Authentication, Form Library, I18N/L10N, Flash Message Template (not associated with Pyramid, a Pylons project)
Uses alchemy
Authentication has a single authentication id which can have multiple associated credentials. A user can create a username and associate their Facebook and Google login records with their current record and log in with any of them. It is planned that Apex will act as an endpoint for multi-domain multi-site installations - allowing one to associate a login account from one domain to another.
Local authentication uses salt + BCrypt http://codahale.com/how-to-safely-store-a-password/
- Velruse is used for OpenID/OpenAuth providers and supports
- Yahoo
- Microsoft Live
- Bitbucket
- Github
- Identi.ca
- Last.fm
- Any OpenID provider
Ability to overload the login form, extend the AuthUser class through polymorphism or a Foreign Key user profile table.
Form Library
WTForms is used to help those transitioning over from Django to Pyramid.
Babel is used to support Internationalization and Localization.
Flash Messages
Templates and helpers for Mako and Jinja2 are included to support Flash Messages in your application.