LoVka / todo_list

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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SQL task

Given tables:

  1. tasks (id, name, status, project_id)
  2. projects (id, name)

Write the queries for:

1. get all statuses, not repeating, alphabetically ordered

SELECT status FROM tasks GROUP BY status ORDER BY status;

2. get the count of all tasks in each project, order by tasks count descending

SELECT project_id, COUNT(id)
FROM tasks
GROUP BY project_id

3. get the count of all tasks in each project, order by projects names

SELECT projects.id, projects.name, COUNT(tasks.id)
FROM tasks
INNER JOIN projects ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
GROUP BY projects.id, projects.name
ORDER BY projects.name;

4. get the tasks for all projects having the name beginning with “N” letter

SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE name LIKE 'N%';

5. get the list of all projects containing the ‘a’ letter in the middle of the name, and show the tasks count near each project. Mention that there can exist projects without tasks and tasks with project_id=NULL

SELECT projects.id, projects.name, COUNT(tasks.id)
FROM projects
LEFT JOIN tasks ON tasks.project_id = projects.id
WHERE projects.name LIKE '_%a%_'
GROUP BY projects.id, projects.name;

6. get the list of tasks with duplicate names. Order alphabetically

FROM tasks
HAVING COUNT(name) > 1
ORDER BY name;

7. get the list of tasks having several exact matches of both name and status, from the project ‘Garage’. Order by matches count

SELECT tasks.name
FROM tasks
LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.id = tasks.project_id
WHERE projects.name = 'Garage'
GROUP BY tasks.name, tasks.status
HAVING COUNT(tasks.id) > 1
ORDER BY COUNT(tasks.id);

8. get the list of project names having more than 10 tasks in status ‘completed’. Order by project_id

SELECT projects.id, projects.name
FROM projects
INNER JOIN tasks ON tasks.project_id = projects.id
WHERE tasks.status = 'completed'
GROUP BY projects.name
HAVING COUNT(tasks.id) > 10
ORDER BY projects.id;



Language:Ruby 96.2%Language:CSS 2.0%Language:JavaScript 1.7%