LeaVerou / svelte-scrolly

A basic scrollytelling component for Svelte

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Svelte <Scrolly>

A simple Svelte <Scrolly> component to facilitate narrative visualizations (scrollytelling).

Originally created for this lab of MIT’s Interactive Visualization & Society course 2024, so that can also serve as a tutorial (see after Step 4).


  • There is an official Svelte package for this purpose: @sveltejs/svelte-scroller. However it assumes the two layers (narrative and visualization) are overlaid on top of each other, which is not always what we want.
  • This is meant to support visualizations that simply enhance the regular scroll behavior by using the scroll position to advance one or more visualizations. It assumes a structure where there is content that actually scrolls (the story) and content that sticks (the visualization). Scrollies where nothing is actually scrolling are out of scope for this component.


npm install svelte-scrolly


It’s used like this:

<Scrolly bind:progress={ myProgressVariable }>
	<!-- Story here -->
	<svelte:fragment slot="viz">
		<!-- Visualizations here -->

This will create a scrollytelling narrative with the story on the left and the visualization(s) on the right. If you instead want the story on the right and the visualizations on the left, you can use --layout="viz story". You can also specify --scrolly-viz-width and/or --scrolly-story-width to any number of frs or any CSS length to change the proportion between the two. E.g. --scrolly-viz-width="2fr" will change the proportion of viz to story to 2:1 give the visualization more space.

<Scrolly bind:progress={raceProgress} --layout="viz story" --viz-width="2fr">



Prop Description Type Default
progress The progress of the scrolly. number (0 - 100) 0
progressRaw The progress of the scrolly, unclamped (i.e. can be negative or > 100). number 0
threshold What % of the viewport does the scrolly need to reach for it to start? number (0 - 1) 0.5
margin How much margin to add to the threshold (in pixels) number (0 - 1) 30
debounce Whether to debounce updating the progress variable and optionally by how many milliseconds. If just specified with no value, it debounces by the browser’s framerate. number | boolean false
throttle Whether to throttle updating the progress variable and optionally by how many milliseconds number | boolean false

CSS Properties

All CSS properties supported:

Property Description Type Default
--scrolly-layout Layout of the scrolly. Requires style query support. story-first | viz-first | overlap story viz
--scrolly-gap Gap between the story and the visualization. Ignored when --layout: overlap. <length> 1em
--scrolly-viz-width, --scrolly-story-width Width of the visualization or the story respectively. Ignored when --layout: overlap. <length> 1fr
--scrolly-viz-top Offset of the visualization from the top of the viewport when stuck. <length> Same as margin prop


A basic scrollytelling component for Svelte

License:MIT License


Language:Svelte 100.0%