Lawrence Chico Abu-Hammour (LawrenceAbuHammour)


Geek Repo

Company:Maritime College

Location:Bronx, NY


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lawrence Chico Abu-Hammour's repositories


Using the Python programming language, I was able to program a command-line terminal dictionary which accepts user-input and interprets the word that the user is searching the definition of and matches it with the keys of a provided *.json file. Please make sure to download the data.json file and the file together. Published in July 2018.



In my final major programming experience in the Engineering Sciences 020 course at Dartmouth College and the Thayer School of Engineering, I programmed a basic differential equation solver that uses Euler's Method to plot the solution of the differential equation. This program uses other functions as a means of producing the various plots. The solver was an exercise in basic MATLAB programming, script and functions in MATLAB, arrays as matrices, user-input and interaction, and plot production. Make sure to download all files into one folder for the program to run properly. Published during the Spring of 2016



Using the Python programming language, I programmed a web map that reads latitude and longitude data of marked volcanoes in the United States from a *.csv file and reads country and map border polygon data from a *.json file. The map also uses transparent colors to mark and represent population density from 2005 within a certain region. This program was an exercise in utilizing basic object-oriented Python programming, the folium, pandas, os, and webbrowser standard libraries in Python, and file interaction. Published in July 2018.



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Portfolio Website Created Using HTML5 + CSS + Javascript



During my second major programming experience in the Engineering Sciences 020 course at Dartmouth College and the Thayer School of Engineering, I programmed a database which took in a *.csv file which was converted into a *.txt file a read into the database while displayed. The data being sorted is stress level which is fictitious data. The database sorts based on last name and the level of stress while allowing a user to add or delete an entry or save the current version of the database to a *.txt file. This databases was meant to be an exercise on key programming concepts including arrays, pointers, addresses, structures, user-input and interaction, sorting algorithms, and file actions. Make sure to download the *.txt file which is also uploaded into the repository prior to running the program. Published during the Spring of 2016.



In my first major programming experience in the Engineering Sciences 020 course at Dartmouth College and the Thayer School of Engineering, I programmed a basic Tic-Tac-Toe game using the C Programming language. This Tic-Tac-Toe game is meant to be an exercise in basic C-programming with a focus on user-interaction and input, pointers, addresses, and file actions. Published during the Spring of 2016.
