LeXpunK-Army / DAO_Vote_Delegate_Disclosure

(template DAO Vote Delegate Disclosure)

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(template DAO Vote Delegate Disclosure)

//for a potential delegate of DAO governance token voting power; co-drafted by Erich Dylus and Sarah Brennan

Vote Delegate Disclosure

Last updated: [DATE]

Please be advised:

I control the private key for the externally owned account[s]:

[PUBLIC KEY ADDRESS[ES]] ([collectively,] the “Delegated Address[es]”),

[The Delegated Address has/Each of the Delegated Addresses have] staked a certain amount of [DAO GOV TOKENS] tokens in the governance contract for [DAO] and I intend to participate in the governance of [DAO], whether by proposing, voting, abstaining, or engaging in related discourse or otherwise, in accordance with its applicable parameters and guidelines. I understand that other externally owned accounts and addresses may delegate their voting power to [the Delegated Address[es]/me] from time to time and intend that this disclosure will generally govern my actions as a delegate.

[I/the Delegators] have instituted policies and procedures with respect to delegations in the interest of transparency, which may be subject to update from time to time and are available here [LINK] || Though [I/the Delegator(s)] do not have a formal policy, in participating in the governance of [DAO], I intend to act on the following principles:

I will seek to remain informed about governance proposals and vote on matters from time to time using my independent judgment unless otherwise disclosed;

I will act in good faith and use reasonable care in participating in governance, including in making proposals and in voting;

I will endeavor to provide transparent, good faith, and honest information as to my motivations and reasoning in carrying out my role as a delegate, or when soliciting the delegation of voting power [or votes];

I am not a party to any voting bloc, trust, or other group and will not engage in vote-buying, vote-selling, bribery, manipulation, or other undisclosed vote solicitation or coordination; and

[To the extent I am aware of a material non-public conflict of interest that exists for a Delegator with respect to a proposal, I will refrain from voting in my capacity as a delegate for such Delegator with respect to such proposal]

Conflict Disclosure

I currently have [economic interests in][contractual obligations with][other relationships with] [EMPLOYER/CONTRACTOR/ASSOCIATION/AFFILIATED ENTITY], and may engage in the [OTHER DAO(S) OR PROJECT(S)] community(ies) from time to time. I may have direct or indirect economic interests in the various projects, entities, networks, and protocols related to the foregoing, and I also use and hold various other cryptocurrencies, tokens, stablecoins and other digital assets from time to time, including but not limited to [____________].

Except as disclosed herein, in participating in the governance of [DAO], I am not acting on behalf of [EMPLOYER/CONTRACTOR/AFFILIATED ENTITY, nor][on behalf of any client, nor] any voting power delegator, whether or not such delegation was solicited. If my views expressed in governance contexts are interpreted or used in a manner that leads to some injury or detriment, there will be no legal recourse against me as a vote delegate or otherwise, nor will there be any coverage or indemnity from any applicable insurance or similar mechanism.

Disclaimer of Duty to Update

I assume no duty and provide no guarantee of keeping these disclosures up to date, nor of adjusting these disclosures for each applicable governance process, but will endeavor to act in good faith when soliciting the delegation of voting power and when acting in my capacity as a delegate.

You may contact me at [EMAIL ADDRESS/COMMS HANDLES], though I assume no duty for, and cannot guarantee my responsiveness to, or any action upon, any individual question, feedback, or request from a vote delegator or otherwise.


(template DAO Vote Delegate Disclosure)