LengSicong / Tell2Design

[ACL2023 Area Chair Award] Official repo for the paper "Tell2Design: A Dataset for Language-Guided Floor Plan Generation".

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Tell2Design: A Dataset for Language-Guided Floor Plan Generation

Code and data for the paper "Tell2Design: A Dataset for Language-Guided Floor Plan Generation" (ACL 2023)

For any inquiries, please contact Lengsicong@gmail.com and zhou_yang@ihpc.a-star.edu.sg.


  • Python 3.7.6
  • PyTorch (tested with version 1.10.0)
  • Transformers (tested with version 4.14.1)

You can install all required Python packages with pip install -r requirements.txt


The dataset collected in this paper is stored in Google Drive. Please download the zip file from the cloud and extract to your local machine.

Data Structure

  • General Data/
    • floorplan_image/ (all floor plan RGB images)
    • human_annotated_tags/ (all human-annotated floor plan descriptions)
    • Tell2Design_artificial_all.pkl (all artificial-generated floor plan descriptions)
  • Separated Data/ (data separated w.r.t. different training stages for all baselines)
    • 1st_finetune_data/
    • 2nd_finetune_data/
    • eval_data/

Running the Seq2Seq Baseline

Use the following command: python run.py floorplan

The floorplan argument refers to a section of the config file, which by default is config.ini. A sample config file is provided.

For example, to replicate the paper's results, have the following section in the config file:

datasets = floorplan
model_name_or_path = t5-base
num_train_epochs = 20
max_seq_length = 512
max_seq_length_eval = 512
per_device_train_batch_size = 4
per_device_eval_batch_size = 4
do_train = True
do_eval = True
do_predict = False
boundary_in_where = Encoder
exp = full
editing_data = False
output_format_type = original
comment = baseline
adapter = None

Then run python run.py floorplan.

Config arguments can be overwritten by command line arguments. For example: python run.py floorplan --num_train_epochs 50.

Additional details

If do_train = True, the model is trained on the given train split (e.g., 'train') of the given datasets. The final weights and intermediate checkpoints are written in a directory such as experiments/floorplan-t5-base-full-ep20-len512-b12-train-original-baseline, with one subdirectory per episode. Results in JSON format are also going to be saved there.

In every episode, the model is trained on a different (random) permutation of the training set. The random seed is given by the episode number, so that every episode always produces the same exact model.

Once a model is trained, it is possible to evaluate it without training again. For this, set do_train = False or (more easily) provide the -e command-line argument: python run.py floorplan -e.

If do_eval = True, the model is evaluated on the 'dev' split. If do_predict = True, the model is evaluated on the 'test' split.


The following are the most important command-line arguments for the run.py script. Run python run.py -h for the full list.

  • -c CONFIG_FILE: specify config file to use (default is config.ini)
  • -e: only run evaluation (overwrites the setting do_train in the config file)
  • -a: evaluate also intermediate checkpoints, in addition to the final model
  • -v : print results for each evaluation run
  • -g GPU: specify which GPU to use for evaluation

The following are the most important arguments for the config file. See the sample config file to understand the format.

  • model_name_or_path (str): path to pretrained model or model identifier from huggingface.co/models (e.g. t5-base)
  • do_train (bool): whether to run training (default is False)
  • do_eval (bool): whether to run evaluation on the dev set (default is False)
  • do_predict (bool): whether to run evaluation on the test set (default is False)
  • num_train_epochs (int): number of train epochs
  • learning_rate (float): initial learning rate (default is 5e-4)
  • per_device_train_batch_size (int): batch size per GPU during training (default is 8)
  • per_device_eval_batch_size (int): batch size during evaluation (default is 8; only one GPU is used for evaluation)
  • max_seq_length (int): maximum input sequence length after tokenization; longer sequences are truncated
  • max_output_seq_length (int): maximum output sequence length (default is max_seq_length)
  • max_seq_length_eval (int): maximum input sequence length for evaluation (default is max_seq_length)
  • max_output_seq_length_eval (int): maximum output sequence length for evaluation (default is max_output_seq_length or max_seq_length_eval or max_seq_length)
  • episodes (str): episodes to run (default is 0; an interval can be specified, such as 1-4; the episode number is used as the random seed)

See arguments.py and transformers.TrainingArguments for additional config arguments.


    title = "{T}ell2{D}esign: A Dataset for Language-Guided Floor Plan Generation",
    author = "Leng, Sicong  and
      Zhou, Yang  and
      Dupty, Mohammed Haroon  and
      Lee, Wee Sun  and
      Joyce, Sam  and
      Lu, Wei",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.820"


The code of this repository is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The dataset of this repository is released uder the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.


[ACL2023 Area Chair Award] Official repo for the paper "Tell2Design: A Dataset for Language-Guided Floor Plan Generation".


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Jupyter Notebook 0.9%Language:Shell 0.1%