LiYang412 / docker_for_carsim_linux

Simple ubuntu18.04 env. for Carsim Linux.

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Ubuntu 18.04 env. for Carsim Linux

See this note for more information about Carsim Linux.

Environment overview

Since docker makes virtual environments, you can use any OS on your PC. You can edit Dockerfile, docker-compose.yaml to change settings below.

  • OS(Base Image): Ubuntu 18.04
  • installs:
    • sudo
    • git
    • vim
    • tree
    • build-essential
    • cmake
    • python3
    • python3-pip
  • Image Name : ubuntu1804image
  • Container Name : ubuntu1804container

What is Docker?

How to install docker

How to launch a docker container

  1. Clone this repository to your working directory.

    $ git clone 
  2. Build image and launch container.

    $ cd docker_ubuntu1804_env
    $ docker-compose up -d

    ※ -d: option to process in the background.

  3. Start container

    $ docker start ubuntu1804container

    ※ ubuntu1804container is a name of docker container. You can check it by running docker ps -a

  4. Execute container.

    $ docker exec -it ubuntu1804container bash
    normaluser@[container ID]:/workspace#
    • You can operate virtual ubuntu environment as a normaluser (sudoer).
    • Files in /workspace in the container is synchronized with docker_ubuntu1804_env/workspace on your PC.
  5. After your work finishes, get out of the container, then close it.

    normaluser@[container ID]:/workspace/# exit
    $ docker stop ubuntu1804container 

Check status

  • list images
    $ docker images 
    REPOSITORY                       TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    ubuntu1804image                          latest              e421cc616236        22 seconds ago      648MB
    ubuntu                           18.04               9140108b62dc        2 weeks ago         72.9MB
  • list containers
    $ docker ps -a 
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                  PORTS               NAMES
    45e6085e0d4f        ubuntu1804image                           "/bin/bash"             About a minute ago   Up About a minute                           ubuntu1804container

Repository overview

├── .git
├── .gitignore
├── .devcontainer
├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── carsim
└── workspace
  • working directory: workspace/

Cleaning of your environment

The following command deletes images, containers, volumes, and networks, which are made with docker-compose up. Note that peretual volume on your PC will not be deleted.

$ docker-compose down --rmi all --volumes --remove-orphans

How to install and set up Carsim Linux automatically.


Simple ubuntu18.04 env. for Carsim Linux.


Language:Shell 76.6%Language:Dockerfile 23.4%