LinX64 / StackOverflow

StackOverflow - MVVM architecture | Hilt-dagger, LiveData, Flow, Retrofit, RecyclerView

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StackOverflow - Android Questions


This is a sample Android app to demonstrate the use-case of Flow, and LiveData together. Previously, I was using Coroutines along with LiveData, but it was time to upgrade myself.

Regarding Flow, a Flow is a type that can emit multiple values sequentially, as opposed to suspending functions that return only a single value. Flow is basically a COLD stream which means that it is on-demand and will emit the data when being observed or collected (collect()). On the other hand, Hot Flows as SharedFlow and StateFlow act differently. They are always ACTIVE regardless of being observed or not! More info: StateFlow and SharedFlow


Tech stacks & technologies

MVVM architecture | Hilt-dagger, LiveData, Flow, Retrofit, RecyclerView, DataBinding, Glide


StackOverflow - MVVM architecture | Hilt-dagger, LiveData, Flow, Retrofit, RecyclerView


Language:Kotlin 100.0%