Lolle2000la / integration-architectures-assignment-2

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Assignment 1.2: Software for managing Performance Records

Solution by Luca Auer & Patrick Gröger

To run this project, you need to have a MongoDB server running on your machine. You can download it here. Run the Spring Boot application with mvn spring-boot:run or run the PerformanceRecordsApplication class in your IDE. Using the Swagger UI you can test the API.

You will find it at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html when the application is running.

The roundtrip tests are in the tests folder.

Original contents here

Useful ressources for lecture Integration Architectures

(Prof. Dr. Sascha Alda)

In this readme, you find various useful links especially for working with MongoDB together with the programming language Java. These will be useful especially for the exercise sheets no. 1 and 2.


Access to a MongoDB server is necessary. If you don't have one already, you should download the community server at:

or (even better) here:

Community Version 4.2 and 7.0 (latest release) work fine with our examples.

Further nice links for supporting MongoDB

A fully comprehensive MongoDB Tutorial for Java:

A nice tutorial for MongoDB with a nice introduction and installation guidelines:

SQL to MongoDB Mapping Chart – another nice page :-!!

There are obviously many tools for the administration of a MongoDB, but I personally like this one, since you find a lot of nice examples on how to define queries. Also, examples for JavaScript programs are given and well documented!

One of the most mature tools for maintaining data in a MongoDB database is the MongoDB compass that can be downloaded for free (commercial version available):

Please keep in mind that MongoDB does not possess a JOIN-operator. Instead, a lookup-Operator can be used to aggregate two collections. Here you find a nice demo with explanations:$lookup%20Examples%20%7C%20MongoDB

In general, be aware that there are many solutions for defining a concrete query!

A simplified programming model to use MongoDB in Java is given by the platform Spring Boot, which simplifies the programming effort dramatically:

You need a CLI application? Here is another cool SpringBoot library that eases the implementation of an CLI:


In some versions, the Java compiler from a fresh Maven project is set version 1.5, which will make the new version obsolete. You have to adjust the compiler level:


We recommend installing and using the IDE IntelliJ. As a member of the University you can register yourself easily in order to obtain the Ultimate-Version, which is a fully equipped version with the latest features. The necessary key expires after one year, but can easily be refreshed afterwards.

Resources for UML tools:

UMLet 14.3 A good and well-aranged desktop tool for modelling UML. Installations can be found for Windows / MAC / Linux. The usability is a bit tricky in the beginning, but somewhat effective a short while ;-) A lean and browser-based tool, thus, no installation of a local machine is necessary. Documents can be stored in various formats.

Mermaid: Mermaid is a DSL-based Editor, that supports various diagram types. It can also be integrated within a markdown document, see here



Language:Java 100.0%