LinjianLi / bayesian-network

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Developed by Linjian Li, using Clion

Important notes


  • Structural learning with complete data
    • Chow-Liu tree (Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN))
    • K2 search algorithm (Like Weka)
    • Dynamic programming method by Ott et al.
  • Gaussian Bayesian network
    • Conditional Gaussian Bayesian network
      • Discrete nodes must not have continuous parents
  • Exact inference
    • Variable elimination
      • Optimal elimination order for tree shape network
      • Works on incomplete evidence
    • Junction tree algorithm (Some call it clique tree algorithm. But a clique tree is not necessary a junction tree.)
      • Belief propagation (a.k.a. message passing, sum-product)
      • Works on incomplete evidence
    • Elimination tree algorithm
      • For inference on Conditional Gaussian network
      • Based on the work of Cowell (2005)
      • Have not been tested yet
    • Simple brute force method
      • Like Weka
      • Fast
      • ONLY works on complete evidence
  • Approximate inference
    • Probabilistic logic sampling
    • Rejection sampling
    • Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling
      • Gibbs sampling
    • Likelihood weighting sampling
  • Construct custom network from files
    • XMLBIF (which is also supported by Weka)
  • Network structure scoring
    • K2
    • BDeu
    • AIC
    • MDL/BIC

supported problems

classification with discrete/continuous feature values

to do:

  • test conditional gaussian Bayesian network
  • load continuous values from data file
  • classification with features of continuous values
  • explore regression
  • support graph structures beyond trees
    • Custom network
    • Structural learning algorithms
      • Hill Climbing
      • Tabu search
  • Soft evidence (help support incomplete data)
  • Incomplete data
  • Common network file format
    • Graph Modeling Language (GML)
    • GraphML (XML-based)
    • BIF (like JSON, not the same as XMLBIF)
    • arff (Weka)

How to use

Create a directory called bin under the root directory. In Linux, you can use the following command.

mkdir bin

Then, go into bin directory and issue cmake .. to generate the make file.


LIBSVM dataset "a1a"

As a benchmark,

  • SVM implemented by me using Python achieves accuracy of 0.8286
  • Logistic regression achieves accuracy of 0.8332
  • sklearn.naive_bayes.BernoulliNB achieves accuracy of 0.7935
  • Weka
    • logistic regression: 0.832181
    • SMO: 0.838254
    • BayesNet: 0.832084
    • NaiveBayes: 0.803269
    • RandomForest: 0.828886

My bayesian network

  • Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing alpha=2, brute force given complete instance (like Weka), accuracy of 0.827626, 7 seconds.
  • Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing alpha=2, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.823782, 161 seconds.
  • Chow-Liu Tree, alpha=2, likelihood weighting (50 samples), accuracy of 0.8248, 636 seconds.
  • Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing alpha=1, junction tree algorithm, accuracy of 0.823782, 1335 seconds.
  • Chow-Liu Tree, probabilistic logic sampling and rejection sampling (100000 samples), accuracy of 0.501147, 5534 seconds.

LIBSVM dataset "a2a"

  • Chow-Liu Tree, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.826281

LIBSVM dataset "a3a"

  • Junction Tree, belief propagation, accuracy of 0.823393
  • Chow-Liu Tree, likelihood weighting, accuracy of 0.806451

LIBSVM dataset "w1a"

  • Chow-Liu Tree, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.972436

Covertype Data Set from UCI

Number of instances: 581012

  • first 11,340 records used for training data subset
  • next 3,780 records used for validation data subset
  • last 565,892 records used for testing data subset

Number of attributes: 54

Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing parameter alpha=1, brute force given complete instance (like Weka), accuracy of 0.5324, 222 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.530348, 10075 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, likelihood weighting (50 samples), accuracy of 0.514571, 3620 seconds (first 50000 instances).

Chow-Liu Tree, junction tree, 2.4 instances per second, ETA 235,788 seconds (65.5 hours). It takes such a long time because the implementation of junction tree is not parallel-friendly. If I only test the first 50000 instances in the test set, it achieves accuracy of 0.681632 taking 21,915 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, probabilistic logic sampling and rejection sampling (100000 samples), accuracy of 0.143157, 7067 seconds (first 50000 instances).

On Weka

Naive Bayes, accuracy of 0.521686, 34 seconds.

Bayes Net, accuracy of 0.524978, 19 seconds.

SMO, accuracy of 0.574944, 10 seconds.

Phishing Websites Data Set from UCI

Number of instances: 11054 (2456 in old dataset)

Number of attributes: 30

Train-test data split = 1:9

Naive Bayes network, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.83546, 12 seconds.

Naive Bayes network, Laplace smoothing parameter alpha=2, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.8368, 10 seconds.

Naive Bayes network, Laplace smoothing alpha=1, likelihood weighting (50 samples), accuracy of 0.9009, 38 seconds.

Naive Bayes network, Laplace smoothing parameter alpha=1, brute force given complete instance (like Weka), accuracy of 0.9023, 0.9 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing alpha=1, brute force given complete instance (like Weka), accuracy of 0.9023, 0.7 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.602674, 11 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing parameter alpha=1, variable elimination, accuracy of 0.8304, 13 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, likelihood weighting (50 samples), accuracy of 0.600764, 25 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing parameter alpha=1, likelihood weighting (50 samples), accuracy of 0.9011, 32 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, junction tree, accuracy of 0.602674, 131 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, Laplace smoothing parameter alpha=1, junction tree, accuracy of 0.8304, 113 seconds.

Chow-Liu Tree, probabilistic logic sampling and rejection sampling (100000 samples), accuracy of 0.508142, 300 seconds.

On Weka

Naive Bayes, accuracy of 0.925621, 0.08 seconds.

Bayes Net, accuracy of 0.915971, 0.09 seconds.

SMO, split train:test=1:9, accuracy of 0.932858, 0.05 seconds.

On Scikit-Learn

MultinomialNB (alpha=1), accuracy of 0.7457, 0.004 seconds.

MultinomialNB (alpha=400), accuracy of 0.8268, 0.004 seconds.


blah blah



Language:C++ 99.6%Language:CMake 0.4%