LemmingAvalanche / nix-git-hooks

Track and install git hooks with nix

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nix Git Hooks

This repository is the accompanying library to my blog post.

The flake provides two library functions mkInstaller and mkUninstaller that can be used to create commands to install and unsinstall git hooks respectively.


Include the flake as input to your own flake:

inputs.nix-git-hooks.url = "github:ysndr/nix-git-hook";

Define git hooks, for example:

nixFormatHook = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "check-rust-format-hook" ''
    ${pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt}/bin/nixpkgs-fmt --check flake.nix
    [ $RESULT != 0 ] && echo "Please run \`nixpkgs-fmt\` before committing"
    exit $RESULT

Generate an installer and uninstaller:

# Using the overlay
hookInstaller =
    pkgs.git-hook-installer { pre-commit = [ nixFormatHook ]; };
hookUninstaller = pkgs.git-hook-uninstaller;

# Using the library
hookInstaller =
    nix-git-hooks.lib.mkInstaller pkgs { 
        pre-commit = [ nixFormatHook ];
        # see https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks for more hook types

hookUninstaller = nix-git-hooks.lib.mkUninstaller pkgs;

Include the (un)installer in your shell

pkgs.mkShell {
    packages = [ hookInstaller hookUninstaller ];
    shellHook = ''
        echo "=== Development shell ==="
        echo "Info: Git hooks can be installed using \`install-git-hooks\`"
        # or run `install-git-hooks` automatically


Track and install git hooks with nix


Language:Nix 100.0%