Lokad / SshRun

A convenient library to run .NET code remotely over SSH.

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A convenient library to run .NET code remotely over SSH.

// Example: use a remote machine to convert text to uppercase
async Task<string> RemoteToUppercase(string text, CancellationToken cancel)
    // Configure the connection using SSH.NET types
    var connection = new ConnectionInfo("example.com", "alice", 
        new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod("alice", privateKeyFile));

    // Specify remote directory where code will run (deleted on dispose)
    using var target = new SshExecutionTarget(connection, "/home/alice/remote");

    // Invoke 'ToUppercase(text)' on the remote server. 
    return await new SshRunner(target).RunAsync(() => ToUppercase(text), cancel);

// The public static function that will be executed on the remote target,
// with the argument provided in the callback passed above. 
public static string ToUppercase(string text) =>

This will perform the following steps:

  1. Connect as alice@example.com over SSH and create directory /home/alice/remote.
  2. Identify all the assemblies used by the current process, and upload them to /home/alice/remote.
  3. Serialize and upload the arguments of the invoked function.
  4. Start a new process on the remote server to load the assemblies, deserialize the arguments, invoke ToUppercase, and serialize the results.
  5. Download and deserialize the results of the remote execution.
  6. Delete /home/alice/remote and all its contents.


On the local machine, include the NuGet package SshRun in the application that needs to perform the remote invocation.

On the remote machine, the following commands will be executed:

  • The remote directory will be created with mkdir -p and removed with rm -r, so the remote user should have the permission to perform these, and to read and write files in that remote directory.
  • dotnet run will be invoked on the SshRun.dll assembly, so the correct version of dotnet should be installed on the machine. See the Microsoft installation docs for more details.


All assemblies necessary to execute the remote function should be present in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory. The contents of this directory will be copied over to the remote machine.

The callback passed to SshRunner.RunAsync must be of the form:

() => PublicClass.PublicStaticMethod(localVars)

That is, the invoked method should be public and static, and a member of a public class, and the callback may not contain any operations other than a call to this method. The arguments must all be local variables in the containing function.

The arguments must be of types that can be serialized to JSON ; the serialization will be performed with System.Text.Json.

The return type of the method can be void or Task, or it can be T or Task<T> where T is a type that can be serialized to JSON (again, with System.Text.Json). In the former case, RunAsync returns a Task ; in the latter case, it returns a Task<T>.

File Transfer

Files present on the remote machine are represented with type SshRun.Runner.RemoteFile. The available methods and properties depend on whether the code is running on the remote machine.

Consider a variant of the RemoteToUppercase method that can convert either a string or an entire file to JSON:

// JSON-serializable payload, either a string or a remote file reference
record Payload(string? Text, RemoteFile? File);

// The method that will be executed on the remote machine
public static Payload ToUppercase(Payload input)
    if (input.Text is string txt) 
        return Payload(txt.ToUpperInvariant(), null);

    if (input.File is RemoteFile rf)
        // This code is running on the remote machine, and so the remote file's
        // path can be accessed. 
        var full = File.ReadAllText(rf.Path);

        // Create a new local file (will be deleted along with the rest once
        // the SshExecutionTarget is disposed).
        var result = SshRemote.GetFreshFile();
        File.WriteAllText(result.Path, full.ToUpperInvariant());

        return Payload(null, result);

    throw new ArgumentException("Empty payload");

// Invoke the remote method to overwrite a local file with its 
// uppercase equivalent.
public static async Task RemoteToUppercase(
    FileInfo localFile, SshRunner runner, CancellationToken cancel) 
    // Upload the local file to the remote, creating a RemoteFile to 
    // represent it locally.
    var remoteFile = await runner.UploadAsync(localFile, cancel);

    // Invoke the remote method. 
    var payload = Payload(null, remoteFile);
    var result = await runner.RunAsync(() => ToUppercase(payload), cancel);

    // The result contains a reference to a remote file, download it to 
    // overwrite the local file.
    await runner.DownloadAsync(result.File, localFile, cancel);

It is also possible to create a RemoteFile from any absolute path on the remote server.

var rf = new RemoteFile("/home/alice/example.txt");

Improving performance

The local assemblies need to be copied to the remote server, which can take a few seconds (depending on the latency and bandwidth of the connection, and the number of assembly files). When repeatedly connecting to the same remote server with the same application, there are two techniques which can be used to reduce this duration on subsequent connections:

  1. Reuse the same SshRunner instance: it remembers that it has already uploaded the assembly files, and so after the first remote invocation, it will skip the transfer.
  2. To reuse the uploaded files across multiple executions of the program, make sure to use the same remote directory, and to set SshExecutionTarget.DeleteOnClose to false. On subsequent executions, the first remote invocation will detect that some files have already been uploaded, and will only upload the files that have changed (whether a file has changed is computed based on that file's SHA1 hash).

This file reuse only applies to the assembly files ; calling runner.UploadAsync always performs a file transfer.


A convenient library to run .NET code remotely over SSH.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C# 100.0%