LiamGallagher737 / learnbevy

An online web app for playing around with Bevy in the browser (unofficial)

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Bevy Playground (for now)

An online web app for playing around with Bevy in the browser.

Why is it called learnbevy?

The end goal is to build challenge like tutorials for learning different aspects of the Bevy game engine. An example of one could be learning how to use run conditions. Currently the focus is on building a user friendly and featureful playground that will then be used for the challenges.

Here is a list of current and planned features

  • Code editor with syntax highlighting (highlight is stolen from the rust playground)
  • Visual window
  • Console that displays logs and build stderr
  • Selectable Bevy version and rust channel (nightly and stable)
  • Formatting code
  • Sharing code
  • Bevy example selector
  • Assets for testing with
  • Popular crates
  • Entity hierarchy
  • Entity inspector
  • Rust analyzer running in the browser (it's possible)

πŸ“‚ compile_api

This is the program than compiles the code to wasm.

How it works

Each request spins up a new docker container, see images for for infomation on them.

The http server in use is tide, I chose this due to its middleware which works quite well for this use case. Each stage is implmented as its own middleware.

To keep the service avaliable for everyone to use there is rate limiting which adds a 5 second deplay before another request can be made when the last one was successful but only 1 second if it was unsuccessful. There is also what I call "ip locking" which allows only a single concurrent request from each IP address.


Currently it is running on a single Ryzen Pro VPS from Hizakura. I chose this due to it's great single threaded performance which seems to be the most important for incrimental builds. The server is protected behind Cloudflare's proxy for ddos protection, caching and basic rate limiting.

Local Development

The program has a dev-mode feature which will remove cloudflare specific behaviour. It can be run in dev mode like this.

cargo run --features dev-mode

Most likely you will need root privileges to spin up docker containers. To run the program as sudo you can use the following.

cargo build --features dev-mode && sudo target/debug/bevy_compile_api

You will also need to generate an ssl certificate cert.pem and cart.key for ssl to work. The following command will ask some questions, put whatever info you want in here.

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cert.key -out cert.pem

πŸ“‚ compile_worker

This is for caching responses on cloudflare. This is needed as there is no other way to cache POST requests.

πŸ“‚ images

This is where the Dockfile is for the images used durning compiling. A single dockerfile is used taking both a Bevy version and Rust channel as arguments. The Cargo.toml files for each version are in the manifests directory, each version gets it's own file as the features change between versions.


An image can be build like this, replace 0.13 and stable with options of your choice.

docker build --build-arg="version=0.13" --build-arg="channel=stable" --tag "liamg737/comp-0.13-stable" .

πŸ“‚ rustfmt_api

This is the program that formats the code.

How it works

This is a very simple server using warp, just a single file. Each requests runs a new rustfmt process and pipes the users code into stdin. The formatted code is then read through stdout.


There are three instances of this server running on's free tier. The machines being used are shared-cpu-1x@256MB as that is the maximum to stay in the free their while keeping them permanently up which is ideal to avoid cold starts. The three instances run in the following regions.

  • Dallas, Texas πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  • Sydney, Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

πŸ“‚ www

This is the website

How it works

It is a SvelteKit 4 app that uses tailwind for styling and shancn-svelte for the ui components.


The website is hosted on Cloudflare Pages for free. The shares are stored in a Cloudlflare KV database which is also free.

The program can be built with the following command

Local Development

Most of the time a simple npm run dev will suffice however if you want to use the sharing functionality you will have to build the app and run it with wrangler, this is due to needing a database. The following command will do both.

npm run build && npx wrangler pages dev .svelte-kit/cloudflare

If you want the website to use a locally running compile server you can specify a url in your .env file.


If your running the compile server with ssl then most likely your browser will block the request when you try to compile due to an untrusted self-signed certificate. To trust it on Firefox you can go to https://localhost:53740/compile and click on the Advanced then Accept the Risk. Other browser should be very simular.

βš–οΈ License

All code in this repository is dual-licensed under either of the following license at your option.

The assets included in this repository are copied from the Bevy repository and typically fall under different open licenses. See for the details of the licenses of those files.


An online web app for playing around with Bevy in the browser (unofficial)

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 39.3%Language:Svelte 20.7%Language:WGSL 17.0%Language:Rust 14.4%Language:JavaScript 2.9%Language:Nix 2.5%Language:GLSL 1.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:HTML 0.1%