LichAmnesia / Music-Socialize

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



To run this in localhost. You need to install requirements:

$pip install requests

$pip install Flask

$pip install PyMongo

$pip install flask_pymongo

$apt-get install mongodb

How to deploy it on localhost



We wanted to implemnet music socialize website because accordingt to what we looked through there was no active music socializing application. So we wanted to implment one. So that people can their playlist than other can give feedback. Also people can talk about music thtough the website.

#What it does

At this point it is quite simple. You can login to the page, and the person can access other people's playlists. Also we can know top-ranked tracks.

#How we built it

We used Spotify API, for frontend Jinja2 and Bootstrap, for backend Flask, for database we used MongoDB.

#Challenges we ran into

Using the Spotify API was complicated than we exepcted. Because it will return a big chunk of data and accessing the specific needed data and formating with JSON was quite challenging.

#Accomplishments that we are proud of

We learned how to use Spotify API and also we are proud that we came up with this idea because it is new. Also we implemented main function in the limited time which is great!

#What we learned

We leanred how to use Flask because we had no prior experience and realized it is simple and easy to implement. Also we learned how to use Spotify API and how to handle data in datase as well.

#To improve

Since the purpose of this app is music socialization we want to implement a function that will allow people to leave comment or talk. Thay was people can give feedback on the shared playlist or talk about certain songs that they are interested in.

#Built With

Python, Flask, MongoDB, Jinjs2 and Bootstrap



Language:HTML 53.3%Language:Python 36.8%Language:CSS 9.9%