LiveOverflow / yt_statistics

Data pulled from YouTube Security Creators

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This repository contains various data from the LiveOverflow YouTube channel (liveoverflow_videos.jsonl) and other security creators (all_videos.jsonl). Data was last pulled on 15.03.2023.

    "channel_id": "UClcE-kVhqyiHCcjYwcpfj9w",
    "video_id": "MS7WRuzNYDc",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "date": "2022-10-21T15:55:18Z",
    "views": "260530",
    "tags": ["ip address", "leak", "..."],
    "title": "I Leaked My IP Address!",
    "description": "How bad is it to leak your IP address? VPN providers..."

Each video_id in the liveoverflow_videos.jsonl has a corresponding liveoverflow_transcripts/<video_id>.txt file:

Is leaking your IP address really dangerous? It 
seems like many people think so, because because
when I released my minecraft hacking video 
series, I kept leaking my personal IP,
as well as the IP of other players (oops sorry?). 
After that I got tons of worrying messages telling

Feel free to use the data to create some statistics, or train a LiveOverflow script writing AI (but pls let me use it too :P)

The file 500_metadata_finetune.jsonl contains a partial attempt at fine-tuning GPT-3. It's incomplete because I used openai to generate questions about paragraphs of the video transcript, and I blew threw my credit before going through all videos (see


Data pulled from YouTube Security Creators


Language:Python 100.0%