LeoniusChen / BinauralSpeechSynthesis


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Binaural Speech Synthesis

This repository contains code to train a mono-to-binaural neural sound renderer. If you use this code or the provided dataset, please cite our paper "Neural Synthesis of Binaural Speech from Mono Audio",

  title={Neural Synthesis of Binaural Speech from Mono Audio},
  author={Richard, Alexander and Markovic, Dejan and Gebru, Israel D and Krenn, Steven and Butler, Gladstone and de la Torre, Fernando and Sheikh, Yaser},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


Download the dataset and unzip it. When unzipped, you will find a directory containing the training data for all eight subjects and a directory containing the test data for these eight subjects plus an additional validation sequence.

Each subject's directory contains the transmitter mono signal as mono.wav, the binaural recordings for the receiver, binaural.wav, and two position files for transmitter and receiver. The audio files are 48kHz recordings and the position files have tracked receiver and transmitter head positions and orientations at a rate of 120Hz, such that there is a new receiver/transmitter position every 400 audio samples.

The position files have one tracked sample per row. So, 120 rows represent 1 second of tracked positions. Positions are represented as (x,y,z) coordinates and head orientations are represented as quaternions (qx, qy, qz, qw). Each row therefore contains seven float values (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw).

Note that in our setup the receiver was a mannequin that did not move. Receiver positions are therefore the same at all times. The receiver is the in the origin of the coordinate system and, from the receiver's perspective, x points forward, y points right, and z points up.


Third-Party Dependencies

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • torch
  • torchaudio


The training can be started by running the train.py script. Make sure to pass to correct command line arguments:

  • --dataset_directory: the path to the directory containing the training data, i.e. /your/downloaded/dataset/path/trainset
  • --artifacts_directory: the path to write log files to and to save models and checkpoints
  • --num_gpus: the number of GPUs to be used; we used four for the experiments in the paper. If you train on less GPUs or on GPUs with low memory, you might need to reduce the batch size in train.py.

The full network has 3 WaveNet blocks. For training and inference, we recommend to reduce this to one block, which will come at the cost of slightly worse results.


The evaluation can be started by running the evaluate.py script. Make sure to pass the correct command line arguments:

  • --dataset_directory: the path to the directory containing the test data, i.e. /your/downloaded/dataset/path/testset
  • --model_file: the path to the model you want to evaluate, will usually be located in the artifacts_dir used in the training script.
  • --artifacts_directory: the generated binaural audio of each test sequence will be saved to this directory.


The code and dataset are released under CC-NC 4.0 International license.





Language:Python 100.0%