python 3.6 tensorflow >= 2.2 CUDA 10.1 -------------- DO NOT USE CONDA as linking tensorflow for compiling PointNet++ doesn't work out of box -------------- create ./configs/project_config.json using ./configs/project_config_template.json and set up your paths config file ------------- DATASET download at the bottom of page, place pcds and poses in folder -------------- depending on the way you have your cuda setup you might need to run this in terminal export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} for more troubleshooting -------------- to compile PointNet++ ops: sh tf_ops/ -------------- python3 -------------- to create new default model python3 -mn <model_name> -new -------------- for for more options python3 --help create new configs in their respecive folders to use them as arguments