LoreDirick / dsc-postgrad-project-presentation-content-lab

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Project Presentations - Lab


Using the questions and points from the audience questions, the storytelling key points, and the project outline drafted in an earlier exercise, now you can focus on enhancing your own student projects.


You will be able to:

  • Apply content review techniques to your own presentation material and revise its contents

Audience Questions

Here are the guiding questions we used in the last section:

Audience Questions
1. Who will be receiving your presentation and, if relevant, what is their role in the company?
2. What is their background: technical or non-technical?
3. How will your presentation affect their work or a decision they need to make?
4. What is their attention span?
5. What is the goal of the presentation?

Storytelling Key Points

In practical terms, your presentation should have three parts:

  • Tell them what you're going to tell them
    • the problem
    • the solution
    • the data and tools you will use to solve it
  • Tell them
    • a deeper description of the data and relevant variables
    • what type of problem the business problem is in statistial terms (prediction, optimization, classification, prediction)
    • the findings of your analysis
  • Tell them what you told them
    • how your solution solves the business problem
    • how much better your solution is than the baseline model in solving the business problem
    • what impacts your confidence in the solution, limitations
    • how to build off your work with next steps and future work

Minimum Slide Outline

With a slide for each point, at a minimum you should have:

  • introduction
  • business context
  • data
  • process steps
  • results & business application (recommendations)
  • evaluation & future improvement ideas
  • contact information

When you're done, save your updated content.


Great job! You will focus on slide design in the next section.

