Lax / motion-settings-bundle

Create a Settings.bundle for your RubyMotion app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Create a Settings.bundle for your RubyMotion app. This allows your app to have a "global" settings entry in the Settings app.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'motion-settings-bundle'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install motion-settings-bundle


Add a chunk of code into your project's Rakefile like so:

require 'motion-settings-bundle'

Motion::SettingsBundle.setup do |app|
  # A text field. Allows configuration of a string.
  app.text "Name", key: "username", default: "Paul Atreides"
  app.text "E-mail", key: "email", keyboard: "EmailAddress", autocapitalization: "None"
  app.text "Password", key: "password", secure: true

  # A read-only text field. Use for showing a small chunk of text, maybe a version number
  app.title "Year of Birth", key: "yearOfBirth", default: "10,175 AG"

  # An on/off switch. Turn something on or off. Default is `false` (off).
  app.toggle "Kwisatz Haderach?", key: "superpowersEnabled", default: true

  # MultiValue, to choose from some item
  app.multivalue "Picture Resolution 1", key: "pictureResolution1", default: "1500", values: ["1500", "1200", "1000"]

  # MultiValue 2, with values and different titles (required when the values are numbers not string)
  app.multivalue "Picture Resolution 2", key: "pictureResolution2", default: 1500, values: [1500, 1200, 1000],
    titles: ["1500px", "1200px", "1000px"]

  # A slider, configure volume or something linear
  app.slider "Spice Level", key: "spiceLevel", default: 50, min: 1, max: 100

  # Child pane to display licenses in
  app.child "Acknowledgements" do |ack|
    ack.child "AwesomeOSSLibrary" do |lic| "Copyright 2013 AwesomeOSSContributor" "More license text that is terribly formatted but fulfills legal requirements"

Now just run rake as normal!

This should now add a Settings.bundle folder into your resources directory. Make sure to commit it! If you ever change the data in the Settings.setup block, it will be re-built on the next rake run. You'll end up with something like this:

screenshot1 of motion-settings-bundle screenshot2 of motion-settings-bundle screenshot3 of motion-settings-bundle

If you're wondering how to access this in code, it's pretty easy:

# returns "Paul Atreides"

And so on. Just remember, the defaults aren't populated until your user actually opens the Settings app, so make sure to handle all of your setting entries being nil.


This project really solely exists to avoid creating/editing the Settings.bundle in XCode. The specs for it so far have been based off mordaroso/rubymotion-settings-bundle. Please feel free to contribute more ways to generate settings!

  • Add a custom label, "Settings for Blah"
  • Don't re-create files every time
  • Slider default level doesn't seem to work yet


I couldn't figure out how to test this automatically. Run bundle to get the gems you need, and then rake to generate a RubyMotion app in the iOS simulator, and then open the Settings app.

If you've added a setting it would be really nice if you could update screenshot.png as well!

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request




Create a Settings.bundle for your RubyMotion app

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%