LiamDev06 / NMSAdvanced

Code from MineAcamdemy's NMSAdvanced course. Includes things I've developed while watching the course as well as personal things I have experimented working with packets and NMS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository includes a variety of features and creations relating to NMS plugin development. A big part of the repo is code I have written while watching MineAcademy's NMSAdvanced course. This is a constant work-in-progress repo and new features are often being pushed.


The NMSAdvanced repository is a Spigot 1.8.8 plugin including everything from particles, animations, commands, NPCs, NBT data, GUIs and much more. As I build onto this project, I will keep updating the features section down below. The plugin does not serve any direct purpose - it is a general collection of things I have built that requires the use of NMS during my journey of learning the advanced parts of plugin development.

"Fork if you want to learn!"

This project covers a wide aspect of NMS topics and features. Quality has been focused over quantity to provide as many different NMS topics as possible but few at each one. As a bonus, the project is very well commenteted which makes it a great starting point if you are trying to learn NMS. Fork it, view, experiment, learn!

Note: '@author Liam'

Certain classes/methods may be documented with '@author Liam'. Code from there is not taken from the course but instead developed by me.


  • Commands
    • /directping - get the users ping by accessing NMS directly
    • /reflectionping - get the users ping by accessing NMS using reflection
    • /display - display an action bar or title using direct NMS with a specified message
    • /particlesbehind - spawn particles behind a player when they walk using direct NMS
    • /gameentityspawn - spawn any custom game entity registered in the plugin
    • /spawnnpc - spawn an npc with a specific name, skin and decide if it should show in tablist or not
    • /nbt - modifies NBT on the item in hand using direct NMS access and the NBT-API
  • Models
    • Server Menu Info Modifier - modifies the server menu info by listening for the OutServerInfo packet and intercepting it
  • Custom Entities
    • Killer Snowman - custom entity snowman that overrides target+goal selectors to target nearby players and shots them with snowballs
    • Persistent - the custom entites are kept and not removed nor replaced with default ones
  • NPCs
    • GameNPC - class to spawn NPCs, set their skin, show and hide to players and set if they should look at a player
    • NPC Registry - persistant storage for NPCs. NPCs are serialized on server shutdown and stored in a data.yml
  • Pathfinder Goals
    • Pathfinder goal wrapper class to give obfustaced methods nice-understandable names
    • PathfinderGoalGamePet - custom pathfinder goal that makes an entity navigate to a player (its owner) to create a pet-like feeling
  • Pets
    • Friendly Wolf - custom wolf pet that turns any wolf into a player pet and applies a custom pathfinder goal upon clicked


Code from MineAcamdemy's NMSAdvanced course. Includes things I've developed while watching the course as well as personal things I have experimented working with packets and NMS.


Language:Java 100.0%