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Android SDK

This page describes the Android SDK for interworking with WEMIX Wallet in dApps.


  • API 23 : Android 6.0(Marshmallow) or above


It is possible to operate in an environment where HTTP(s) communication is basically possible without a separate subscription procedure.

Adding dependency with Gradle

Add the following to your build.gradle file:

    dependencies {

Adding Permission

Permission to Internet communication is required in order to use the SDK. Add Permission to the AndroidManifest.xml file as shown below.

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Set Server address

You can set the api server address in the AndroidManifest.xml file. If not set, it will be set as default.

<meta-data android:name="A2A_SERVER_DOMAIN" android:value="a2a.test.wemix.com" />


In the Android SDK, App-to-App requests are progressed in two main steps : Proposal, Result

  • Proposal : A stage that requests a task to be performed by a dApp. There are 5 different types of requests.
  • Result : A stage to confirm the results of the requested functions

SDK Initialize

This page describes the procedure to initialize the application of SDK before requesting for App-to-App.


WemixWalletSDK() initializes SDK

Name Type Description
activity or fragment Activity or fragment Activity or fragment instance
proposalResultHandler ProposalResultHandler Callback function to receive response. The results can be confirmed by the A2AResponse of the onResult function.

To receive the result of the request, a user needs to call the corresponding function with the Acitivity or Fragment's onActivityResult function.

ProposalResultHandler interface

These are the interfaces that receive the results of a request. Input values when generating WemixWalletSDK.

Method Name Parameters Description
onAuthInitFailed Called when request has failed
statusCode Error code when request failed (Http Status Code)
onNotInstall Called when WEMIX Wallet is not installed
intent Intent sent to the playSt ore
onProposalResult Called after user verification
resultCode After verification:
* If verification is successful: Activity.RESULT_OK,
* If verification is not successful: Activity.RESULT_CANCELED
requestId A unique ID for a request
Initializing example
private final ProposalResultHandler resultHandler = new ProposalResultHandler(){
    public void onAuthInitFailed(int statusCode){
        // request failed

    public void onNotInstall(final Intent intent){
        // WEMIX Wallet not installed. go to store
        startActivity(this, intent);

    public void onProposalResult(int resultCode, String requestId) {
        if(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK){
            // Request result information on request
            walletSdk.getResult(requestId, new ResponseResultHandler() {
                public void onResult(String requestId, A2AResponse response) {
                    // response.getResult().getAddress() <= Only Auth
                    // response.getResult().getTransactionHash()
        }else if(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED){
            // user Cancel

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){

    WemixWalletSDK walletSdk = new WemixWalletSDK(this, resultHandler);

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data){
    if(walletSdk.handleResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)){
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


This function uses WemixWalletSDK.proposal(MetaData, SendData) and provides 5 different request types.

  • null : request wallet address
  • SendWemix : request WEMIX transfer
  • SendToken : request Token transfer
  • SendNFT : request NFT transfer
  • ExecuteContract : request execute contract

In order to request a Proposal, information about the dApp is required. The information about the dApp must be provided in MetaData class.

MetaData(name, description, url, icon)
Parameter Name Type Description Nullable
name String Name of dApp false
description String Description of the request(Reserved) true
url String Main URL of the dApp(Reserved) true
icon String URL of the dApp logo(Reserved) true
Metadata metadata = new Metadata("app name", "description", null, null, null, null);


This function requests an authentication of the user’s wallet, and the address of the user wallet can be confirmed when the authentication is completed.

walletSdk.proposal(metadata, null);


This is a request to send the user’s WEMIX to a specific address. After the approval of the request, the user can check the transactionHash of the request.

SendWemix(from, to, amount)
Parameter Name Type Description
from String Address of the sender (Wallet User Verification Purpose)
to String Address of the recipient
amount String Amount of WEMIX to send (unit : wei)
SendWemix sendWemix = new SendWemix(
    "1000000000000000000" // 1 WEMIX
walletSdk.proposal(metadata, sendWemix);


This is a request to send the user’s Token to a specific address. After the approval of the request, the user can check the transactionHash of the request.

SendToken(from, to , value, contract)
Parameter Name Type Description
from String Address of the sender (Wallet User Verification Purpose)
to String Address of the recipient
value String Amount of WEMIX to send (including decimal)
contract String Address of the token
SendToken sendToken = new SendToken(
    "10000000000", // In case decimal 10, 1 TOKEN
walletSdk.proposal(metadata, sendToken);


This is a request to send the user’s Token to a specific address. After the approval of the request, the user can check the transactionHash of the request.

SendNFT(from, to, contract, tokenId)
Parameter Name Type Description
from String Address of the sender (Wallet User Verification Purpose)
to String Address of the recipient
contract String Address of the NFT contract
tokenId String Token ID of the NFT
SendNFT sendNFT = new SendNFT(
    "13" // token id
walletSdk.proposal(metadata, sendNFT);


This is a request to execute a specific contract. After the approval of the request, the user can check the transactionHash of the request.

ContractExecute(from, to, abi, params)
Parameter Name Type Description
from String Address of the sender (Wallet User Verification Purpose)
to String Address of the contract
contract String abi of the function (json string)
tokenId String Parameters to provide to the function (json string)
String abi = "{\"constant\":false,\"inputs\":[{\"name\":\"_to\",\"type\":\"address\" ...";
String params = "[\"0xcad9042cf49684939a2f42c2d916d1b6526635c2\", \"500000000000\"]";
ExecuteContract executeContract = new ExecuteContract(
walletSdk.proposal(metadata, executeContract);


Once the requestId is obtained through ProposalResultHandler.onProposalResult after the user’s approved, the user can confirm the result by the WemixWalletSDK.getResult(requestId, ResponseResultHander) function.

ResponseRequestHandler Interface

These are the interfaces returned by the request.

Method Name Parameters Description
onResult Called when request has failed
requestId Unique ID of the request
String Response to the request
walletSdk.getResult(requestId, new ResponseResultHandler() {
    public void onResult(String requestId, A2AResponse response) {
        // response.getResult().getAddress() <= Only Auth
        // response.getResult().getTransactionHash()


WemixWalletSDK-Android is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.



Language:Java 100.0%