Lonewolf-Information-systems / Jumpcloud-overlay


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Jumpcloud-overlay , UNoffical Overlay for Gentoo Linux


(Funtoo/Sabayon ETC or CoreOS Google ChromeOS Linux, Redcore Clover or other Gentoo Related Distros.)

https://github.com/TheJumpCloud main source of packages...

Why Jumpcloud , keeping track of Keys , jumping windows/Linux boxes , Makes admin of lots of boxes or users scattered globally or Devboxes rented globally less of a hell.

having the ability to drop cronjobs on boxes and build crap in gentoo usefull via the agent.

Windows choco upgrade all -y @ all the pc's in my house its sweet.

gentoo or sabayon boxes also would be a sweet plus.

Gentoo: emerge-webrsync && gentoo-update.sh

sabayon boxes: equo up && equo u && emerge-webrsync (emerge --upgrade mypackage/s if a few one need to build)

Jumpcloud :
Active Directory® & LDAP Reimagined

JumpCloud’s Directory-as-a-Service® centralizes and simplifies identity management. Give your users one set of credentials to securely access their systems, apps, networks, and file servers – regardless of platform, protocol, provider, or location.


### Getting keys and Secrets

{ x-connect-key: 123456 (your real key won’t be 123456. However for Demo purposes …)

curl --tlsv1.2 --silent --show-error --header 'x-connect-key: 123456' https://kickstart.jumpcloud.com/Kickstart | > jumpcloud-secrets.txt

(| sudo bash) supports redhat etc. And auto configs deps for Debian/Redhat etc.

as mentioned on Systems TAB. https://console.jumpcloud.com/#/systems/new

However a dump file should be ok ,

to pick out a few needful things. ie certificate keys etc. directories the agent uses etc.

It is however a Manual Work around

I am attempting to setup a few ebuilds and repo ,


at present , the Jumpcloud API in Python/ruby is Easily doable. Into ebuild package.

Binary agent and services with Gentoo Linux , app-admin/jumpcloud-agent-bin (if jumpcloud team has agent url/s )

so the curl will add keys etc.

After adding packages.

#######Package conversion , entropy conversion: emerge -bav package-name equo smart inflate /usr/portage/packages/catagory/packagename.tar.bz2 --savedir /home/$usename/ (else sabayon devkit/docker https://wiki.sabayon.org/index.php?title=En:Sabayon_Devkit , also capable of generating Gentoo binaries as well.)

with Gentoo portage (Quick Example) cd DIR dev-python/pyjumpcloud ebuild pyjumpcloud-2.x.ebuild rpm , /var/temp/portage/dev-python/pyjumpcloud/... yank out RPM , alien can convert it to deb etc. and or RPM spec etc.

emerge -av dev-python/pyjumpcloud should build the python lib , and install. --buildpkg will also make a binary tarpkg.



License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%