Alura Challenge: Forum-Hub. Java BackEnd API REST
This API REST system simulates the functionality of a Forum using four main endpoints. It supports the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE http methods.
- Every endpoint capable of returning an object response, it will return the status code and a json.
- The system uses PostgresSQL for the database.
- The url before the endpoints can be adjusted according to the needs. (e.g.,
). - The system has four main endpoints: /login, /topic, /author and /answer. Each one of them correspond to different aspects and will vary on the http methods allowed.
The only http method it accepts is POST.
This endpoint does not require any kind of authorization, so anyone can access to it.
You need to send a Json with valid credentials in order to recive a JsonWebToken that will allow you to access all the other endpoints.
Example of the Json with credentials:
If your credentials are valid you will recive your JWT and it will valid for two hours according to the UTC(-06:00).
Once you have recived your JWT, you will be able to access all the other endpoints.
This endpoint will accept GET, POST, PUT and DELETE http methods.
Only the active topics will be considered for this functions (
status = true
). -
To register a new topic, you need to send a Json which can't have empty information.
Example of a valid Json:
If the request is successful you will get a 201 status code, the created object and its location
): -
If you try to register a topic with the same
that another topic, you will get a 400 status code.
- This endpoint will return a list of ten topics in ascending order according to their
- This endpoint will return a list of ten topics in ascending order according to their
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
This endpoint allowes you to update a topic by its id.
Example of a valid Json to update a topic:
You can omit any of the Json properties as this is only an update.
If the topic is found and the Json is valid, you will recive a Json of the updated object:
If the topic is not found, you will get a 404 status code.
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
- This endpoint allowes you to delete a topic by its id.
- If the topic is found, you will only get a 200 status code.
- If the topic is not found, you will get a 404 status code.
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
This endpoint will accept GET and PUT http methods.
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
This endpoint allowes you to update an author by its id.
Example of a valid Json to update an author:
You can omit any of the Json properties as this is only an update.
If the author is found and the Json is valid, you will revice a Json of the updated object:
If the author is not found, you will get a 404 status code.
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
- This endpoint will accept GET, POST, PUT and DELETE http methods.
- Endpoint("/add"):
This endpoint allowes you to add a new answer.
You need to send a Json which can't have empty information.
Example of a valid Json:
If the request is successful you will get a 201 status code, the created object and its location
: -
If your request is missing something or it is not correct, you will get a 400 status code.
- Endpoint("/add"):
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
This endpoint allowes you to update an answer by its id.
Example of a valid Json to update an answer:
You can omit any of the Json properties as this is only an update.
If the answer is found and the Json is valid, you will revice a Json of the updated object:
If the answer is not found, you will get a 404 status code.
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
- This endpoint allowes you to delete an answer by its id.
- If the answer is found, you will only get a 200 status code.
- If the answer is not found, you will get a 404 status code.
- Endpoint("/{id}"):
- The API uses JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication and authorization.
- The token must be included in the
header for all requests except the/login
endpoint. - Ensure secure storage of tokens on the client side.