LevelFourAB / crayon

Extension to Google Guice that provides contribution methods

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Crayon is an application bootstrap that makes it easy to build modular applications on top of Google Guice. Crayon provides access to logging, module discovery, contributions, configuration, services and more.

Development version: 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Getting started

Crayon is split into several sub-projects, depending on your needs different artifacts need to be imported into your project:


Application is the recommended way to start an application built on Crayon. It will take care of discovery of modules, configure logging and will start any services defined by modules.

Example of an application using a single module MainModule:

public class ServerApp {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Application app = Application.withIdentifier("appId")


Logging is provided via Logback. Application will automatically load the file logback.xml if available and will default to outputting log messages with INFO level to the console if no configuration is available.


Artifact: crayon-module Module: se.l4.crayon.module

Modules in Crayon are built around dependency injection and are an extensions of Guice modules. With Crayon it is recommended to split a project into several modules, which if you're using Java 9+ may be JPMS modules as well.

For each module in your application you should create a class that extends CrayonModule that describes the classes the module makes available, contributes things such as services and what other modules are required by this module.

Here's a module that contributes a service that will start during application startup:

public class HttpModule extends CrayonModule {
  public void configure() {
    // Indicate that we depend on services
    install(new ServicesModule());

   * This is a contribution method that the crayon-services module will invoke
   * during application startup.
  public void contributeService(ServiceCollector collector, HttpService service) {


Crayon supports auto-discovery of modules during startup using ServiceLoader.

When using JPMS modules this can be provided via module-info.java:

provides se.l4.crayon.module.CrayonModule with com.example.HttpModule;

If not using JPMS it can be provided by the file META-INF/services/se.l4.crayon.module.CrayonModule on the classpath. This file should include the fully qualified class name of your module:



Artifact: crayon-contributions Module: se.l4.crayon.contributions

Contributions is how Crayon wires modules together, contributions are defined as methods in a module class with an annotation describing the type of contribution.

It is possible for these methods to have parameters that are provided via injection:

public void contributeThing(ObjectFromGuice thing) {


The order at which contributions are invoked can be configured:

public void contributeThingA() {

public void contributeThingB() {
  // This will run before the contribution named "thingA" 

The annotations Before, After and Order can be used for ordering.

Custom contributions

Custom contributions are bound via annotations. First define a custom binding annotation to be used as the contribution annotation:

@Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER })
public @interface StorageContribution

In your module call bindContributions with your annotation. This will bind an instance of Contributions annotated with custom annotation. When desired you can then call the run method on the Contributions instance to run all the contributions:

public class StorageModule extends CrayonModule {
  public void configure() {
    // Other configuration here
  public Storage provideStorage(@StorageContribution Contributions contributions) {
	  return new Storage(...);

Other modules may use your contribution as normal:

public class StorageExtensionModule extends CrayonModule {
  public void contributeSomeStorageStuff() {
    // This method is run when the contributions are triggered by StorageModule


Artifact: crayon-config Module: se.l4.crayon.config

When a Crayon application is started it will automatically load configuration files and make these available to modules. This is done via Config provided by L4 commons.

By default the first of ./appId.conf, /etc/appId/default.conf or ./default.conf will be loaded.

It is recommended that modules bind up classes via bindConfig:

public class ExampleModule extends CrayonModule {
  public void configure() {
      .withDefault(new ExampleConfig(8080))

public class ExampleConfig {
  private int port;

Defaults can also be provided via contributions:

public void contributeConfig(ConfigBuilder builder) {
  builder.with("example.path.in.config.port", 8080);


Artifact: crayon-services Module: se.l4.crayon.services

Type discovery and creation

Artifact: crayon-types Module: se.l4.crayon.types

Health monitoring via Vibe

Artifact: crayon-vibe Module: se.l4.crayon.vibe

Crayon provides integration with Vibe for health monitoring. By default applications will bind up some JVM health metrics under the scope jvm.

Using in modules

Depending on the module VibeModule will make an instance of Vibe available for use.

public class ExampleModule extends CrayonModule {
  public void configure() {
    // Indicate that this module uses Vibe
    install(new VibeModule());

    // Bind something that uses a Vibe instance

Setting up backends

To make things exported via Vibe useable you will want to bind up one or more backends depending on your needs. These can be bound via a @VibeBackendContribution:

public void contributeVibeBackend(Vibe.Builder builder) {


Extension to Google Guice that provides contribution methods

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%