LetsCreatProjects / postgresSQL_container_comunication

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Creating 2 containers of postgresSQL, create and transfer db from one postgresSQL db to another via script.

+ Creation of two database containers using Docker 
+ Filling data to 2 Instances of PostgresSQL
+ Running script that merge two PostgresSQL Instances into one

Here are the steps:

  1. Install Docker on 2 db machines on Linux (local host Ubuntu 22.04 Container OS Debian)

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt install docker.io -y sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker sudo docker --version

  1. Create PostgresSQL container :

sudo docker pull postgres

  • declare password var with this command:
  • to make it secure, create file ".env" and input there password: "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=please_change_me"

sudo docker run -d --name tmp_postgres_sql_db -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 5433:5433 --env-file=.env postgres sudo docker run -d --name main_postgres_sql_db -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 5432:5432 --env-file=.env postgres

sudo docker ps

  1. Go inside your container and add additional database:

sudo docker exec -it {container ID} bash

psql -U postgres

CREATE DATABASE db_passengers; \l

Creating table on tmp PostgresSQL Instance (with values):

  • Connect to database

\c db_passengers

  • create table with parameters:
create table passengers(
Id int primary key not null,
Name varchar (100) not null,
Email varchar (255) unique not null,
Age int not null,
Travel_to varchar (255) not null,
Paymentv int not null,
Travel_date date not null


INSERT INTO passengers ("id", "name", "email", "age", "travel_to", "paymentv", "travel_date")
(1, 'Jack', 'jack12@gmail.com', 20, 'Paris', 79000, '2018-1-1'),
(2, 'Anna', 'anna@gmail.com', 19, 'NewYork', 405000, '2019-10-3'),
(3, 'Wonder', 'wonder2@yahoo.com', 32, 'Sydney', 183000, '2012-8-5'),
(4, 'Stacy', 'stacy78@hotmail.com', 28, 'Maldives', 29000, '2017-6-9'),
(5, 'Stevie', 'stevie@gmail.com', 49, 'Greece', 56700, '2021-12-12'),
(6, 'Harry', 'harry@gmail.com', 22, 'Hogwarts', 670000, '2020-1-17');

SELECT * FROM passengers;

Creating table on main PostgresSQL Instance (with values):

psql -U postgres

CREATE DATABASE db_china_vs_india_population; \l

  • Connect to database

\c db_china_vs_india_population

  • create table with parameters:
"Index" int primary key not null,
"China" int not null,
"India" int not null,
"Year"  int not null


INSERT INTO ChinaVsIndia ("Index", "China", "India", "Year")

SELECT * FROM ChinaVsIndia;

  • Command to delete db if needed:

postgres=# DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {dbName};

  1. install ssh on both containers

  • Declare password for ssh connection passwd root
  • After that command insert password of your choice and insert commands bellow

apt-get update && apt-get install nano && apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server -y && nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  • Change the line "PermitRootLogin yes" after line:#PermitRootLogin and insert those commands

service ssh restart && service --status-all

  • ssh to tmp container to see that all good and there is connection.There is 2 ways: spawn ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l "$user" "$host"


ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $user@$host

  • This fragment "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" is for bypass "yes/no" question

  • to see ip address of a container at local host : sudo docker inspect {container name} | grep IPAddress

ssh root@{ipAddress}

  • on host install "expect" to make be able to run expect script via bash script apt-get install expect -y

Network troubleshooting:

sudo docker network create web_server --driver bridge docker inspect web_server sudo docker inspect -f '{{range $key, $value := .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{$key}} {{end}}' [container] sudo docker inspect {my-container-name} docker network create {network_name} sudo docker network ls

  • To check if two containers (or more) are on a network together: docker network inspect [networkName] -f "{{json .Containers }}"
  • To see what network(s) your container is on: sudo docker inspect [container_name] -f "{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}"
  • For troubleshooting connection use this command, you can see that you have valid port to ssh connection : apt-get install net-tools root@cebf20657667:/# netstat -tupan
  • Attention: if you want to ssh from localhost to containers, you need to install and configure ssh dependencies too.
  1. run script to transfer db from one database container machine to another

  • create file "db_importer.sh" inside db main container of postgresSQL, insert the code in file "db_importer.sh": nano db_importer.sh
  • Create file : "config.conf" and insert code. In it change variables like: IP, database's names, name of the files etc. for your need.
  • run script bash db_importer.sh
  1. commands to check that db has been transferred

root@423eac21b4c1:/# psql -U postgres \l \c db_imported_data_3 \d SELECT * FROM {table_name};

  1. remove unused container db

  • Only display list of container IDs sudo docker ps -q

sudo docker rm -f <Container_ID> <Container_ID> <Container_ID> sudo docker ps

  • Commands for additional operations:

  • remove all images (by force) from vm to start clean sudo docker rmi $(sudo docker images -aq) --force sudo docker images

  • Video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73cbWFKbNow



Language:Shell 100.0%