Longqi-S / clone_of_rpnbf

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liu@0929 This repo is cloned from the following published research work for study and practice, all rights belong to the original authors.


Is Faster R-CNN Doing Well for Pedestrian Detection?

By Liliang Zhang, Liang Lin, Xiaodan Liang, Kaiming He


This code is relative to an arXiv tech report, which is accepted on ECCV 2016.

The RPN code in this repo is written based on the MATLAB implementation of Faster R-CNN. Details about Faster R-CNN are in: ShaoqingRen/faster_rcnn.

This BF code in this repo is written based on Piotr's Image & Video Matlab Toolbox. Details about Piotr's Toolbox are in: pdollar/toolbox.

This code has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with MATLAB 2014b and CUDA 7.5.

Citing RPN+BF

If you find this repo useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Is Faster R-CNN Doing Well for Pedestrian Detection?},
  author={Zhang, Liliang and Lin, Liang and Liang, Xiaodan and He, Kaiming},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.07032},


  1. Caffe build for RPN+BF (see here)

    • If the mex in 'external/caffe/matlab/caffe_faster_rcnn' could not run under your system, please follow the instructions on our Caffe branch to compile and replace the mex.

  3. GPU: Titan X, K40c, etc.

WARNING: The caffe_.mexa64 in external/caffe/matlab/caffe_faster_rcnn might be not compatible with your computer. If so, please try to compile this Caffe version and replace it.

Testing Demo

  1. Download VGG16_caltech_final.zip from BaiduYun,or Onedrive and unzip it in the repo folder.

  2. Start MATLAB from the repo folder.

  3. Run faster_rcnn_build

  4. Run script_rpn_bf_pedestrian_VGG16_caltech_demo to see the detection results on some images collected in Internet.

Training on Caltech (RPN)

  1. Download "Matlab evaluation/labeling code (3.2.1)" as external/code3.2.1 by run fetch_data/fetch_caltech_toolbox.m

  2. Download the annotations and videos in Caltech Pedestrian Dataset and put them in the proper folder follow the instruction in the website.

  3. Download the VGG-16 pretrain model and the relative prototxt in VGG16_caltech_pretrain.zip from BaiduYun or OneDrive, and unzip it in the repo folder. The md5sum for vgg16.caffemodel should be e54292186923567dc14f21dee292ae36.

  4. Start MATLAB from the repo folder, and run extract_img_anno for extracting images in JPEG format and annotations in TEXT format from the Caltech dataset.

  5. Run script_rpn_pedestrian_VGG16_caltech to train and test the RPN model on Caltech. Wait about half day for training and testing.

  6. Hopefully it would give the evaluation results around ~14% MR after running.

Training on Caltech (RPN+BF)

  1. Follow the instruction in "Training on Caltech (RPN)" for obtaining the RPN model.

  2. Run script_rpn_bf_pedestrian_VGG16_caltech to train and test the BF model on Caltech. Wait about two or three days for training and testing.

  3. Hopefully it would give the evaluation results around ~10% MR after running.

% liu@0922: should run demo like this export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/data/yuguang/software/cudnn-6.5-linux-x64-v2:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH matlab (start from cmd) in root_dir, run "./startup", then "script_rpn_bf_pedestrian_VGG16_caltech_demo"


only require 1.5G gpu memory

#liu#1019 run(fullfile('experiments','script_rpn_bf_face_VGG16_widerface_conv4_submit'))

#1103 res50 conv4================== gt recall rate = 0.7381 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5875


  1. conv4_atros_reduce three atros:
  1. normal 3x3; 2)3x3 with hole 2; 3) 3x3 with hole 4 and elemltwise SUM them, but the result diverge
  1. conv4_atros_reduce2 same three atros as 1., but concatenate them and them use a 1x1 conv to reduce dimension test res: gt recall rate = 0.7063 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6029

  2. conv4_atros_reduce3 ===> add a max_pooling before the atros conv layer gt recall rate = 0.6366 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5407 But it seems from the train net plot that the val loss is even smaller than reduce2, why recall rate is so low? check it out.

#1116 %=========show ohem selected labels aa = labels_weights_ohem; aa = aa'; aa = reshape(aa, 7, [], 150); aa(aa == 0) = 255; aa(aa~=0) == 0; aa = uint8(aa); figure, imshow(squeeze(aa(1,:,:)));

#1119 ohem (see results at VGG16_widerface_conv4_ohem_final) gt recall rate = 0.5409 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5000

#1120 (1)analyze conv4_multibox result (obtained on 1113) check the value range of the conv layer right before conv4_clf(/reg) and conv5_clf(/reg) conv4: caffe_net.blobs('conv_proposal_conv4').get_data(); conv5: caffe_net.blobs('reduce_proposal').get_data(); conv4 conv5 median max min | median max min
img1 0.2453 7.6251 0 | 0.5161 17.5855 0 img2 0.2612 6.7812 0 | 0.4494 14.5742 0 img3 0.2327 8.2849 0 | 0.3966 21.6427 0 img4 0.2767 5.0860 0 | 0.6816 18.1023 0 img5 0.2658 7.3290 0 | 0.4877 14.6057 0 img6 0.2431 8.0495 0 | 0.4829 15.0042 0

(2)analyze conv4_ohem2 result (obtained on 1119) check how the training loss changes as iteration goes: *** img1409 Iter 1, Image 1409: 2.2 Hz, accuarcy = 0.2865, loss_bbox = 0.0508, loss_cls = 12.0586, accuracy_fg = 0.5217, accuracy_bg = 0.0000, Iter 4700, Image 1409: 4.3 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7572, loss_bbox = 0.0019, loss_cls = 0.1269, accuracy_fg = 0.6522, accuracy_bg = 0.9844, Iter 8021, Image 1409: 4.3 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7600, loss_bbox = 0.0015, loss_cls = 0.1477, accuracy_fg = 0.6957, accuracy_bg = 0.9531, Iter 8963, Image 1409: 4.4 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7434, loss_bbox = 0.0015, loss_cls = 0.1572, accuracy_fg = 0.6522, accuracy_bg = 0.9531, Iter 11515, Image 1409: 4.2 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7632, loss_bbox = 0.0014, loss_cls = 0.1435, accuracy_fg = 0.7826, accuracy_bg = 0.9583, Iter 16007, Image 1409: 4.5 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7646, loss_bbox = 0.0014, loss_cls = 0.1047, accuracy_fg = 0.7391, accuracy_bg = 0.9740, Iter 17782, Image 1409: 4.4 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7573, loss_bbox = 0.0014, loss_cls = 0.1488, accuracy_fg = 0.9130, accuracy_bg = 0.9583, Iter 20694, Image 1409: 4.2 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7580, loss_bbox = 0.0012, loss_cls = 0.1151, accuracy_fg = 0.8696, accuracy_bg = 0.9583, Iter 23993, Image 1409: 4.2 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7609, loss_bbox = 0.0011, loss_cls = 0.1106, accuracy_fg = 0.8696, accuracy_bg = 0.9583, Iter 27648, Image 1409: 4.4 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7604, loss_bbox = 0.0012, loss_cls = 0.1299, accuracy_fg = 0.8696, accuracy_bg = 0.9427, Iter 28560, Image 1409: 4.4 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7593, loss_bbox = 0.0011, loss_cls = 0.1097, accuracy_fg = 0.8696, accuracy_bg = 0.9635,

*** img1695 Iter 100, Image 1695: 4.1 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7400, loss_bbox = 0.0066, loss_cls = 0.5579, accuracy_fg = 0.0000, accuracy_bg = 0.9792, Iter 4466, Image 1695: 3.7 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7348, loss_bbox = 0.0060, loss_cls = 0.5196, accuracy_fg = 0.2969, accuracy_bg = 0.9792, Iter 8311, Image 1695: 4.0 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7328, loss_bbox = 0.0058, loss_cls = 0.6274, accuracy_fg = 0.2969, accuracy_bg = 0.9531, Iter 10529, Image 1695: 3.8 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7416, loss_bbox = 0.0061, loss_cls = 0.5737, accuracy_fg = 0.3125, accuracy_bg = 0.9635, Iter 12262, Image 1695: 3.9 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7392, loss_bbox = 0.0059, loss_cls = 0.4063, accuracy_fg = 0.3750, accuracy_bg = 0.9844, Iter 15879, Image 1695: 4.0 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7563, loss_bbox = 0.0059, loss_cls = 0.5814, accuracy_fg = 0.2188, accuracy_bg = 0.9948, Iter 18156, Image 1695: 3.7 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7346, loss_bbox = 0.0050, loss_cls = 0.4632, accuracy_fg = 0.3125, accuracy_bg = 0.9896, Iter 21444, Image 1695: 3.8 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7364, loss_bbox = 0.0051, loss_cls = 0.3209, accuracy_fg = 0.4375, accuracy_bg = 0.9844, Iter 22244, Image 1695: 3.9 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7407, loss_bbox = 0.0051, loss_cls = 0.3018, accuracy_fg = 0.4844, accuracy_bg = 0.9896, Iter 25377, Image 1695: 4.0 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7329, loss_bbox = 0.0049, loss_cls = 0.3008, accuracy_fg = 0.4531, accuracy_bg = 0.9844, Iter 28352, Image 1695: 3.9 Hz, accuarcy = 0.7368, loss_bbox = 0.0050, loss_cls = 0.2924, accuracy_fg = 0.4688, accuracy_bg = 0.9948,

(3) check the scale param of normalize_layer caffe_net.params('conv4_3_norm',1).get_data();

#1121 *** these are done by old code () (1) when add 32 to conv4 (now it is in charge of [8 16 32]), while conv5 still [32 64 128 256 512 900], normalize_layer scale is 40 gt recall rate = 0.7958 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6050 (2) previously, normalize_layer scale is 20, conv4 [8 16], conv5 [32 64 128 256 512 900] gt recall rate = 0.7723 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6099 (3) original conv4 gt recall rate = 0.7728 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5450 (4) conv4_ohem gt recall rate = 0.4997 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.4525

#1121 added multibox_final2: add a conv4_atros (or conv3_atros? or both?) in parallel with conv4 ==> conv3_atros cannot be used because of different size from conv4 (5)(1)+conv4_atros this is done by new code () gt recall rate = 0.6732 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6111 #1123 (6) multibox final3 (conv4 + conv5 + conv6) gt recall rate = 0.6649 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6106 (7) multibox_ohem (conv4 + conv5 + conv6) gt recall rate = 0.6604 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6278 #1124 (8) multibox final3_flip gt recall rate = 0.6309 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5769 (9) since conv4 val err diverges as iteration goes, reduce conv4 clf loss weight from 4 to 2, call it multibox_ohem_2 gt recall rate = 0.6400 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5982 (10) althought in multibox_ohem_2, the conv4 val err seems to be convergent, there is still space to improve it. now reduce conv4 clf loss weight from 2 to 1, conv4 bbox loss weight from 20 to 10, also add flipped training data, double training iterations and stepsize ==> name it multibox_ohem_3 gt recall rate = 0.5701 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5194 (score_threshold conv4 = 0.851287, conv5 = 0.803228, conv6 = 0.902687) #1125 (11) Since (10) is so bad, recover to multibox ohem's setting: conv4: cls 4, reg 20; conv5: cls 1-->2, 5--> 10; conv6: cls 1, reg 5. base_lr also return to previous 0.0005 (in multibox_ohem3 set to 0.001). multibox_ohem_4 gt recall rate = 0.6139 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5702 score_threshold conv4 = 0.783169, conv5 = 0.776060, conv6 = 0.770421 (12) since (11) is still not so good as (7), is it because of the flipped image? remove them,just use the normal image gt recall rate = 0.6564 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6251 (13) train with all train images (with multi-box ohem model) gt recall rate = 0.6802 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6441

#1201 (14) multibox ohem with flip (randomly ud, lr, rot90, rot90+lr) gt recall rate = 0.6438 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6138 (15) [The current best result!] remove the conv4 atros from [multibox ohem] to see if it can improve small faces detection rate, see script_rpn_face_VGG16_widerface_multibox_ohem_singleconv4.m the training gpu memory usage reduces to [3862M]! gt recall rate = 0.6850 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6530

(16) Res50 multibox_ohem [gpu memory usage 6689M]

how to set normlize layer scale conv4: caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv_proposal_conv4').get_data(); conv5: caffe_solver.net.blobs('reduce_proposal').get_data(); conv6: caffe_solver.net.blobs('reduce_proposal_conv6').get_data();

=== code ========= aa = caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv_proposal_conv4').get_data(); bb = caffe_solver.net.blobs('reduce_proposal').get_data(); cc = caffe_solver.net.blobs('reduce_proposal_conv6').get_data(); fprintf('conv4: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(aa(:)), max(aa(:))); fprintf('conv5: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(bb(:)), max(bb(:))); fprintf('conv6: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(cc(:)), max(cc(:)));

==> found that they are of the same magnitude level, so temperarily not use normlize layer

result: slightly better than vgg16 multibox_ohem, but worse than 15 gt recall rate = 0.6640 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6299

================== 1205 on puck, "script_rpn_bf_face_VGG16_widerface_multibox_ohem_submit" is so slow while doing the following: In caffe.Net/forward (line 142) self.forward_prefilled();

In rois_get_features_ratio (line 75) output_blobs = caffe_net.forward(net_inputs);

In DeepTrain_otf_trans_ratio>sampleWins (line 486) sel_feat = rois_get_features_ratio(opts.conf, opts.caffe_net, im, sel_box, opts.max_rois_num_in_gpu, opts.ratio);

In DeepTrain_otf_trans_ratio (line 165) [X0, X0_score, sel_idxes] = sampleWins( detector, stage, 0 );

In script_rpn_bf_face_VGG16_widerface_multibox_ohem_submit (line 249) detector = DeepTrain_otf_trans_ratio( opts );

In run (line 96) evalin('caller', [script ';']);

1205 conv3 series: (1) conv3 afternms-100 gt recall rate = 0.5317 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.3967 (2) conv3_4 (aka conv4) afternms-100 gt recall rate = 0.5950 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.4695 (3) conv3plus4 afternms-100 (thresh: 0.943959) gt recall rate = 0.6122 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5055 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/caffe-users/owQEvAhP7gM

------------------------- Iteration 1000 ------------------------- Training : error 0.449, loss (cls 0.698, reg 0.0942) Testing : error 0.604, loss (cls 0.698, reg 0.0486) ------------------------- Iteration 2000 ------------------------- Training : error 0.461, loss (cls 0.698, reg 0.0936) Testing : error 0.396, loss (cls 0.681, reg 0.049)


divergence problem occurs when training ohem happy Iter 12647, Image 2677: 0.6 Hz, accuarcy_conv34 = 0.9937, loss_bbox_conv34 = 0.0004, loss_cls_conv34 = 0.0311, accuracy_fg_conv4 = 1.0000, accuracy_bg_conv4 = 0.9740, accuarcy_conv5 = 0.9947, loss_bbox_conv5 = 0.0041, loss_cls_conv5 = 0.1472, accuracy_fg_conv5 = 0.9444, accuracy_bg_conv5 = 0.9479, accuarcy_conv6 = 1.0000, loss_bbox_conv6 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv6 = 0.0000, accuracy_fg_conv6 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv6 = 1.0000, Iter 12648, Image 1012: 0.9 Hz, accuarcy_conv34 = 0.9976, loss_bbox_conv34 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv34 = 0.0103, accuracy_fg_conv4 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv4 = 0.9948, accuarcy_conv5 = 0.9937, loss_bbox_conv5 = 0.0030, loss_cls_conv5 = 0.1339, accuracy_fg_conv5 = 0.5000, accuracy_bg_conv5 = 0.9688, accuarcy_conv6 = 1.0000, loss_bbox_conv6 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv6 = 0.0000, accuracy_fg_conv6 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv6 = 1.0000, Iter 12649, Image 2163: 0.7 Hz, accuarcy_conv34 = 0.9997, loss_bbox_conv34 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv34 = 0.0061, accuracy_fg_conv4 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv4 = 0.9948, accuarcy_conv5 = 0.9888, loss_bbox_conv5 = 7.5825, loss_cls_conv5 = 16.9762, accuracy_fg_conv5 = 0.3125, accuracy_bg_conv5 = 0.9375, accuarcy_conv6 = 0.9644, loss_bbox_conv6 = 43.7842, loss_cls_conv6 = 17.4673, accuracy_fg_conv6 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv6 = 1.0000, Iter 12650, Image 1499: 0.7 Hz, accuarcy_conv34 = 1.0000, loss_bbox_conv34 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv34 = 0.0009, accuracy_fg_conv4 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv4 = 1.0000, accuarcy_conv5 = 0.7361, loss_bbox_conv5 = 0.0838, loss_cls_conv5 = 35.9632, accuracy_fg_conv5 = 0.0606, accuracy_bg_conv5 = 0.4010, accuarcy_conv6 = 0.1197, loss_bbox_conv6 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv6 = 43.6683, accuracy_fg_conv6 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv6 = 0.5000, Iter 12651, Image 2373: 0.6 Hz, accuarcy_conv34 = 1.0000, loss_bbox_conv34 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv34 = 0.0002, accuracy_fg_conv4 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv4 = 1.0000, accuarcy_conv5 = 0.7346, loss_bbox_conv5 = 7910.9019, loss_cls_conv5 = 87.3365, accuracy_fg_conv5 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv5 = 0.0000, accuarcy_conv6 = 0.1236, loss_bbox_conv6 = 0.0000, loss_cls_conv6 = 32.7512, accuracy_fg_conv6 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv6 = 0.6250, Iter 12652, Image 373: 0.8 Hz, accuarcy_conv34 = 0.9975, loss_bbox_conv34 = 0.0014, loss_cls_conv34 = 1.1023, accuracy_fg_conv4 = 0.0000, accuracy_bg_conv4 = 1.0000, accuarcy_conv5 = 0.5796, loss_bbox_conv5 = 906044189293610388276610334720.0000, loss_cls_conv5 = 17.4673, accuracy_fg_conv5 = 0.5938, accuracy_bg_conv5 = 0.9375,

=== debug code ========= aa = caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv3_3').get_data(); bb = caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv3_3_norm').get_data(); cc = caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv4_3_2x').get_data(); dd = caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv4_3_norm').get_data(); ee = caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv5_3').get_data(); ff = caffe_solver.net.blobs('conv6_2').get_data(); fprintf('conv3_3: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(aa(:)), max(aa(:))); fprintf('conv3_3_norm: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(bb(:)), max(bb(:))); fprintf('conv4_3_deconv: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(cc(:)), max(cc(:))); fprintf('conv4_3_deconv_norm: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(dd(:)), max(dd(:))); fprintf('conv5_3: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(ee(:)), max(ee(:))); fprintf('conv6_2: %.2f, %.2f\n', median(ff(:)), max(ff(:)));

img1: conv3_3: 0.00, 9137.48 conv3_3_norm: 0.00, 32.59 conv4_3_deconv: 0.00, 2093.30 conv4_3_deconv_norm: 0.00, 34.51 conv5_3: 0.00, 176.00 conv6_2: 0.05, 24.14

img2: conv3_3: 0.00, 10316.69 conv3_3_norm: 0.00, 33.82 conv4_3_deconv: 0.00, 1909.56 conv4_3_deconv_norm: 0.00, 32.58 conv5_3: 0.00, 193.89 conv6_2: 0.08, 34.67

img3: conv3_3: 0.00, 12206.08 conv3_3_norm: 0.00, 31.41 conv4_3_deconv: 0.00, 2408.85 conv4_3_deconv_norm: 0.00, 34.88 conv5_3: 0.00, 254.27 conv6_2: 0.07, 36.82

img10: conv3_3: 0.00, 9741.09 conv3_3_norm: 0.00, 35.13 conv4_3_deconv: 0.00, 2719.35 conv4_3_deconv_norm: 0.00, 33.47 conv5_3: 0.00, 179.52 conv6_2: 0.06, 32.35 ==> from the above, the problem seems to derive from large scale of conv5_3 (around 200), compared to other conv layers(conv3_3_norm, conv4_3_deconv_norm and conv6_2 all of which are around 35)

1212 ohem_happy (e1_e11) is done! score_threshold conv4 = 0.862857, conv5 = 0.828735, conv6 = 0.924826 gt recall rate = 0.6291 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6018

1215 ohem_happy_flip (e1_e11) is done! score_threshold conv4 = 0.891689, conv5 = 0.828444, conv6 = 0.910268 gt recall rate = 0.6289 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.6002 (similar to ohem_happy)

1216 CMS (keep average 200 proposal per image) gt recall rate = 0.5485 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5015

=========== 1217 training BF error: Training AdaBoost: nWeak=1536 nFtrs=38400 pos=159424 neg=200000 Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options. ==> so set the upper limit to pos=160000 neg=160000

multibox_CRV gt recall rate = 0.6186 gt recall rate after nms-3 = 0.5820 ==> not so good as conv4single, why?

=========== 1218 finally choose ohem_happy_flip as CRV submission version

for i = 1:length(image_roidb_train) aa = strfind(image_roidb_train(i).image_path, '/'); image_roidb_train(i).image_path = [image_roidb_train(i).image_path(1:aa(end-1)) image_roidb_train(i).image_id]; end

for i = 1:length(image_roidb_val) aa = strfind(image_roidb_val(i).image_path, '/'); image_roidb_val(i).image_path = [image_roidb_val(i).image_path(1:aa(end-1)) image_roidb_val(i).image_id]; end

============= 1227 (1) ohem_happy_flip training done, result is very good! after nms: conv34:50, conv5:100, conv6=10 score_threshold conv4 = 0.936758, conv5 = 0.870751, conv6 = 0.924484 (2) ohem_happy_flip bf, data preparation has some problem, debug:

i = 1; img = imread(dataset.imdb_train{1}.image_at(i)); im(img); bbs = [roidb_train_BF.rois(i).boxes roidb_train_BF.rois(i).scores]; bbs(:, 3) = bbs(:, 3) - bbs(:, 1) + 1; bbs(:, 4) = bbs(:, 4) - bbs(:, 2) + 1; bbApply('draw',bbs, 'g');

==> fix the bug, so score_threshold conv4 = 0.630544, conv5 = 0.583918, conv6 = 0.386236 gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.7473 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.5190 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2950 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0502 gt_num: 188676

============= 0103 Ablation experiment finally use this nms = 0.8 model.stage1_rpn.nms.after_nms_topN_conv34 = 150; %50 model.stage1_rpn.nms.after_nms_topN_conv5 = 40; %100 model.stage1_rpn.nms.after_nms_topN_conv6 = 10; %1000 32-500 For det-4: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.6067 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.7471 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.3369 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.0000 For det-16: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.4747 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.2579 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.8957 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9839 For det-32: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.0200 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.0000 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.0495 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919 For det-all: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.8083 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.7524 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.9164 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919

============== 0105 happy [noflip] [no atrous] [ohem] train for 20k30k nms = 0.8 model.stage1_rpn.nms.after_nms_topN_conv34 = 150; %50 model.stage1_rpn.nms.after_nms_topN_conv5 = 40; %100 model.stage1_rpn.nms.after_nms_topN_conv6 = 10; %1000 score_threshold conv4 = 0.551139, conv5 = 0.479938, conv6 = 0.000000 For det-4: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.6285 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.7697 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.3572 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.0000 For det-16: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.4953 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.2915 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.8911 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919 For det-32: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.0210 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.0000 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.0524 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919 For det-all: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.8239 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.7813 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.9059 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919

=========== 0106 happy [noflip] [atrous] [no ohem] train for 20k30k score_threshold conv4 = 0.728043, conv5 = 0.795226, conv6 = 0.268397 For det-4: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.6686 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.7990 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.4189 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.0000 For det-16: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.4851 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.2723 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.8987 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9839 For det-32: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.0199 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.0000 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.0493 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9758 For det-all: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.8435 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.8031 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.9214 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919

=================== 0106 happy [noflip] [noatrous] [no ohem] train for 20k30k score_threshold conv4 = 0.708914, conv5 = 0.730325, conv6 = 0.248624 For det-4: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.6683 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.7994 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.4173 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.0000 For det-16: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.4973 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.2862 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.9076 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919 For det-32: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.0198 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.0000 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.0488 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9839 For det-all: All scales: gt recall rate = 0.8454 8-32: gt recall rate = 0.8035 33-360: gt recall rate = 0.9263 361-900: gt recall rate = 0.9919

===========new experiments================== 0110 noboth Doing nms ... aver_boxes_num = 622, select top -1 aver_boxes_num = 405, select top -1 aver_boxes_num = 202, select top -1 Done. score_threshold conv4 = 0.806755, conv5 = 0.997507, conv6 = 0.966116 For det-4: All scales: gt recall num = 24574, gt_num = 36177, total num = 666348 8-32: gt recall num = 19351, gt_num = 23901, total num = 399538 33-360: gt recall num = 5223, gt_num = 12152, total num = 75642 361-900: gt recall num = 0, gt_num = 124, total num = 0 For det-16: All scales: gt recall num = 18109, gt_num = 36177, total num = 569743 8-32: gt recall num = 6911, gt_num = 23901, total num = 30708 33-360: gt recall num = 11075, gt_num = 12152, total num = 424849 361-900: gt recall num = 123, gt_num = 124, total num = 60829 For det-32: All scales: gt recall num = 648, gt_num = 36177, total num = 52493 8-32: gt recall num = 0, gt_num = 23901, total num = 0 33-360: gt recall num = 527, gt_num = 12152, total num = 24522 361-900: gt recall num = 121, gt_num = 124, total num = 19487 For det-all: All scales: gt recall num = 30868, gt_num = 36177, total num = 1288584 8-32: gt recall num = 19434, gt_num = 23901, total num = 430246 33-360: gt recall num = 11311, gt_num = 12152, total num = 525013 361-900: gt recall num = 123, gt_num = 124, total num = 80316

0110 noatrous Doing nms ... aver_boxes_num = 3120, select top -1 aver_boxes_num = 538, select top -1 aver_boxes_num = 31, select top -1 Done. score_threshold conv4 = 0.568685, conv5 = 0.992591, conv6 = 0.958331 For det-4: All scales: gt recall num = 21066, gt_num = 36177, total num = 264739 8-32: gt recall num = 16764, gt_num = 23901, total num = 185504 33-360: gt recall num = 4302, gt_num = 12152, total num = 29901 361-900: gt recall num = 0, gt_num = 124, total num = 0 For det-16: All scales: gt recall num = 15276, gt_num = 36177, total num = 341833 8-32: gt recall num = 4875, gt_num = 23901, total num = 9750 33-360: gt recall num = 10279, gt_num = 12152, total num = 263733 361-900: gt recall num = 122, gt_num = 124, total num = 45397 For det-32: All scales: gt recall num = 655, gt_num = 36177, total num = 48258 8-32: gt recall num = 0, gt_num = 23901, total num = 0 33-360: gt recall num = 535, gt_num = 12152, total num = 23545 361-900: gt recall num = 120, gt_num = 124, total num = 17892 For det-all: All scales: gt recall num = 27626, gt_num = 36177, total num = 654830 8-32: gt recall num = 16807, gt_num = 23901, total num = 195254 33-360: gt recall num = 10697, gt_num = 12152, total num = 317179 361-900: gt recall num = 122, gt_num = 124, total num = 63289

0110 have both Doing nms ... aver_boxes_num = 6193, select top -1 aver_boxes_num = 24102, select top -1 aver_boxes_num = 852, select top -1 Done. score_threshold conv4 = 0.614484, conv5 = 0.985956, conv6 = 0.948157 For det-4: All scales: gt recall num = 20447, gt_num = 36177, total num = 262243 8-32: gt recall num = 16440, gt_num = 23901, total num = 178951 33-360: gt recall num = 4007, gt_num = 12152, total num = 29125 361-900: gt recall num = 0, gt_num = 124, total num = 0 For det-16: All scales: gt recall num = 15714, gt_num = 36177, total num = 366951 8-32: gt recall num = 5172, gt_num = 23901, total num = 10746 33-360: gt recall num = 10421, gt_num = 12152, total num = 294411 361-900: gt recall num = 121, gt_num = 124, total num = 39954 For det-32: All scales: gt recall num = 669, gt_num = 36177, total num = 60303 8-32: gt recall num = 0, gt_num = 23901, total num = 0 33-360: gt recall num = 551, gt_num = 12152, total num = 28025 361-900: gt recall num = 118, gt_num = 124, total num = 19728 For det-all: All scales: gt recall num = 27388, gt_num = 36177, total num = 689497 8-32: gt recall num = 16494, gt_num = 23901, total num = 189697 33-360: gt recall num = 10773, gt_num = 12152, total num = 351561 361-900: gt recall num = 121, gt_num = 124, total num = 59682

conv3 (0112) score_threshold = 0.982575 For det-conv3: All scales: gt recall num = 31052, gt_num = 38642, total num = 11400733 6-32: gt recall num = 19382, gt_num = 26359, total num = 833838 33-100: gt recall num = 9047, gt_num = 9612, total num = 1303970 101-300: gt recall num = 2191, gt_num = 2236, total num = 2176821 301-500: gt recall num = 302, gt_num = 304, total num = 596455 501-inf: gt recall num = 130, gt_num = 131, total num = 459916

conv4 (aka conv3_4) (0113) For det-conv4: All scales: gt recall num = 29305, gt_num = 38642, total num = 5670437 6-32: gt recall num = 17624, gt_num = 26359, total num = 374979 33-100: gt recall num = 9057, gt_num = 9612, total num = 641424 101-300: gt recall num = 2192, gt_num = 2236, total num = 981793 301-500: gt recall num = 302, gt_num = 304, total num = 531237 501-inf: gt recall num = 130, gt_num = 131, total num = 597243

conv3plus4 (0114): score_threshold = 0.985161 For det-conv3plus4: All scales: gt recall num = 30916, gt_num = 38642, total num = 4625697 6-32: gt recall num = 19253, gt_num = 26359, total num = 457917 33-100: gt recall num = 9032, gt_num = 9612, total num = 428737 101-300: gt recall num = 2199, gt_num = 2236, total num = 651401 301-500: gt recall num = 302, gt_num = 304, total num = 312464 501-inf: gt recall num = 130, gt_num = 131, total num = 340403

conv5 (conv3_5) (0115) score_threshold = 0.818033 For det-conv5: All scales: gt recall num = 19776, gt_num = 38642, total num = 801541 6-32: gt recall num = 8589, gt_num = 26359, total num = 50775 33-100: gt recall num = 8631, gt_num = 9612, total num = 117342 101-300: gt recall num = 2128, gt_num = 2236, total num = 170989 301-500: gt recall num = 298, gt_num = 304, total num = 125411 501-inf: gt recall num = 130, gt_num = 131, total num = 124952

conv6 (conv3_6) (0115) score_threshold = 0.000000 For det-conv6: All scales: gt recall num = 11337, gt_num = 38642, total num = 143983 6-32: gt recall num = 2168, gt_num = 26359, total num = 6526 33-100: gt recall num = 6673, gt_num = 9612, total num = 20895 101-300: gt recall num = 2071, gt_num = 2236, total num = 35046 301-500: gt recall num = 296, gt_num = 304, total num = 28731 501-inf: gt recall num = 129, gt_num = 131, total num = 28042

conv6_ohem (conv3_6_ohem) (0115) ==> not a single scale range is better than conv3_6, so should NOT use ohem at all! ###Setting 1 bg_per_img: 256 #256 anchor_num: 10 random_shuffle_percent: 0.9 ignore_label: -1

score_threshold = 0.369868 For det-conv6: All scales: gt recall num = 9159, gt_num = 38642, total num = 100191 6-32: gt recall num = 939, gt_num = 26359, total num = 1432 33-100: gt recall num = 5811, gt_num = 9612, total num = 14225 101-300: gt recall num = 1992, gt_num = 2236, total num = 26521 301-500: gt recall num = 288, gt_num = 304, total num = 20710 501-inf: gt recall num = 129, gt_num = 131, total num = 21320

###Setting 2 bg_per_img: 256 #256 anchor_num: 10 random_shuffle_percent: 0.2 ignore_label: -1

score_threshold = 0.368712 For det-conv6: All scales: gt recall num = 9058, gt_num = 38642, total num = 94824 6-32: gt recall num = 950, gt_num = 26359, total num = 1410 33-100: gt recall num = 5702, gt_num = 9612, total num = 13404 101-300: gt recall num = 1992, gt_num = 2236, total num = 25531 301-500: gt recall num = 286, gt_num = 304, total num = 20046 501-inf: gt recall num = 128, gt_num = 131, total num = 21087

0117 conv3_345 score_threshold = 0.990981 For det-conv3: All scales: gt recall num = 30905, gt_num = 38642, total num = 2376117 6-32: gt recall num = 19420, gt_num = 26359, total num = 420886 33-100: gt recall num = 8902, gt_num = 9612, total num = 286202 101-300: gt recall num = 2153, gt_num = 2236, total num = 310344 301-500: gt recall num = 299, gt_num = 304, total num = 259186 501-inf: gt recall num = 131, gt_num = 131, total num = 320273

0118 conv3_345_v2 (use a 3x3 sliding window after concat_345) score_threshold = 0.993317 For det-conv3: All scales: gt recall num = 31483, gt_num = 38642, total num = 2364412 6-32: gt recall num = 19944, gt_num = 26359, total num = 423613 33-100: gt recall num = 8950, gt_num = 9612, total num = 312142 101-300: gt recall num = 2159, gt_num = 2236, total num = 364874 301-500: gt recall num = 299, gt_num = 304, total num = 278233 501-inf: gt recall num = 131, gt_num = 131, total num = 341875

0119 conv5_atrous All scales: gt recall num = 20291, gt_num = 39294, total num = 967550 5-16: gt recall num = 1898, gt_num = 16594, total num = 23987 17-32: gt recall num = 7077, gt_num = 10417, total num = 43440 33-64: gt recall num = 6561, gt_num = 7275, total num = 74026 65-100: gt recall num = 2180, gt_num = 2337, total num = 55535 101-200: gt recall num = 1693, gt_num = 1765, total num = 97349 201-300: gt recall num = 453, gt_num = 471, total num = 69779 301-400: gt recall num = 191, gt_num = 194, total num = 47476 401-inf: gt recall num = 238, gt_num = 241, total num = 273523

0201: multibox ohem with 2x 1x and 0.5x (1) no prior NMS, just psudoNMS gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.7943 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.6185 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.4346 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.1639 (2) prior NMS 0.7 (for conv34, conv5 and conv6) gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.7802 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.5502 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2986 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0412

=========================================== 0203: use 2xgt_num boxes to calcu recall rate for e1-e11 (1) same model as res101 full (160 samples/ 2 image) gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.6996 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4362 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2425 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0449 (2) reduce (1)'s batch size to (80 samples/ 2 image) gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.6898 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4192 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2249 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0371 (3) ohem: === 0.8 + 0.8 as thresh gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.6832 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4213 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2214 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0379 === 0.75 + 0.75 as thresh gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.6913 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4229 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2215 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0381 === 0.7 + 0.7 as thresh gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.6991 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4247 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2220 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0381 === 0.65 + 0.65 as thresh gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.7026 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4248 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2224 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0381 (4) fpn gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.6799 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4240 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2276 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0430 (5) fpn2 (use 1x1 conv instead of l2-norm) gt recall rate (ol >0.5) = 0.6813 gt recall rate (ol >0.7) = 0.4119 gt recall rate (ol >0.8) = 0.2117 gt recall rate (ol >0.9) = 0.0343

=========================== 0218 conv6_s16: For all scales: gt recall rate = 22092 / 68723 = 0.3215 conv34_s8: For all scales: gt recall rate = 35305 / 69480 = 0.5081 conv45_s4: For all scales: gt recall rate = 33198 / 69453 = 0.4780 conv345_s16: For all scales: gt recall rate = 29241 / 69271 = 0.4221 conv45_s16: For all scales: gt recall rate = 29199 / 69208 = 0.4219 conv56_s16: For all scales: gt recall rate = 26144 / 69177 = 0.3779 conv6_s32: For all scales: gt recall rate = 14765 / 57591 = 0.2564 conv3456_s16: For all scales: gt recall rate = 29478 / 69489 = 0.4242 conv456_s16: For all scales: gt recall rate = 27894 / 69489 = 0.4014 Final_moreanchor For all scales: gt recall rate = 39885 / 69489 = 0.5740

=============== 0321 for mprpn all test res (on wider val 800x800 2sizes/image): For all scales: gt recall rate = 36882 / 55416 = 0.6655

============== 0329 mpfpn_cxt (new4): rpn all scales: gt recall rate = 42547 / 69489 = 0.6123 fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 39980 / 69489 = 0.5753 2rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 41633 / 69489 = 0.5991 1rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 41380 / 69489 = 0.5955

mpfpn_cxt_friend1 (new3): rpn all scales: gt recall rate = 39894 / 69489 = 0.5741 fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 38452 / 69489 = 0.5534 2rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 39578 / 69489 = 0.5696 1rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 39409 / 69489 = 0.5671

mpfpn_cxt_friend1 (new6): rpn all scales: gt recall rate = 39894 / 69489 = 0.5741 fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 38743 / 69489 = 0.5575 2rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 39646 / 69489 = 0.5705 1rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 39496 / 69489 = 0.5684

mpfpn_cxt_ohem_4x4 (new4_ohem) rpn all scales: gt recall rate = 39894 / 69489 = 0.5741 fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 38986 / 69489 = 0.5610 2rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 39791 / 69489 = 0.5726 1rpn_1fastrcnn all scales: gt recall rate = 39664 / 69489 = 0.5708

============= 0715 conv3_2d: gt = 13923, recall = 1825, recall_rate = 0.1311 0716 conv3_2d (with centerloss's original caffe): gt = 13923, recall = 1880, recall_rate = 0.1350

====== 0811 get the center of centerloss_onepath ======== caffe_solver = caffe.Solver(opts.solver_def_file); K>> ss = '/usr/local/data/yuguang/git_all/RPN_BF_pedestrain/RPN_BF-RPN-pedestrian/output2/old_conv3_s4_2d_onepath/rpn_cache/widerface_VGG16_stage1_rpn/WIDERFACE_train/final'; K>> caffe_solver.net.copy_from(ss); K>> bb = caffe_solver.net.params('center_loss',1).get_data()

for cl weight = 0.01 3.7595 0.3660 0.0646 2.3275 for cl weight = 1 0.0101 0.9178 1.4127 0.1152




Language:MATLAB 99.7%Language:C++ 0.1%Language:Cuda 0.1%Language:Java 0.0%Language:M 0.0%Language:Objective-C 0.0%