The Repository contains some useful code that implements with OpenCV and C++
I refer to the Authoritative Code,it helps me a lot,and it's also great if you are willing to help me
improve my code,There are more information about the OpenCV on my CSDN BLOG
It's a application of DFT
and IDFT
. Firstly, I trnsfer the picture from time domain to frequency domain
by DFT
, And In frequency domain, process all the pixels,lastly,tansfer the picture back to time domain
. the original picture I use is the moive,lalaland 's advertisement
There are more details in : detail document about the algorithms
the reslut, source image:
the reslut, Amplitude spectrum:
the reslut, reconstructed image:
the result, Pro Amplitude spectrum:
The cpp file contains three normal linear Filteres
and two nonlinear Filteres
,They are Box Filter\Mean Filter\
GaussianFilter\Median Filter and Bilateral Filter,and meanwhile, I creat Track bar for each of them,we could move the
key to adjust the Filteres' function,the filteres are applied in one picture,another lalaland advertisement,so we could
compare their function
the result, Mean Filter:
the result, Gaussian Filter:
the result, Box Filter:
the result, Median Filter:
the result,Bilateral Filter:
The code draw the Convex Hull
of the 'xiaoxin's photo',I like the cartoon very much, so, I make the result a gif.
the code is easy but efficient, it's still welcome to help me improve it, and you could also add some interesting
elements to it,the code uses convexHull function and findContour function mainly.
There are more details in : detail document about the algorithms
the resalut:
Here contains Three different kinds of methods for edge detected
,They are Canny/Sobel/Scharr
,the pictue I use
is Two Horses's picture that I download from Baidu,Put the different effect results here to compare the differences between them
There are more details in : detail document about the algorithms
the result, Canny:
the result, Sobel:
the result, Scharr:
Here I use a planet picture implement the rotation and zooming
,Firstly,I use the zooming function,and follow by the
rotate funtion,I show the output all in the code, but I just put the last result here, if you are interesting in the middle
process,you colud run the code in the repositry by yourself
the resutlt, zoom and rotate:
The HurrisCorner is a useful and interesting algrithom, I use the function in OpenCV to implement on a "church picture"
and really, the function has a good effect
the result,HurrisCorner:
The code could use circles and rectangles to wraps the obejects' contours in the "world map",I use the findcontour and
some other functions in the OpenCV
the result,CircleAndRectObj:
Author: LiangjunFeng
School: zhejiang University
Begin from: 2017/8