph, insert the following paragraph:

A complete delta-set index involves an outer-level index into the ItemVariationData subtable array, plus an inner-level index to a delta-set row within that subtable. A special meaning is assigned to a delta-set index 0xFFFF/0xFFFF (that is, outer-level and inner-level portions are both 0xFFFF): this is used to indicate that there is no variation data for a given item. Functionally, this would be equivalent to referencing delta-set data consisting of only deltas of 0 for all regions.

In (previously,, "Variation regions", in the table for the VariationRegionList structure, add the following sentence to the end of the description for the regionCount field.

Shall be less than 32,736.

After the table for the VariationRegionList structure, add the following paragraph:

The high-order bit of the regionCount field is reserved for future use, and shall be cleared.

In (previously, "Item variation store and item variation data tables", in the paragraph that follows the table for the ItemVariationStore structure, delete the first sentence, "The item variation store includes an array of offsets to item variation data subtables. Before that paragraph, insert the following paragraph and note:

The item variation store includes an offset to a variation region list and an array of offsets to item variation data subtables.

NOTE: Indices into the itemVariationDataOffsets array are stored in parent tables as delta-set “outer” indices with each such index having a corresponding “inner” index. If the outer index points to a NULL offset, then any inner index will be invalid. The itemVariationDataOffsets array should not include any NULL offsets.

In, in the table for the ItemVariationData subtable structure, replace the field name "shortDeltaCount" with "wordDeltaCount", and replace the description of that field with the following:"

A packed field: the high bit is a flag—see details below.

Following the table for the ItemVariationData subtable structure, replace the remainder of (including the table for the DeltaSet record structure) with the following:

The wordDeltaCount field contains a packed value that includes a flag and a “word” delta count. The format of this value is as follows:

Mask Name Description
0x8000 LONG_WORDS Flag indicating that “word” deltas are long (int32)
0x7FFF WORD_DELTA_COUNT_MASK Count of “word” deltas

The representation of delta values uses a mix of long types (“words”) and short types. If the LONG_WORDS flag is set, deltas are represented using a mix of int32 and int16 values. This representation is only used for deltas that are to be applied to data items of Fixed or 32-bit integer types. If the flag is not set, deltas are presented using a mix of int16 and int8 values. See the description of the DeltaSet record below for additional details.

The count value indicated by WORD_DELTA_COUNT_MASK is a count of the number of deltas that use the long (“word”) representation, and shall be less than or equal to regionIndexCount.

The deltaSets array represents a logical two-dimensional table of delta values with itemCount rows and regionIndexCount columns. Rows in the table provide sets of deltas for particular target items, and columns correspond to regions of the variation space. Each DeltaSet record in the array represents one row of the delta-value table — one delta set.

DeltaSet record:

Type Name Description
int16 and int8
int32 and int16
deltaData​[regionIndexCount] Variation delta values.

Logically, each DeltaSet record has regionIndexCount number of elements. The elements are represented using long and short types, as described above. These are either int16 and int8, or int32 and int16, according to whether the LONG_WORDS flag was set. The delta array has a sequence of deltas using the long type followed by sequence of deltas using the short type. The count of deltas using the long type is derived using WORD_DELTA_COUNT_MASK. The remaining elements use the short type. The length of the data for each row, in bytes, is regionIndexCount + (wordDeltaCount && WORD_DELTA_COUNT_MASK) if the LONG_WORDS flag is not set, or 2 x that amount if the flag is set.

NOTE: Delta values are each represented directly. They are not packed as in the tuple variation store.

A.4 Changes to OFF Bibliography

Add two new entries as follows:



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