Londoneye02 / MyCovid19

monitor COV ID 19 status

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


monitor COVID 19 virus stats with line graphs


  • An installation of MagicMirror2
  • Packages: chartjs, loaded via npm install


  1. Clone this repo into ~/MagicMirror/modules directory.

  2. cd MyCovid19

  3. npm install

  4. Configure your ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js:

    			states:['New York','Illinois','Texas'],
    			// one of countries or states MUST be specified
    			// line colors can be any definition of color either a name ,or a hex string
    			// one per country above, used in order,
    			chart_type:"cumulative_cases",  // or "cumulative deaths"
    			chart_title:"Cumulative Cases", // however u want to label
    			// the vertical steps on the chart.. how tall u want it to be and how mant increments
    			// size of the chart in pixels
    		    width: 400,
    		    height: 500,
    		    // only used if we need to debug something

Config Options

all options are case sensitive

Option Default Default Info
countries OPTIONAL '' the list of countries for which you would like the chart to report
example ["Italy","USA","China","Spain", "Germany"]
states OPTIONAL '' the list of countries for which you would like the chart to report
example ['New York','Illinois','Texas']
line_colors REQUIRED '' an array of colors to represent the individual country data
example ['red','white','green','yellow','#34ebde','#34ebde']
chart_type OPTIONAL 'cumulative_cases' cases reported by country
'cumulative_deaths' deaths reported by country
'cases' new cases reported by day by country
'deaths' new deaths reported by day by country
ranges REQUIRED '' the Y axis size and step rate )
example {min:0,max:10000,stepSize:2000}
width OPTIONAL '400' width of the output chart
height OPTIONAL '400' height of the output chart
debug OPTIONAL false
date filtering
startDate OPTIONAL text data MM/DD/YYYY to start chart data , default is data decides beginning of chart
chart labels
chart_title OPTIONAL '' title over the chart data
xAxisLabel OPTIONAL 'by date'
yAxisLabel OPTIONAL 'Count'
backgroundColor OPTIONAL 'black' background of chart
default color/font info specify here to change all at once
defaultColor OPTIONAL
defaultFontColor OPTIONAL
defaultFontName OPTIONAL
defaultFontSize OPTIONAL
title fields
titleFontFamily OPTIONAL
titleFontSize OPTIONAL
chartTitleColor OPTIONAL 'white'
titleFontStyle OPTIONAL 'bold', 'italic'
legend fields
legendFontFamily OPTIONAL
legendFontSize OPTIONAL
legendTextColor OPTIONAL 'white'
legendFontStyle OPTIONAL 'bold', 'italic'
xaxis label fields
xAxisLabelFontFamily OPTIONAL
xAxisLabelFontSize OPTIONAL
xAxisLabelColor OPTIONAL 'white' color of the label on the horizontal axes
xAxisLabelFontStyle OPTIONAL 'bold', 'italic'
xaxis tick fields
xAxisTickLabelFontFamily OPTIONAL
xAxisTickLabelFontSize OPTIONAL
xAxisTickLabelColor OPTIONAL 'white'
xAxisTickLabelFontStyle OPTIONAL 'bold', 'italic'
yaxis label fields
yAxisLabelFontFamily OPTIONAL
yAxisLabelFontSize OPTIONAL
yAxisLabelColor OPTIONAL 'white'
yAxisLabelFontStyle OPTIONAL 'bold', 'italic'
yaxis tick fields
yAxisTickFontFamily OPTIONAL
yAxisTickFontSize OPTIONAL
yAxisTicklColor OPTIONAL 'white'
yAxisTickFontStyle OPTIONAL 'bold', 'italic'


monitor COV ID 19 status


Language:JavaScript 100.0%