Lavioli / LanguageX

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Thinkful Full Stack Template

A template for developing and deploying full stack JavaScript apps. Supports ES2015 on the client and server-side.

Getting started

Setting up a project

  • Move into your projects directory: cd ~/YOUR_PROJECTS_DIRECTORY
  • Clone this repository: git clone YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
  • Move into the project directory: cd YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
  • Install the dependencies: npm install
  • Create a new repo on GitHub:
    • Make sure the "Initialize this repository with a README" option is left unchecked
  • Update the remote to point to your GitHub repository: git remote set-url origin

Working on the project

  • Move into the project directory: cd ~/YOUR_PROJECTS_DIRECTORY/YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
  • Run the development task: npm run dev

Directory layout

├── client      Client-side code
│   ├── assets  Images, videos, etc.
│   ├── js      JavaScript
│   └── scss    SASS stylesheets
├── server      Server-side code
└── test        Tests
    ├── client  Client tests
    └── server  Server tests


Requires the Heroku CLI client.

Setting up the project on Heroku

  • Move into the project directory: cd ~/YOUR_PROJECTS_DIRECTORY/YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
  • Create the Heroku app: heroku create PROJECT_NAME
  • Instruct Heroku to install the development dependencies: heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false

Deploying to Heroku

  • Push your code to Heroku: git push heroku master

Continuous Integration

Continuous Deployment

Requires the Travis CLI client.

Setting up CD

  • Add the following configuration to .travis.yml:

      provider: heroku
  • Add your Heroku API key: travis encrypt $(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key

Deploying using CD

  • Push your code to GitHub: git push origin master



Language:JavaScript 83.3%Language:CSS 14.2%Language:HTML 2.6%