TUAN LINH DAO (Linhkobe)


Geek Repo

Location:Nice, France

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TUAN LINH DAO's repositories


This Rstudio project is inspired by my love of basketball, the data is downloaded from website Kaggle. I mainly focused on height and point of basketball teams and visualized them with scatter plot.



This project shows the number of death by 3 groups of age, 18 regions in France during 3 months



This program implements a reflex agent with state to clean cells on a grid created by user's inputs. The agent starts at a random location and its goal is to clean all the dark cells. The program displays each step of the agent's movement and outputs the number of cell cleanings, total moves, and the agent's performance percentage.



In the context of my first internship in France, I made an interactive map in Rstudio using rbokeh package. The dataset included ski schools in France along with their GPS coordinates (longitude, latitude) and the number of respondents to the survey for each school. The final product will help us to see fields on the map as dots. When you move the mouse to a point, it will display the school name and the number of respondents of the survey in each school. We can zoom in or out as we like using the mouse, save it as an image or an html link.



Visualization of 9 countries every 50 years from 1800 to 2016. For this project, i used R programming language, including ggplot, dplyr package (dataset is from website Kaggle)



This is a project at my university Côté d'Azur. The purpose is to create a REST API to be able to connect with MongoDB Atlas database.



This is a short project at school in which i designed the user interface of a coffee shop website

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Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


I used a module called "Turtle" in python programming language to draw the Eiffel Tower.

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Inspired by my 1st python turtle project, i continued to draw a city by night.

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This is a mini project when i study artificial intelligence at University Côté d'Azur in French. The objective of this project is to build a model using pytorch to classify if it's an image of a cat or a dog. Link for dataset is here: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/dogs-vs-cats-redux-kernels-edition/data

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Still in process



From a dataset with timestamp, level of Co2, Temperature, Humidity, i first classified all the data points into clusters than i built a KNN model to predict a point of data belongs to which defined cluster.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Using R programming language ( package like ggplot, dplyr is included) to summarize as much informations as possible about this supermarket. The data is from website Kaggle



The purpose of our project is to create decisional tools that will help to understand the futur impact of climatic constraints on cereal production in the Limagne plain. To solve our problem, we used a data set of climate forecasts from 2006 to 2100, which was divided into 45 points located in the Limagne plain (all these points are separated and each point is 8 km apart). Thanks to RStudio software, we created different functions : The first one is calculating statistical summaries of the different indicators and is creating graph comparing our indicators with past data. We also created a function that is using spatial interpolation to create maps in order to group all the similar points. We also did conformity tests, and linear filtering. By using an automatic classification method PCA - Principal Component Analysis, we can group our spatial points more easily.
