Chime is time scheduler verticle which works on Vert.x event bus and provides:
- scheduling with cron-style, interval, union or custom timers:
- at a certain time of day (to the second)
- on certain days of the week, month or year
- with a given time interval
- with nearly any combination of all of above
- repeating a given number of times
- repeating until a given time / date
- repeating infinitely
- proxying event bus with conventional interfaces
- applying time zones available on JVM
- flexible timers management system:
- grouping timers
- defining a timer start or end time
- pausing / resuming
- fire counting
- listening and sending messages via event bus with JSON
- publishing or sending timer fire event to the address of your choice
Chime is written in Ceylon and is available at Ceylon Herd
Runs with Ceylon 1.3.2 and Vert.x 3.4.1
- Deploy Chime verticle
- Create and listen timers on EventBus, see details in API docs
Chime communicates over event bus with
Complete list of messages is available here