🔍 📚 A book SDK, which can be used to get information of a book.
一个简单的图书 SDK,你可以使用它用于获取指定书籍的基本信息。
- PHP >= 7.1
- Composer
composer require littlesqx/douban-book -vvv
use Littlesqx\Book\Application;
// init app
$app = new Application();
// For laravel
// $app = app('douban-book');
// book's isbn10/isbn13 code
$isbn = '9787115473899';
// get a book entity
try {
$book = $app->getBook($isbn);
// use as an array
// or get json format
// also, get property directly is allowed
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
// handle exception
composer test
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