Loai17 / yl2201920

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to Y2 Yearlong!!

Your one-stop shop for all Y2 yearlong materials [2019-2020]

(each student should have it's own github pass, that is responsible to keep it secret.)


This is the syllabus for the yearlong. Each row represents a week of the program. I highly encourage you to go through the resources before class but the materials should help you understand the material covered in class more in depth.

  • Week: The week (from Sunday to Saturday) of the yearlong meeting
  • Resources: These resources will provide you greater information about the topics covered. If you missed a lecture or need to refer back to anything covered, here is where you should start.
  • Repo: The repo contains the day's exercises. These notes and slides will also be available on Google Drive.
  • TBD: To Be Decided

Flow of submission

Go to http://github.com/meet-projects/yl2201819 then choose the lab you want to solve (under repo column in Schedule table), you will be direceted to meet's github lab page, to solve the lab you have to copy(fork) it to your account, now you need to downlond(clone) it from your github account to your computer, SOLVE THE LAB, lastly when you are done, you need to upload(add, commit, pull and push) your solution to your github account.


First Semester

Week Dates Topics Resources Repo DU
1 Oct. 7
  • Welcome to Yearlong
  • Assignment Submission Workflow
  • Math, Variables, Loops
Lecture 1 LAB 1
2 Oct. 14
  • Lists
  • Functions
  • turtle
Lecture 2 LAB 2 DU - 1:1 (X2)
3 Oct. 21
  • Simple turtle shapes
Lecture 3 LAB 3 DU - 1:1 (X2)
4 Oct. 28
  • OOP
Lecture 4 LAB 4 DU- Means of Communication
5 Nov. 4
  • Problem Solving and Debugging
Lecture 5 LAB 5 DU - Social Media
6 Nov. 11
  • Inheritance
Lecture 6 LAB 6 Present the non-dual transformation of conflicts model (related to the news)
7 Nov. 18
  • More Inheritance
None None Bringing examples they found for the non-dual transformation of conflicts model (related to the news)
8 NOV. 25
  • Turtle's mainloop vs the While True
  • Lists vs Dictionaries vs Classes
  • Collisions
Lecture8 Lecture 8 (2) LAB 8 (2) DU - wise speech (kind hearted, truthful, helpful and timely).
9 Dec. 2
  • Collisions
Lecture 9 None
Dec. 8
  • MEETConf 8/9 Dec
None None DU - Empathy/Identity
Dec. 9
10 Dec. 16
  • CS session for all students to complete all labs
None None

Winter Break

11 Jan. 6
  • Personal Project
None Indv. Project DU - Home picture
12 Jan. 13 DU - Home picture
13 Jan. 20 DU - Home picture
14 Jan. 27
15 Feb. 3
16 Feb. 10
  • Group Project
None None DU - TeamWork/Trust + presenting the CS Groups
17 Feb. 17 1 : 1 talks
18 Feb. 24 1 : 1 talks
19 Mar. 3 Group Project presentation + Voting
20 Mar. 10 Entrepreneurship
21 Mar. 17
22 Mar. 24
23 Mar. 31
24 Apr. 7
Apr. 11 (Hebrew U) MEETConf 11/12 April
Apr. 12
Apr. 17 Samsung Next Event
May. 3 Closing event

Extra CS Practice


Computer Science/Programming

Startup Entrepreneurship
