Likh-Alex / Payment_system

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Payment system Application

This application is used to manage Client, Accounts and Payments

You can perform following operations in the application:

  • Create a Client.
  • Get all Accounts by Client id.
  • Create a Payment between two Accounts.
  • Add a group of Payments for processing between two Accounts.
  • Get a list of Payments by different input parameters.

In order to use the application

  • Download the source code
  • Download and install Maven
  • Download and install PostgreSQL
  • Download and install any API testing tool. E.g PostMan
  • Create database in PostgreSQL, keep your username and password - you would need it later.
  • Open your IDE and create new project from the source code.
  • In src/main/resources/ uncomment the contents of the file and change username, password and database url to your own credentials which you got after creating the database in PostgreSQL.
  • Once you opened the project - run in order to start the application
  • Go to Postman and test the endpoints described below.

Endpoints description


  • Post a Client and return new Client Id and HttpStatus.CREATED
  • Example - { "first_name": "First Name", "last_name": "Last Name", "accounts": [ { "account_number": "1234", "account_type": "CARD", "balance": 1000.0 } ] }


  • Get a list of all Client Accounts by given Id
  • If Client is found in the database - application will return list of Accounts which belong to the Client and HttpStatus.OK.
  • If Client is not found application will return HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.


  • Post a Payment with supplied input.
  • Example - { "source_acc_id": 1, "dest_acc_id": 2, "amount": 10.00, "reason": "Payment reason" }.
  • If the source Account does not have enough balance - Payment will be saved with status ERROR and returned by the application.
  • If the source Account balance is sufficient to perform the payment - than Payment will be saved and returned with status OK.


  • Post a list of Payments with supplied input.
  • Example - [{ "source_acc_id": 1, "dest_acc_id": 2, "amount": 10.00, "reason": "10 unit payment" }, { "source_acc_id": 1, "dest_acc_id": 2, "amount": 1000.00, "reason": "1000 unit payment" }]
  • Same validation rules apply to this method, payments are processed in order as they are received. In the second if the source Account does not have enough balance - Payment will be saved with status ERROR.


  • Get a list of all Payments which are performed between Accounts or/and Clients parameters supplied.
  • Example { "payer_id": 1, "recipient_id": 2, "source_acc_id": 1, "dest_acc_id": 3 }
  • Method will retrieve all Payments regardless of order of parameters or their amount and possible combinations. Simply put - the user will get all Payment which include supplied parameters.

Application is able to process both Json and Xml input formats.



Language:Java 100.0%