LongboatAline / command-line-data-tools

A command-line suite with useful tools for working with Tidepool data.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Command-line Suite


After cloning this repository, change directory to the repo and run npm install -g


Examples are listed under each usage. For more examples, see the examples directory.


Convert JSON data to a xlsx file. Possibly coming soon: documentation.

  Usage: data2workbook [options] <output>


    -h, --help            output usage information
    -V, --version         output the version number
    -i, --input <input>   path/to/input.json
    --mgdL                Convert all BG values to mg/dL.
    -a, --all             Create all pages.
    --smbg                Create smbg page.
    --cbg                 Create cbg page.
    --cgmSettings         Create cgm settings page.
    --bolus               Create bolus page.
    --basal               Create basal page.
    --basalSchedules      Create basal schedules page.
    --bgTarget            Create BG target page.
    --carbRatio           Create carb ratio page.
    --insulinSensitivity  Create insulin sensitivity page.
    --bloodKetone         Create blood ketone page.
    --wizard              Create wizard page.
    --upload              Create upload page.
    --deviceEvent         Create device event page.
    -v, --verbose         Verbose output.


data2workbook mydata.xlsx --mgdL -a -i mydata.json -v

This produces an excel workbook with all data types. The data is inputted from the file mydata.json. All values are converted to mg/dL. The process produces verbose output.


Generate JSON for various data-types.

  Usage: cbg [options] <output> <dates> <groupId>

  Generate cbg data.


    -h, --help               output usage information
    --numPerDay <numPerDay>  Number of events per day.Use comma separated values for a value range, or one exact value. Default is 288 cbg values per day.
    --values <values>        Range for possible cbg values in mg/dL.Use comma separated values for a value range, or one exact value. Default is 100 mg/dL cbg values.


generatedata cbg sample.json 2016-05-01,2016-05-10 mygroupId --numPerDay 144 --values 100,200

This generates cbg data and appends it to sample.json. All data has the _groupId mygroupId.

The data is from 5/1/2016 until 5/10/2016 with 144 values per day in the range of 100-200 mg/dL.

  Usage: smbg [options] <output> <dates> <groupId>

  Generate smbg data.


    -h, --help               output usage information
    --numPerDay <numPerDay>  Number of events per day.Use comma separated values for a value range, or one exact value. Default is 288 cbg values per day.
    --values <values>        Range for possible cbg values in mg/dL.Use comma separated values for a value range, or one exact value. Default is 100 mg/dL cbg values.


generatedata smbg sample.json 2016-5-22,2016-5-25 mygroupId --numPerDay 3,5 --values 122

This generates smbg data and appends it to sample.json. All data has the _groupId mygroupId.

The data is from 5/22/2016 until 5/25/2016 with 3-5 values per day that have the value of 122 mg/dL.

  Usage: bolus [options] <output> <dates> <groupId> <subtype>

  Generate bolus data.


    -h, --help               output usage information
    --numPerDay <numPerDay>  Number of boluses per day.Use comma separated values for a value range, or one exact value. Default is 1 bolus per day.
    --values <values>        Range for possible bolus amount in units.Use comma separated values for a value range, or one exact value. Default is 1 unit boluses.


generatedata bolus sample.json 2016-6-1,2016-6-5 mygroupId normal --values 2,6

This generates bolus data and appends it to sample.json. All data has the _groupId mygroupId.

The data is from 6/1/2016 until 6/5/2016 with 1 normal bolus per day that has the amount of 2-6 units.


For a user email, retrieve the user emails that have shared data with this email.

  Usage: getusers [options] <email>


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -p, --password <password>  Password for authemail. Recommended flag for piping to another tool.
    -o, --output <output>      path/to/output.json
    --dev                      Use development server. Default server is production.
    --stg                      Use staging server. Default server is production.
    --int                      Use integration server. Default server is production.
    --clinic                   Use clinic server. Default server is production.
    -v, --verbose              Verbose output.


getusers me@mydomain.com -o sharedwithme.txt

This gets all of the userIds that have shared their data with a particular email and outputs to sharedwithme.txt. A prompt appears in the console, instead of giving the password as an option.


For a user email, retrieve the json data for that user.

  Usage: getdata [options] <authemail> <id>


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -p, --password <password>  Password for authemail. Recommended flag for piping to another tool.
    -o, --output <output>      path/to/output.json
    --dev                      Use development server. Default server is production.
    --stg                      Use staging server. Default server is production.
    --int                      Use integration server. Default server is production.
    --clinic                   Use clinic server. Default server is production.
    -v, --verbose              Verbose output.


getdata me@mydomain.com someuserId --password myp@$$w0rd

This gets data for someuserId using the given authentication email and password. It outputs to the console so the data can be piped to another tool.


Filter json data to meet specified criteria.

  Usage: filterdata [options] <type> <input>


    -h, --help             output usage information
    -V, --version          output the version number
    -o, --output <output>  path/to/output.json
    --length <length>      Number of contiguous days, regardless of data. Default is 1 day.
    --min <min>            Minimum number of events per day to be a qualifying day. Default is 1 event.
    --days <days>          Minimum number of days with <min> events. Default is 1 day.
    --gap <gap>            Maximum gap of days without data in <length> contiguous days. Default is 1 day.
    -v, --verbose          Verbose output.
    -d, --debug            Debugging logging.
    --report <report>      Add a line to a report file summarizing results.


filterdata cbg some-data.json --length 100 --min 144 --days 75 --gap 14 --report report.csv -o filtered-data.json -v

This filters the data in some-data.json and outputs to filtered-data.json. The tool produces verbose output in the console. The tool filters cbg data, looking for:

  • 100 contiguous days of cbg data (not every day necessarily contains cbg data)
  • Minimum 144 cbg values for a qualifying day
  • Minimum 75 of 100 days qualify
    • The proportion of 75% is held if more than 100 contiguous days are found
  • Maximum gap of 14 days without cbg data

The tool puts all other datatypes within the contiguous date range in the final dataset. The tool appends a row in report.csv with stats from a successful filter.


Sort a dataset in json format.

  Usage: sortdata [options]


    -h, --help             output usage information
    -V, --version          output the version number
    -i, --input <input>    path/to/input.json
    -o, --output <output>  path/to/output.json
    -v, --verbose          Verbose output.


sortdata -i some-data.json -o sorted-data.json

This takes the data in some-data.json, sorts it, and outputs to sorted-data.json.


Strip the json data of any patient information.

  Usage: stripdata [options]


    -h, --help                   output usage information
    -V, --version                output the version number
    -i, --input <input>          path/to/input.json
    -o, --output <output>        path/to/output.json
    --stripModels <stripModels>  Strip model name for these models. e.g. Anonymous Pump
    --stripSNs <stripSNs>        Strip serial number for these models.
    --leaveModels <leaveModels>  Leave model for these models. Takes precedence over strip.
    --leaveSNs <leaveSNs>        Leave serial number for these models. Takes precedence over strip.
    --stripAll                   Strip all of the data, except for what is explicitly left.
    --removeTypes <removeTypes>  Remove these data types.
    --leaveTypes <leaveTypes>    Leave these data types. Takes precedence over removal.
    --removeAll                  Remove all data types, except for what is explicitly left.
    --hashIDs                    Pass IDs (such as _groupId and uploadId) through a one-way hash.
    --removeSource               Remove the source of the data, e.g. carelink.
    --removeTransmitter          Remove the transmitter id, e.g. the transmitter id for a Dexcom.
    -v, --verbose                Verbose output.


stripdata --stripAll --leaveModels Bayer6200,DexG5MobRec --hashIDs --removeSource --removeTransmitter -i some-data.json -o stripped-data.json -v

This strips the data in some-data.json and outputs to stripped-data.json. The tool produces verbose output in the console. All models and serial numbers are removed from the data, excluding the device models of Bayer6200 and DexG5MobRec. All Ids that relate to PHI on the Tidepool Platform are passed through a oneway hash. The source of the data is removed. Any transmitter IDs are removed.


A command-line suite with useful tools for working with Tidepool data.

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%