Layerex / tgclient

Telegram (mtproto) client written in golang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TG Client

It is a pure-Golang MTProto client for Telegram API.

Initially based on and

TL layer: 138

Consists of two parts:

  • mtproto — core part for API interaction;
  • tgclient — wrapper over mtproto with some useful logic like file download.

How to use it

You may use tg-history-dumper repo as an example, in particular this file:


First, TGClient object should be created with tgclient.NewTGClient or tgclient.NewTGClientExt for example:

tg := tgclient.NewTGClient(appID, appHash, &mtproto.SimpleLogHandler{})

And if you need more customization:

// Telegram client info
cfg := &mtproto.AppConfig{
    AppID:          appID,
    AppHash:        appHash,
    AppVersion:     "0.0.1",
    DeviceModel:    "Unknown",
    SystemVersion:  runtime.GOOS + "/" + runtime.GOARCH,
    SystemLangCode: "en",
    LangPack:       "",
    LangCode:       "en",

// store that will save/read session data
sessStore := &mtproto.SessFileStore{FPath: "tg_session.json"}

// optional dialer (may be nil) for proxying requests
dialer, err := proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", "", nil, proxy.Direct)

tg := tgclient.NewTGClientExt(cfg, sessStore, logHandler, dialer)


Then, the connection should be opened:

err := tg.InitAndConnect()


And client should authenticate with AuthAndInitEvents or AuthExt, for example:

// object that will... provide auth data:
// phone number, confirmation code and optionally password.
// ScanfAuthDataProvider will just prompt all this from terminal.
authDataProvider := mtproto.ScanfAuthDataProvider{}

err := tgclient.AuthAndInitEvents(authDataProvider)

While authing, AuthAndInitEvents sends mtproto.TL_updates_getState request. Same request will also be sent after each reconnection. It makes TG server send updates to client (like new incoming messages). If you do not need those (maybe you just want to dump your chats history), you may send something different:

authDataProvider := mtproto.ScanfAuthDataProvider{}
payload := mtproto.TL_users_getUsers{ID: []mtproto.TL{mtproto.TL_inputUserSelf{}}}

resp, err := tg.AuthExt(authDataProvider, payload)
// here resp should be a mtproto.VectorObject with one mtproto.TL_user item.


With tg.SendSync or tg.SendSyncRetry. First one just sends request and returns response whatever it will be, so you generally should check if you got what you expected. For example:

res :={Username: "some chat name"})
peer, ok := res.(mtproto.TL_contacts_resolvedPeer)
if !ok {
  // res will likely be TL_rpc_error with message USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED or RPC_CALL_FAIL or other
  return mtproto.WrongRespError(res)
for _, chat := range peer.Chats {
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", chat)

Often you will receive temporary errors like RPC_CALL_FAIL of FOOLD_WAIT_123 and want to re-send same request after little delay. This is done by

res := tg.SendSyncRetry(request, time.Second, 0, 30*time.Second)


Pass callback func:

tg.SetUpdateHandler(func(updateTL mtproto.TL) {
    switch update := updateTL.(type) {
        case mtproto.TL_updateUserStatus:
            fmt.Printf("U#%d %T\n", update.UserID, update.Status)
        case mtproto.TL_updateNewChannelMessage:
        case mtproto.TL_updateEditChannelMessage:
            return mtproto.WrongRespError(updateTL)

Updating API schema version (aka layer)

Get new schema from (remove definitions for boolFalse, boolTrue, true, vector, error and null: they are hard-coded and must not be generated). If it is still outdated check other repos (like official ones), some useful links are at the top of generate_tl_schema.go.

Place new .tl file to mtproto/scheme folder.

Update //go:generate command in mtproto/mtproto.go. It should be

//go:generate go run scheme/generate_tl_schema.go <layer> scheme/<file>.tl tl_schema.go

Then run go generate in mtproto folder.


  • if error occures while performing request to TL_invokeWithLayer in Connect(), two TL_invokeWithLayer may be sent. Nothing bad happens though.


Telegram (mtproto) client written in golang


Language:Go 100.0%