Longxr / srs-docker

The dockerized SRS.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The docker images for SRS.


For SRS3 and tags.

Run SRS in docker by:

docker run -p 1935:1935 -p 1985:1985 -p 8080:8080 ossrs/srs:3

After SRS is running, you can:

  • Publish stream to SRS by ffmpeg -re -i doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://
  • Play stream from SRS by ffmpeg -f flv -i rtmp:// -f flv -y /dev/null
  • Access the console by

The env of docker is bellow:

  • config file: /usr/local/srs/conf/srs.conf
  • log file: /usr/local/srs/objs/srs.log

To overwrite the config by /path/of/yours.conf and gather log to /path/of/yours.log:

docker run -p 1935:1935 -p 1985:1985 -p 8080:8080 \
    -v /path/of/yours.conf:/usr/local/srs/conf/srs.conf \
    -v /path/of/yours.log:/usr/local/srs/objs/srs.log \

Note: You should create the log file by mkdir -p /path/of && touch /path/of/yours.log, then start SRS.

Note: How to write the correct config file, please read wiki(CN/EN).


To use docker images in AliyunCR, please use registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossrs/srs.

For example:

docker run registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/ossrs/srs:3

Note: Strongly recommend to use AliyunCR, because it's is much faster and has all tags.

Origin Cluster

Download config and script files:

git clone https://github.com/ossrs/srs-docker.git &&
cd srs-docker/3.0

Start origin serverA:

HostIP=`./auto/get_host_ip.sh` &&
docker run -p 19350:19350 -p 9090:9090 --add-host=docker:${HostIP} \
    -v `pwd`/conf/origin.cluster.serverA.conf:/usr/local/srs/conf/srs.conf \

Start origin serverB:

HostIP=`./auto/get_host_ip.sh` &&
docker run -p 19351:19351 -p 9091:9091 --add-host=docker:${HostIP} \
    -v `pwd`/conf/origin.cluster.serverB.conf:/usr/local/srs/conf/srs.conf \

Start edge server:

HostIP=`./auto/get_host_ip.sh` &&
docker run -p 1935:1935 -p 1985:1985 -p 8080:8080 --add-host=docker:${HostIP} \
    -v `pwd`/conf/origin.cluster.edge.conf:/usr/local/srs/conf/srs.conf \

Publish stream to edge server(or any origin server):

ffmpeg -re -i doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://

Play stream from edge:

ffmpeg -f flv -i rtmp:// -f flv -y /dev/null

If now streaming to serverA, we can stop it then restart the publisher, then the edge will choose serverB and stream to it.


For #1523, we copy the FFMEPG from ossrs/srs:dev, and put to /usr/local/srs/objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg which is the default value of configs.

You can replace it by docker -v, for example:

docker run -p 1935:1935 -p 1985:1985 -p 8080:8080 \
    -v /path/of/ffmpeg:/usr/local/srs/objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg \

Remark: You can replace config, log and tools by specifying -v for each one.


For windows PowerShell, we start a demo stream, ingested by FFMPEG:

docker run -p 1935:1935 -p 1985:1985 -p 8080:8080 `
    -v $pwd/doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv:/usr/local/srs/doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv `
    -v $pwd/conf/windows.conf:/usr/local/srs/conf/srs.conf `

Then, we can play the demo stream by:


For debuggging:

  • Check files of docker: docker run -it ossrs/srs bash
  • Use specified versions: docker run -it ossrs/srs:v3.0-a2 bash
  • To use other config file: docker run -v /path:/usr/local/srs/conf ossrs/srs:3 ./objs/srs -c other.conf
  • Use gdb to debug SRS, please use dev.

Winlin 2019.11


The dockerized SRS.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 71.9%Language:JavaScript 25.5%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:CSS 0.1%