A practical, smooth, feature-rich third person mod for all Minecraft players.
Precision Shooting: Aim at distant enemies in third-person, and the mod intelligently predicts the target entity. Simply put your crosshair above the target, similar to first-person.
Smart Aim Mode: Automatically enters aiming mode based on held items, such as bows, tridents, or loaded crossbows. Rules are customizable to suit other mods.
Smooth Perspective Switching: Press F5 to smoothly transition between first-person and third-person views.
Camera Adjustment: Hold Z and use the mouse to move or scroll to adjust the camera's position.
Quick Perspective Shifts: Short press of CapsLock for left or right shifts, long press for centering.
Player Transparency: Player entity becomes semi-transparent when the camera is close or the crosshair is aimed at the player. (Not compatible with Sodium)
Toggle mod enable/disable: Key binding is also available.