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Deploys Lilypad infrastructure

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CloudOps: Lilypad Infrastructure Deployment Using Ansible

This guide provides instructions for deploying the Lilypad infrastructure on arbitrary Debian-based nodes using Ansible. Minimum requirements: quad-core cpu, and an nvidia gpu


Ensure you have Ansible installed on your control machine and access to Debian-based target nodes.

How to Use

1. Configure the Inventory File

  • Specify the IP addresses of your target nodes.
  • Set the ansible user for SSH connections.

Example Inventory File (inventory):

[lilypad] ansible_user=ubuntu

Prepare Environment Variable Files

  • Place a file in the root directory, where network corresponds to the target blockchain network (e.g., sepolia, mumbai).
  • Each file should contain the necessary environment variables for that specific network.

3. Configure the Deployment Playbook (deploy.yml)

  • Update the network variable in the vars section of the playbook to match the target network. This variable determines which ``` file will be used.
  • The playbook will automatically select and copy the appropriate .env file based on the specified network.

Example deploy.yml:

- name: Deploy Lilypad Infrastructure
  hosts: lilypad
  become: true

    network: "mumbai"  # Set your target network here

  # ... (rest of the playbook)

4. Execute the Playbook

Run the Ansible playbook to start the deployment on the specified nodes.

ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy.yml

By following these steps, you can deploy the Lilypad infrastructure on your desired Debian-based nodes for different blockchain networks using Ansible. Ensure that each target environment has its corresponding file for a seamless deployment process.


Deploys Lilypad infrastructure

License:MIT License