Lecrapouille / Lecrapouille

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Overview of my personal projects

Most of my projects are made in C++ and can be compiled with my, cloned as git submodule, Makefile helper (because I hate so much CMake ...) for Linux and MacOS (not for Windows) either as standalone application and/or libraries (so you can include them in your personal project).

I used to worked with Scilab because my father contributed to it. Now Scilab has passed away ... the King is dead, long live the King: Julia! Therefore my simulation projects are made in Julia and run in Jupyter notebook. AFAIK the display is broken (but this is not my fault).

I always been impressed on how compact Forth interpreters are, I tried to impelement mine as scripting langage for my project but I do not recommend you to use it.

Else I also added my student projects (Delphi Borland) and my LaTeX slides (studies and internship reports) made in years 2001--2007 (mostly for nostalgy ^^). A recurrent theme in my projects was simulation of city because of this particular project https://github.com/Lecrapouille/SimTaDyn/tree/release-EPITA-2004 mixing geographic system, spreadshet and Forth interpreter.

Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)

System Modeling Tools

  • https://github.com/Lecrapouille/Statecharts :

    A Python script parsing PlantUML statecharts (state machine) scripts and generating the C++ code with their unit tests.

  • https://github.com/Lecrapouille/TimedPetriNetEditor :

    A graphical application and C++ library for editing (timed) petri nets, (timed) graph events and GRAFCET. This tool is coupled with (max,+) algebra and can be used with Julia.

  • https://github.com/Lecrapouille/MaxPlus.jl :

    Julia package allowing to do computations in the tropical algebra (max,+) and (min,+). An algebra where the plus and times operators are replaced by the maximum (minimum) and plus operators. This algebra is used in modeling discrete systems modeling synchronizations as linear systems. This project is a portage of the Scilab toolbox.

City based project


C++ Libraries


Application projects

My Configs
