Lopi / fumiko-pygame

an open source jump & run game

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is an open source Jump & Run / Platformer / Castlevania Clone project. 

# It started as a game I wanted to create on my own but since it's 
# not actively developed by myself anymore I'd like to release the source and graphics for everyone to use

# Just show me something!

You can see some videos here:

Latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XixVkq3Iyg
Second: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XixVkq3Iyg
First: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XixVkq3Iyg


- You'll need python and pygame for this


Windows and Mac users download it here: http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml
Linux users can install it with their package manager like apt-get oder yum or anything like that.

example: sudo apt-get install python pygame


Just run:

python master.py


- Move with w,s,a,d
- Jump with space
- Add Objects: [g] for plants, [h] for a big enemy, [e] for a small enemy, [r] for rock
- Manipulate the Terrain: [u] for reducing the current tile, [l] for raising the current tile
- [backspace] shuffle all tile heights

# What does it need?

- More structure, better class management and some other programming improvements
- Better folder management
- More graphics & enemys
- Gameplay elements
- Story
- and much more

# What has it already?

- A complete Animation set of the main character with running, jumping, knife swings
- Some enemies with basic animation sets
- some tiles
- Map Generator
- simple object class
- simple enemy class

I'm inviting everyone to contribute or fork or do whatever you want. It's open source now.

# Other useful info that probably needs its own files

charset: 24 x 32
chipset: 32 x 32 (one rectangle for top, one rectangle for fill.)
objects: doesn't matter, use object.sprite.get_width() and object.sprite.get_height() to get their size.


an open source jump & run game
